The clear water rippled layer by layer. Xie Wanjin lay on the bank, and his red married man floated and sank in the water. The hair pulling jade hairpin didn't know where it fell for a long time. The ink hair was soaked and spread over his shoulders. The whole person looked fresh, bright, lazy and romantic.

Just look at Rong Sheng with a smile.

It's like someone who's tired of living.

The national master gently lifted his thin lips and suddenly asked him, "what makes you rush to death like this?"

Rong Sheng is really curious.

For many years, most of them avoided him when they heard his name. Occasionally, some of them went up to die beyond their power, and he accomplished it easily.

Xie Siping had a very happy life. He didn't want to be tired of living. He was a fool who wanted to give his nickname to others by the way.

The more such a person, it is surprising that he will disregard his own life for others.

"Who says I want to die?" Xie Wanjin's voice is a little hoarse. He was carried by Rongsheng to walk on the eaves and walls and drank a lot of wind. After falling into the lake, he choked two salivas. His throat is inevitably uncomfortable.

Even if his voice is dull, it doesn't affect the dandy style of the fourth childe.

He raised his chin and said, "if you hand over Xiao Wu, I will leave right away. I won't stay with you for a moment."

Rongsheng looked at him condescending, some funny, but his eyes were dark and there was no light.

Although the sun is very good. It's autumn after all. Xie Wanjin is a little cold in the lake. He can't help but say, "Rongsheng, be cheerful and say what you want, but whatever I Xie Wanjin can do, heaven and earth can do."

When the fourth childe first entered the business, a Niang once told her.

The more you care about something, the more you don't care. The more you think about it, the more you have to pretend to be careless. In this way, others can't judge your mind, so they can't deceive you.

But Xiao Wu is his brother, not something that can be bought and sold with gold and silver.

He couldn't pretend with Rong Sheng that "I don't care about this person at all" and "whatever you do to him, I don't care anyway".

Looking forward to Rong Sheng, he felt that Xiao Wu was useless. The possibility of letting him go was too low. With this man's style, he would only kill the useless people directly.

Xie Wanjin would rather make clear his intention as soon as he came up. No matter what Xiaowu is doing now, with him as the fourth brother, he can't let his brother be a helpless little poor again.

Rong Sheng's eyes were dark. After watching him for a long time, he suddenly turned and left, leaving only one sentence, "you'd better think about how to save your life first."

The wind blew the young National Teacher's purple clothes and white hair flying. Looking at his back, it was really frightening.

Unfortunately, Xie Wanjin has more courage than his head.

He pulled the scattered ink hair behind his back, took it on the willow with one hand, jumped onto the bank, and said with a smile, "as long as my eldest brother is all right, I will be all right. If Dayan's group of old foxes die, he won't die. What's wrong with me?"

All the maidens in the Imperial College didn't answer, and their eyes were full of: what wonderful flower did the Imperial College bring back this time?

Xie Wanjin was wringing the water on his sleeve and walking to the pile of maids. He smiled. "I'm a little hungry. Let's get some food for the beauties."

The ladies were stunned.

"Get some clothes by the way." the fourth childe touched the water on his face, and his eyes were full of peach blossoms. It seemed that he had to sweep away a group of maids. "You should eat fish and meat. By the way, you'd better have wine!"

Ladies: "

This man is really not an outsider.

When others come to the Imperial College, they are always trembling for fear that they will die if they are not careful. This man is as good as coming to his own house.

But the National Normal University didn't kill him. This man may be really different from others.

The maids answered.

Xie Wanjin walked slowly under the tree, looked up and looked at the horizon.

In recent days, the third brother should also be in Dijing. If the eldest brother doesn't delay in bafangcheng, the political discussion hall should have been lively.

What a pity.

So far away, I can't see those old foxes being skinned and skinned.

The fourth childe was covered with water stains and brushed the willows through the flowers. His smile on his lips became more and more careless. He murmured, "I can't catch up with the excitement every time. What's my life?"

Emperor Dayan's capital, the palace of political discussion.

The morning light suddenly broke the sky. After the civil and military officials in the hall shouted long live for three times, two people stepped forward at the same time, "tell the emperor, I have this to play."

Even people's voices almost overlapped together. After the sound fell, no one wanted to take the lead and stood still.

Prince Zhao Feng and Rui Wang Zhao Zhi, dressed in a four clawed Dragon Robe, looked at each other. One smiled and hid a knife, and the other wrote a full of hostility on their faces.

The two masters were at loggerheads, and the prince party and the king Rui party fought with their eyes.

With the old emperor's sick mouth, "Yang Aiqing has been ill for many days and has not gone to court, so Yang Aiqing will come first."

"I will obey your orders." Yang Jiancheng looked grateful and tearful.

Since the death of his daughter, the Minister of the Ministry of work has grown old. A few months ago, he was frightened by the corpses piled in front of the door and was ill in bed for many days. These geniuses see each other well, but people are a lot older and have white hair.

"A nephew of Wei Chen visited relatives in Yunzhou a few days ago. Unexpectedly, he saw that Shang general Xie Heng, who should have been fighting the rebellion in cangyunzhou, appeared in Yunzhou..."

As Yang Jiancheng spoke, the ministers each caged their sleeves and listened with a positive face.

The eye contest starts and ends quietly.

There is only one word difference between Yunzhou and cangyunzhou, but it is not so simple for the leader to leave his post without permission and go to the vassal fief.

Yang Jiancheng bowed down in front of the Jade Terrace and said in a high voice, "Xie Heng has no respect for the king's law and has repeatedly committed crimes. If he is allowed to continue rampant, he will turn against his bones! Emperor!"

The old emperor was silent.

All the ministers were not sure what was in his mind, so they couldn't help being cautious.

It's not a day or two for Yang Jiancheng and Xie Heng to have a feud. They can't let go of the death of their daughter. They have held on to Xie Heng's mistakes from the beginning. Now that they have caught such a good opportunity, they naturally won't let go easily.

He asked a minister to stand next to Lord Yang. He didn't want to be compared. He immediately said, "I heard that the dragon shaped stone falling from the sky in Yunzhou a few days ago is a sign of good luck. I'm going to invite the imperial capital to present it to the emperor. Who ever thought that he was cut down by Xie Heng..."

He deliberately paused here, and then said, "this man's sword to kill the dragon is more than anti bone. It is clear that he has long had the heart of rebellion!"

Once upon a time, when Xie Heng was there, everyone had to shrink their necks and fight for a long time before they dared to speak, for fear that they would be killed by the little Yama's sword.

He's not here today.

A group of Ministers spoke out one after another, saying that the sky was about to collapse.

Kneeling down in rows, "today he dares to disobey the emperor's order and go to Yunzhou without permission. In the future, he dares to sneak into the imperial capital quietly! Emperor, this person's mind is unpredictable. Who dares to put a pillow with him?"

"Xie Heng is a dragon stone on the surface. Who knows if he has the intention to cut the king in his heart?"

"Emperor, we must deal with Xie Heng severely!"

Occasionally mixed with a voice, "what's the reason why Xie Yu is in charge of Yunzhou? Now he hasn't come back, but you have to kill his brother in a hurry, gentlemen?"

The voices of all the people overlapped. The old emperor had a headache and asked the big waiter on one side, "has there ever been any news of Xie Yu in Yunzhou?"

The people stopped crying and howling. Suddenly, the whole political hall was quiet.

Just then.

The waiter outside the hall stepped forward a few steps and stood in front of the hall door, "tell the emperor, thank you, thank you."

Everyone's heart thumped.

What a coincidence it came back.

I heard earlier that this man disappeared on the road. I thought he died like those unlucky people in front. I didn't think his life was hard. He not only lived, but also returned to the imperial capital

You know, from Yunzhou to here, I don't know how many checkpoints stand in the way. Xie Xuan can avoid everyone's eyes and ears, come back quietly and directly go to the political hall, which really makes people look at it with admiration.

The old emperor straightened his waist and said in a deep voice, "Xuan."

Wang Liang repeated on one side, and the servants at the bottom conveyed it one after another. The voices were repeated one after another and turned to the outside of the hall.

The morning sky was full of rosy clouds. Xie Xuan, dressed in scarlet official robes, crossed the door and walked directly through a group of ministers. He saluted the old emperor on the Dragon chair, "Wei Minister Xie Xuan, see the emperor."

"Xie Aiqing, you've worked hard all the way. What's important?"

The old emperor looked kind and didn't mention that Xie Heng ran to Yunzhou without permission.

If man Dian had not knelt for seven or eight out of ten, it would have been like asking the courtiers who came back from a long trip.

Xie Xuan slowly raised his head and said with an expressionless face, "the minister has something to play. Take part in the general Xie Heng!"

The old emperor was stunned when he heard the speech.

The ministers at the bottom were suddenly surprised and suddenly burst into an uproar.

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