Acacia ferry.

Steward Zhang hurried to the ferry with the messenger boy, but he saw the sky full of water.

Asked those individuals who saw them off at the ferry, they only got one sentence: "shopkeeper Wen's boat left early. Now it's downwind again, at least more than ten miles away."

The boy said anxiously, "what should I do?"

Manager Zhang thought for a moment, "in this way, I'll get you a boat. You go south. Where there are the most abundant products, you just go there and keep what you can find the shopkeeper."

The boy nodded quickly.

Things in this world are always missed.

I don't know what will happen to Dijing when this letter reaches shopkeeper Wen?

The other side.

Wenjiu and his party went down to Nanzhou with the wind and water.

This place is adjacent to Jiang'an, with picturesque mountains and rivers, beautiful Zhong Ling and Yu Xiu. It is very far from the imperial capital, and has never suffered any natural or man-made disasters. In the past 20 years, Dayan's national strength has gradually declined. It seems that he has not been able to affect half of this place.

As far as you can see, there are many beautiful women and amorous CHILDES. Chu Xuan is quite happy all the way.

Wen Jiu wears men's clothes, 3000 green silk is held only by a jade hairpin, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, and is full of elegant style. With such a beauty as Jiang wucai and his entourage in their thirties, they all look like the son of a noble nobleman on a trip.

When we got to Nanzhou City, the boat docked at the ferry, and the party went ashore, countless eyes fell on Wenjiu.

The young girl selling parallel flowers and plants blushed and guessed who the childe was. She was beautiful.

Chu Xuan listened rather badly and said in a low voice, "once upon a time, I was with Xie Wanjin. I can't compare the dissolute spirit of your fourth childe. How can even you, a girl disguised as a man, pressure me?"

Warm wine, smile but don't speak.

The flower steward on the side of the body said, "boss Chu, you have to accept your fate. No matter where the girl is, as long as she is not blind, she knows to look handsome first."

The crowd behind him couldn't help laughing.

Chu Xuan: "

Boss Chu is very good-looking, but he is a little round, white and fat, and his face is especially round when he smiles. If he doesn't mention it himself, no one can guess that he opened the Qin Lou Chu hall.

Wen Jiu was a little funny and said, "when you enter the city, do your business first. You go to the lower farm to inquire about this year's harvest. Boss Chu, you go to the world with me."

"The world knows?" Chu Xuan said with a smile, "this is a good place. It's the business of the inn. What really makes money is the business of buying and selling news. When you hear about things from all over the world, there's nothing the world knows and can't find out. This is true?"

Wen Jiu pulled the wind disordered ink hair behind his back, "boss Chu will know when he goes."

The Qingyi guards looked at each other and left two guards beside Wen wine. In addition, Jiang wucai and Chu Xuan, a group of five people, stepped into the coming and going crowd. There are taverns on both sides of the long street. It is late autumn, but the scenery of Nanzhou has a different style. Tourists and passers-by are bustling and lively.

The world knows.

It's always full of customers. Businessmen, Jianghu guests and so on.

Wenjiu stepped into the room and threw a ingot of gold to the waiter. "I want a window seat on the second floor. Invite your second shopkeeper."

The waiter was stunned. He knew that there were not many people in charge of the second shopkeeper in the world. The childe was probably a "familiar guest". He took the silver and couldn't close his mouth with a smile. "Hello, sir, please upstairs! I'll invite shopkeeper ER right now. Please sit down first."

Wenjiu went upstairs and sat down next to him. As soon as he bowed his head, he could see people coming in and out of the ground.

Chu Xuan looked around and asked, "what are you doing with their second shopkeeper?"

"He knows the thing about Nanzhou best." Wen Jiu took over the tea lamp handed by Jiang wuleisure and drank it in an orderly way. "He's got a bridge with him about grain collection. He can do twice as much with half the effort."

Chu Xuan suddenly realized, "I see."

But I couldn't help thinking:

Let your entourage inquire about this year's harvest first, and then ask the local snake in Nanzhou. It's thoughtful. It's a girl who has traveled thousands of miles. She knows more and handles affairs more simply and neatly than others.

The second shopkeeper has not arrived yet.

I was not in a hurry to warm the wine. I ordered wine and vegetables. I used them in an orderly manner. I listened to those people from north to South talking about recent events:

Mostly romantic affairs.

"It's said that the absurd leader of Nanhua has brought hundreds of beauties back to the palace..."

"It's not a day or two since the Lord of Nanhua was so beautiful. What's strange? On the contrary, the state teacher of Western Chu is very strange this time. So a mysterious and strange man didn't know what to smoke and married a man to return to the master's residence... Do you think he was crazy after practicing martial arts?"

"What's all this!" a middle-aged scholar sat in the lobby on the first floor, sneering: "today's imperial capital is really interesting. The new rich brothers of the Xie family turned against each other, tut tut... Those two people fought for their little brothers and sisters, and they didn't dare to play like this!"

The warm wine drinking tea was slightly stunned.

Xie Xingui?

Now there are Xie Heng's family in the imperial capital, and no one surnamed Xie can be called a new rich.

The younger brother and sister mentioned by the students below that building is not her?

Wen Jiu glanced at Jiang wucai. The latter understood and said simply, "it's you, that's right."

"What's right?" Chu Xuan didn't know what happened at shopkeeper Wen's house. He was confused when he heard it.

"Nothing." Wen Jiu was too lazy to be perfunctory. He only asked Chu Xuan to use vegetables, but his ears couldn't help listening to the bottom people talking.

"The third childe of the Xie family is really cruel. He impeached Xie Xiaoyan on seven counts. He was stunned and sent Xie Xiaoyan to prison. He saw that he could not live for a few days. He himself was promoted several levels and became a waiter of the Ministry of justice!"

"This is a great man. In other words, you and I didn't know where to eat and drink when we were 18!"

"No, if you had such a chance to make progress, would you do it?"

"Hey, how did I hear that the two brothers turned against each other in order to fight for a woman?"

Wenjiu's ears were buzzing, and the words behind him were completely inaudible.

That sentence has been echoing in my mind——

The three CHILDES of the Xie family were really cruel. They impeached Xie Xiaoyan on seven counts. They were stunned and sent Xie Xiaoyan to prison. They saw that they couldn't live for a few days

When Xie Heng was still in bafangcheng, she felt something wrong.

Since he returned to the imperial capital, his premonition has become more and more unclear.


It really came true.

She thought like this, the blood color on her face faded more than half, and suddenly got up.

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