Wenjiu stayed in Nanzhou for three days and met with Wu Ming with various grain merchants in the south. With this ten-year contract, things went much smoothly. Even those who took the opportunity to raise grain prices were pushed down by Wenjiu's continuous elimination.

These days, she ran almost all night without sleep, and hardly closed her eyes.

Chu Xuan and several green guards felt a little ashamed.

Especially the latter, I think I've worked hard enough to earn my wife these years, but now compared with shopkeeper Wen, it's really not worth mentioning.

On this day, Wenjiu was busy all day. It was midnight when he returned to the guest room. He took away the letter sent by Lao Yu and read it again.

Her eyes fell on the word "Xie Heng" and didn't move away for a long time. The young man appeared in her mind.

When we first met, it was the elegant young master of the Xie family. When we first arrived in the imperial capital, it was Xie Xiaoyan, who killed people without blinking an eye. When we returned to the house, it was the elder brother who was distressed because he didn't know how to get along with his little sister-in-law who regarded money as his life and the silent third young master.

Later... Later, he stood in his new house with red gauze flying, opened her red cap and said to her, "ah Jiu, no one can rob the person I like by Xie Heng!"

The unruly young man was very strong against others, but he turned into a soft entanglement in front of her, and finally left sadly.

All sorts of things here, such as the number of warm wine floating on the mind.

She sighed, closed her eyes, put her arms on the table, and tried not to think about the man.

Once upon a time, an old man told her that the girl's family could not meet too amazing teenagers at a beautiful age.

When I was young, I met the color of the city. There is no peace in this life.

Warm wine used to be unbelievable.

Moreover, when she met Xie Heng, she was already the heart of the 29 year old girl who couldn't marry.

How come now, the more you live, the more you go back?

Her mind was so full of thoughts that she fell asleep.

Half asleep and half awake, I fell into a dream vaguely.

Warm wine walked through the dark cell. There were many prisoners on both sides. Someone cried "wronged! I'm wronged!"

Someone was tied to the scaffold and beaten, black and blue, dying.

She couldn't see the faces of those people. As soon as she turned around, she saw Xie Heng sitting in a pile of straw covered with blood. The wind and rain fell from the window, and most of them fell on him.

The light in the cell was dark, and the warm wine could not see the young man's face clearly. He could only see him looking at her dimly through a prison door, almost whispering, "ah Jiu, I'm so cold."

Wenjiu reached out to push the prison door, but she couldn't open it. She was suddenly pulled back. With a flash of light and shadow, she suddenly sat up.

The boy disappeared and the dream disappeared.

"Shopkeeper Wen..." Jiang Wuxian, who had just put on a coat for her, was surprised. Then he whispered, "I just put on a coat for you. It's five o'clock. It's raining outside and it's a little cold."

Wen Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and then remembered that it had rained heavily in his dream just now. Xie Heng told her it was cold.

At least half of the dream is true. At the moment, it rains outside the window.

But I don't know what Xie Heng looks like at this time.

Dream is not a good dream. Warm wine and worry more and more in my heart.

She reached out and rubbed the center of her eyebrows, but found that her forehead was full of cold sweat.

Jiang wucai handed her a brocade handkerchief. It's rare to take the initiative to ask her, "shopkeeper Wen, what did you dream of?"

Wen Jiu took the brocade handkerchief and wiped his forehead. When he heard the speech, his hand moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

She just smiled and asked, "what do you think I'll dream of?"

Jiang Wu had no time to think about it and said, "general."

Warm wine has a slight canthus. The girl is really a passer-by with the third childe. She is always stuffy when she doesn't talk, and stabs her heart as soon as she opens her mouth.

Jiang wucai obviously didn't know what Wenjiu was thinking. He added in a faint tone, "think every day and dream at night."

Warm wine: "

Whether that makes sense or not.

Anyway, Jiang has no time to guess this time.

"Go and pack up." Wen Jiu got up in his coat, looked at the hazy sky outside the window and said, "we'll leave at dawn."

Jiang wucai was not surprised, but generally asked, "go to Dijing?"

"Yes." Wen Jiu straightened his clothes, looked up, and his eyebrows suddenly became firm and serious, "go to Dijing."

Jiang had no time to answer and went to pack his bags.

Wenjiu went out of the room and asked Qing Er to call Chu Xuan up.

She went to the second floor of Tianzhi and found a place to sit down for breakfast.

It was just dawn, and there were no pedestrians in street. Even in such a busy place, it was still quiet at moment.

When Chu Xuan changed his clothes and came, Wen Jiu had almost eaten. He was leaning against the window and watching the boat passing by the small bridge.

There was a nice little girl in the boat. She poked out her head in the rain and waved to the other side of the bridge. There was a scholar passing by with books. Without an umbrella, she stood under the tree and waited for an hour.

When they saw each other, they looked at each other and smiled. Then the boat went by the stream. The scholar trotted across the bridge.

Obviously, they didn't even say a word, but they seemed to be full of joy. There is no such happy thing at the end of the day.

It's really young and affectionate. I draw Acacia at a glance.

"Shopkeeper Wen, what are you looking at?" Chu Xuan just woke up, his eyes were still a little lax, sat down at the table and said, "it rained last night, and it was cold all of a sudden. When the rain passed, it was almost winter, this winter..."

"I'm going to Dijing." Wen Jiu interrupted him.

Chu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly stood up. "So soon? The grain has been confiscated, and it's raining. The waterway is difficult to go. Didn't you say to do it within a ten day period? Why did you suddenly change your mind and go to Dijing so soon?"

Boss Chu couldn't understand it, because he was so shocked that he was a little confused.

In the end, he also found the problem. He simply shut his mouth, looked at the warm wine with doubts, and asked with his eyes, "why? Why on earth do you want to leave me with so much silver and suddenly run to the imperial capital?"

Wen Jiu just smiled faintly, "nine out of ten grain merchants in Nanzhou have signed a ten-year contract with me. Boss Chu can deal with the rest."

Chu Xuan thought for a moment, nodded and said, "it's OK, but... Must shopkeeper Wen go to Dijing in such a hurry? At least wait until the rain stops."

Wen Jiu shook his head and his voice was slightly hoarse. "I'm in Nanzhou all night. I can't delay for a moment."

Chuxuan said with a smile, "what else can I say... I'll send shopkeeper Wen aboard."

He couldn't help thinking: the one surnamed Xie is Gao Xiang who has burned all his life to bring home such a small God of wealth who values love and righteousness?!

Emperor capital, it's very chaotic now.

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