Xie Xuan's body was stiff, his long, dense eyelashes trembled, and gently crossed Ye Zhiqiu's palm. It was itchy and made people feel confused.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't have time to say a second word. In a moment, the seemingly thin and weak young man lifted his right hand gently, and the deadly cold awn was sent to her to harm.

She quickly released the hand holding Xie Xuan's waist and grabbed the dagger in his hand. Then she turned around and fell two steps away.

Ye Zhiqiu played with the short dagger and looked up at Xie Yu. He couldn't help feeling and said, "third childe, I haven't seen you for a few days. You look better and better."

From the moment Xie Xuan saw the visitor, Jun's face suddenly darkened. He first stretched out his hand to close the window, then turned around and frowned at the visitor.

"Why do you close the window? ” Ye Zhiqiu's right hand closed behind him and walked towards the boy with a surprised face. "Didn't you hurt your head? Your boss was unhappy when I entered your house before. Now he took the initiative to close the window. Are you afraid I'll go?"

She couldn't help laughing. Just now, the little waitress was very good-looking. She didn't get anything good here.

In the past, when he was in Feiyun stronghold, he just didn't want to talk to her. He never let her get out again.

Compared with this, Xie Yu was ok with her.

Before ye Zhiqiu finished thinking, he heard him whisper, "shut up."

The boy's face was completely black. "What are you doing here?"

"Ordered..." Ye Zhiqiu just said two words. The conversation suddenly turned and said, "poison you."

Xie Yu: "

His eyes at Ye Zhiqiu became more and more complicated.

This man was not very smart when he was the leader of Feiyun stronghold. Now that he has come to Dijing, how can he live and go back?

But ye Zhiqiu came over and asked him, "are you afraid?"

Xie Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to her. He went straight to the couch and sat down. He said faintly, "there are bodyguards outside. You can leave immediately when those bodyguards withdraw."

After that, he picked up an ancient book from the head of the bed and looked down. It seemed that there was no such a person as ye Zhiqiu in the room.

The ignored "deadly assassin" Ye Zhiqiu stood in place for a while and found that the third childe really didn't pay attention to her. He couldn't help walking to the bedside and sat down next to Xie Xuan, "what, Xie Xuan. Can you be a little afraid of someone who is going to poison you?"

What's the matter with the Xie family?

She thought about dozens of ways to rob the prison, and even thought about how to rob the Dharma field. As a result, Xie Heng came out and flew around the imperial capital all day, making them useless.

And the young lady, who came all the way back to Dijing, did everything properly all the way, and nothing could stop her. As a result, she was stunned by her own thoughts as soon as she returned to Dijing.

The three CHILDES are also strange people. The beauty is expressionless and even annoyed. Now she lives in the same room with her, who may rob and kill him at any time. She doesn't respond at all.

What's all this?

No one is normal!

Xie Xuan took the book and moved it to the side slightly. He said in a calm tone, "No."

Ye Zhiqiu reached out and took away the book in his hand. With his other hand, he pulled the young man's skirt away, "don't read, look at me."

Xie Xuan looked up, his eyes were as dark as ink, and he was really looking at her.

His eyes are colder, just like Ye Zhiqiu is the one to be slaughtered.

Fortunately, the head of the family was bold and Leng didn't think there was anything to panic. She raised her chin and said, "take off your clothes. I'm going to start."

Xie Yu suddenly stood up with a cold air everywhere.

Ye Zhiqiu was taking out the medicine bottle from his arms. He didn't see the change of the third childe's face at all. He didn't lift his head. As soon as he reached out and pressed him back to the couch, he urged him, "take it off quickly, and I'll finish it quickly."

"Ye Zhiqiu!" Xie Xuan clenched her teeth and opened her hand. He didn't know the strength he brought. Ye Zhiqiu was pushed down on the couch.

She did not want to pull the young man. In the blink of an eye, they fell on the brocade quilt together.

For a moment, the four eyes are opposite.

The room was quiet, only the wind and rain outside the window.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at him in a daze. He remembered to speak for a long time. He was surprised and confused. "What are you doing?"

The wind scattered the bed curtain. Unfortunately, it fell in half at the moment and caged them on the bed together.

Xie Yu half fell into the brocade quilt, with a black face and even his eyes closed. Only the hand holding the brocade quilt betrayed him. At this time, he was angry.

He said in a deep voice, "Ye Zhiqiu, where are you from? Go back!"

"If you don't want to take it off yourself, just say it! In fact, I don't mind taking it off for you." Ye Zhiqiu sat up with the bed tent and stretched out his hand to untie Xie Yu's belt.

She was very experienced this time. At the moment when the third childe raised her hand, she lit the acupoints on him. There was no chance for him to push himself away.

"Ye Zhiqiu! You..." Xie Xuan didn't expect her to be so direct. She suddenly opened her eyes. A pair of cold eyes looked at her, "take your hand!"

The young man fell into the high bed and brocade quilt, his face was like a crown of jade, and he had a good face that attracted people to make mistakes.

Ye Zhiqiu propped up on the couch with one hand, bent down slowly and said in Xie's ear, "I can take off all your clothes without hands. Do you want to try?"

While talking, she lowered her head, bit the young man's collar and tore it open, revealing her thin and perfect clavicle.

Ye Zhiqiu stared for a long time and couldn't help blinking.

Xie Xuan's body was strained in vain.

He gritted his teeth and said word by word, "leaf, knowledge, autumn!"

Ye Zhiqiu got up with a smile and stepped back. He reached out to take off his clothes. While taking them off, he said, "you're really not funny. I'll tell you, let you take them off yourself. You don't want me to take them off with my hand. I don't need my hand. You react like this again... I'm also the first time in my life. Can't I serve people at will?"

Xie Yu held his breath and didn't speak.

Ye Zhiqiu is also really distressed. She grew up in Feiyun stronghold when she was a child. When her brothers drank too much, they often greeted each other's ancestors of the 18th generation. They talked straight to each other and didn't touch the polite and elegant things at all.

She was not on the same road with Xie. She racked her brains and didn't know what way the third childe liked to apply medicine. She could only be satisfied as much as possible.

However, it is obviously inappropriate.

Ye Zhiqiu had to be tough, helped Xie to sit up, and then faded his three or four layers of clothes to his waist one by one.

The young man's skin is as white as jade, and the blood color spreads. The beauty is strange and soul stirring.

Her eyes changed and she whispered: "Will you cry if it hurts later?"

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