Warm wine was burning and his head was dizzy. He couldn't hear what Xie Heng was saying. In the hazy space, he only saw the boy's thin lips open and close, and gradually fainted again.

"Ah Jiu?"

"Ah Jiu!"

"Wine, wake up."

Xie Heng even called her several times, but he didn't see a response. He quickly asked Qingqi to come in.

Xie Heng was a little worried, frowned and asked, "I just woke up for a while. How did I sleep again?"

Qingqi looked and whispered that Mrs. Shao was confused. She had a heart disease in warming wine. She didn't disclose half of it in front of people, so she couldn't hold it down.

He couldn't help glancing at his childe's face and said thoughtfully, "the fever has gradually subsided, but he still needs heart medicine for his heart disease."

Xie Heng waved and asked Qing Qi to step back.

The night under the eaves is like ink, and the wind and rain urge the flowers to fall.

Xie Heng slowly held Wen Jiu's hand, gently held it in the palm and whispered, "ah Jiu, what's hidden in your heart?"

Obviously she likes to laugh so much, as if nothing in the world can make her sad.

Heart disease?

What kind of thing hid in her heart day and night and became her nightmare?

"No... I'm not a whore! I'm not!" the sleeping warm wine suddenly shook off Xie Heng's people and rolled into a ball. His eyes were closed, but tears kept falling and wet the pillow towel.

She unconsciously shrunk in a corner of the bed and kept repeating, "I'm not a whore! I don't! I just... Just want to live!"

Warm wine fell into a dream. It was a scene that she had worked hard in her previous life and forcibly erased from her memory with the help of many drugs. At the moment, it clearly appeared in her mind.

That was the year when she was in her early twenties. Her wealth had overwhelmed many merchants. When she attended the Palace Banquet, she was also Ling Luo Zhucui and dressed in colorful clothes.

The bad thing is that Zhao fan asked the emperor for a marriage to marry her. As soon as he opened his mouth, Xie Yu saved her and angrily denounced Zhao fan's bad intentions in front of countless people. He raised the scar of warm wine and scolded her for being unfaithful, unclean, cheap and shameless! Completely push the warm wine that just had a better life into the abyss.

On that day, everyone pointed at her and scolded the prostitutes. Wen wine hid from people like a mouse crossing the street. He wanted to find a crack to get in.

Unfortunately, she was very unlucky. As soon as she left the palace, she was stopped by Miss Wang, who loved Zhao fan for a long time.

Wang Wanning said, "warm the wine. A lowly person like you should admit his life. It's a dust lowly thing. Why do you want to climb the platform? You don't deserve it!"

On that day, Wang Wanning had her beautiful clothes pulled out, tied her to the chastity memorial archway in the east of the city, ordered someone to start gongs and drums, invited the storyteller to come and make all the people who said warm wine, attracted the people all over the city to see the excitement, and even specially invited Xie Zhen to be there.

Lord Xie is so noble and pure. He said "dirty" with a black face and brushed away. It seems that one more look at warm wine will pollute his eyes.

At that time, the people all over the city surrounded the chastity door. Wang Wanning shook the fan and said to those golden girls, "if it weren't for the dirty man Wen wine who eloped with others and killed the fifth childe of the Xie family, adults Xie and general Xie wouldn't be so unbelieving that there is true love in the world. One way and one killing, they really pity the girls."

Wen Jiu didn't know when he had offended Miss Wang. When he heard the speech, he was shocked and inexplicable.

She didn't give up her explanation, "I didn't elope with others. They wanted my life and I ran away..."

But no one believed her. They talked all over the place and said it was all the fault of warm wine. The first one rushed up to smash her with vegetables and leaves. She was a young woman of 15 or 16 years old. She scolded: "it's all your fault, you Whore! Otherwise, Lord Xie wouldn't hate women like this! It's all your fault!"

A man rushed out, and then his shoes broke, stones and rotten eggs kept falling on her. They beat and scolded, "you look like a fox, and you're really a whore!"

"Lord Xie and general Xie don't want to look at us more! Why don't you die?"

"Just a woman can have such wealth. I don't know how many people's beds she climbed to get the money she earned on weekdays!"

"She's disgusting..."

"Such a person should be in the oil pan!"

"Invade the pig cage!"

At that time, Meng Chengyun was not in Dijing. The people under Wen's house came to save her. They were seriously injured by the king's family, and then gave up.

Warm wine is covered with dirt. This is when she rarely feels that her life is as cheap as grass mustard after she has money in her hand.

She was despised by the whole city and exposed to the rain. No one listened to what she said. The men took all the valuable things from her, commented around her, scolded her and spit two mouthfuls in the atmosphere. When the women came up, they kicked her and pulled her hair. They wished they could vent all their grievances on her.

She is a whore. Scolding her can make her more innocent.

She's already dead, so you can abuse her anyway.

It seems that everyone has forgotten that in recent years, Dayan has been at war with neighboring countries, and there is not enough food and materials. It is the first silver to warm wine.

They don't remember that the person who took the lead in opening warehouse for disaster relief in the famine years is the warm wine they abused.

Wen Jiu doesn't understand.

In her whole life, whenever someone treats her well, she wants to repay it a hundred times.

Love money like life, but never hurt anyone.

Those people who were still talking and laughing in the beautiful Pavilion yesterday immediately gave her a cold look. Those who said "if you have warm wine as a woman, you will love her in the future" humiliated her and scolded her with the most vicious words in the world, even with fists and feet. They scolded the earth and said that they were blind before, so they would like such a whore!

Warm wine bit her teeth and her eyes were red. She couldn't fight back. She couldn't explain with a hundred mouths on her body.

Can only say again and again: "why... Why do I just want to live, you have to do this to me?"

"I'm not a whore... I just want to live..."

"When I arrived at Xie's house, Xie Qi was dead... They wanted me to be buried with them... I didn't want to die, I didn't elope with someone... I just wanted to live!"

It was the unscrupulous Zhang who sold me to the Xie family to celebrate.

Xie Qi is not my husband.

I didn't elope with anyone

I'm not a whore!

I am not!!!

But no one listened to her even though she was completely hoarse when it came to warm wine.

The chastity archway stood upright, and she was dirty and scolded by thousands of people.

How ironic.

The torrential rain in midsummer and the scorching sun.

No one gave her a bowl of water or a bite.

She hates the injustice of the sky and the evil of the heart.

But in the end, I was unwilling to die like this. I lasted for three days and reached vitality

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