Xie Heng smiled slowly and said, "how can you not believe what madam Shao said?"

"That's good." Wen Jiu's face was so hot that he thought nothing had happened in front of Zhou Minghao. He whispered a few words in his ear. The young man bowed his head slightly. His ear was his sweetheart's warm and gentle breath. Even if he heard the words of surprise, he became a little floating at the moment.

"Xie Heng." Wen Jiu shouted to him, "do you remember what I said?"

The boy looked at the man in front of him. After the initial surprise, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were all smiling.

She was never a delicate person who could not stand the slightest damage, but she acted so decisively that he couldn't help but be ashamed.

The two men bowed their heads and whispered, and most of them made eye contact.

Zhou Minghao looked around in the clouds and fog. After pondering for a long time, he didn't know what they were talking about. He had to rely on Meng. "The biggest thing recently is the emergency report of the snow disaster in the north. The emperor has asked the Ministry of household to allocate funds, and the people who should be sent are almost designated..."

Shizi couldn't help asking, "shopkeeper Wen, do you want to buy brother Dongfeng's life with silver in front of the emperor?"

In the poorest days of our Dynasty, there was a precedent that a criminal minister who did not commit a crime to death could buy back his life as long as he paid enough atonement money. Of course, it also depends on people. What could have been big or small depends on your luck. When you meet someone who wants to release you or kill you.

And... How empty is the Treasury.

Warm wine slightly raised the corners of his eyes and said equivocally: "almost."

"This is a good thing." Zhou Minghao's eyes lit up and suddenly stood up. "The son of the world also wants to find a wife who can make money and save lives at the critical moment!"

Xie Dongfeng glanced at him, "where to go back and forth."

"OK, OK." Zhou Minghao solved most of the important things on his mind. When he saw that he had come up, he got up and went out. He said, "my son hasn't gone to see a beauty for flower wine for your bad business for many days. Since you have a young lady, my son won't mind his own business. Goodbye."

The man said to go, and there were only Xie Heng and Wen Jiu left in the room.

Xie Heng bent his fingers and gently knocked on the table, which was particularly clear and audible in the quiet room.

Warm wine looked up at him with eyes like ink.

Xie Heng's fingertips stayed on the table. The sun shrouded him through the Xiaoxuan window. His side face and the back of his hands were as white as jade. He hung his eyes and said, "then I'll go back to the prison first. You..."

Wen Jiu smelled his words and blurted out, "I'll pick you up as soon as possible."

Xie Heng raised his eyes to look at her, and smiled in his eyes, "how fast?"

"Soon." Wenjiu said slowly. After a moment, he added emphatically, "soon."

She is not a girl who can appreciate poetry and poetry and watch the wind, flowers and snow moon.

Just know to be good to the people you like and be good.

Xie Heng bypassed most of the tables, went to Wenjiu, and slowly leaned close to her.

His poetic and picturesque eyebrows and eyes suddenly approached. Wen Jiu couldn't help but step back, leaned back on the table, and the whole person leaned back slightly, looking at him at a certain distance, "Xie Heng, you..."

The pale golden sunshine covered the young man, setting off his whole brilliance, and it was difficult to look directly at his beauty.

It's probably the old girl who has been warming wine for a long time. Xie Heng is so close to her naturally. It's really unbearable.

"There's no wine in the prison. I can't sleep."

Xie Heng slightly hooked his lips, wiped her waist with his hands, propped himself on the table and hugged her falsely.

Warm wine slightly stunned.

She bowed her head, kissed her lips gently on her forehead, and then reluctantly retreated.

Wen Jiu's cheeks flushed slightly, but his eyes were very persistent, "Xie Heng, I will let you out of the prison."

Xie Heng nodded and said in a low voice, "I'll wait for you."

Born to be a man, be upright.

This situation does not die out, but the four words "aboveboard and aboveboard".

With you, everything in the world makes people yearn.


The prince is not in the hospital.

Since Zhao Feng saved Xie Xuan that day, he has sent a lot of precious medicinal materials, together with the little servant girl to call the mother-in-law. Xie Xuan is still expressionless, but fortunately he didn't refuse, which is a great change.

In addition, with the comparison of Zhao Zhi, King Rui, Zhao Fengyue found that the unkind Xie Shilang was very different from others.

This day, Zhao Feng invited Xie Yu to other hospitals to share important things. The other princelings consciously avoided the upstart.

Cigarettes curled in the hall, new tea was brewed on the table, and the maid served both sides quietly.

While drinking tea, Zhao Feng pretended to be very worried and said, "suddenly there was such a big snow disaster in the north, and my father and Emperor suddenly coughed blood. All the major events in the court have to worry about our palace. Our palace is really out of strength."

Xie Yu said, "the emperor's dragon body is worried by people in the hospital."

Zhao Feng immediately choked.

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