"When will it be your turn to interfere in my affairs?"

Xie Xuan's tone was very light. In other hospitals where the prince's ears and eyes were all around, he didn't mean to maintain superficial Kung Fu with Chen Yuanning.

The latter was slightly stunned and his complexion became extremely unspeakable, but now he is controlled by others and can only bear it.

Chen Yuanning turned his back to the little boy maid not far away, lowered his voice and continued: "now the emperor has little time, and the prince will ascend the throne in a few days. It's wise if you really take refuge in the prince. If you have other thoughts, there will be no bones at that time. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"You don't need to tell me this nonsense." Xie Yu's eyes were slightly cool and said faintly: "I just listen to what I want to know."

Chen Yuanning held the brocade box and suddenly became silent: "...."

He is just a chess piece. He was once put into Yunzhou by the crown prince, but now he is put into the crown prince's house by Xie Yu. These individuals think they can hold the world and turn the clouds and rain, and no one pays attention to anyone.

As everyone knows, the world is chess, and all creatures are children. Who can escape the surging clouds?

Xie Xuan took out a celadon bottle from his sleeve and threw it to him, "this medicine can slow down the toxicity on you for half a month, Chen Yuanning. You can do it yourself."

He turned and left.

"Lord Xie! This is a gift from the crown prince." Chen Yuanning shouted to him, bowed his head and presented the brocade box in his hand, and whispered, "there is a dark line to report to the crown prince a few days ago. King Rui has the handle to put Xie Heng to death. Today, King Rui's party gathered in the emperor's bedroom, I'm afraid it's going to attack him. Xie Xuan... Whether you want to hurt him or protect him, you should think clearly!"

Xie Xuan took the brocade box with an expressionless face, handed it to the Fengyi two steps away, nodded slightly and said, "thank you."

Then he turned and walked away quickly.

Chen Yuanning stood where he was and looked at Xie Xuan's face, which had no waves no matter what happened, and couldn't help thinking:

The Xie family's brothers, who can even give their lives to each other, will really turn against each other for fame and wealth as the prince said?

He didn't believe there was any love in the world, but this time, he was suddenly a little uncertain.


Princess House.

Wen Jiu disguised himself as a little maid, put on his veil and came to the big princess's house again.

Coincidentally, the first time she went to Dijing for Xie Heng was to ask Zhao Jingyi for help.

Wenjiu walked through the side door and stuffed the guard with silver tickets. Wensheng said, "I need to see the eldest princess again. Please let me know."

Now she and the Xie family are people that ordinary people can't avoid. Whether the eldest princess is willing to help or not, people under here may not be willing to help run errands.

"Shopkeeper Wen?" the guard suddenly revealed her identity.

Wen Jiuxin was surprised. Unexpectedly, even the guard of the princess's house could recognize her at a glance. He simply took off his veil and smiled and said, "it's Wen."

"Come with me, shopkeeper Wen." the guard saved all the newspaper and took her inside directly.

Wen Jiu was a little surprised. After walking through the corridor waterside pavilion for a long time, he couldn't help asking, "the eldest princess knew I would come?"

The guard said without looking back: "the princess has already told me. If shopkeeper Wen comes to the door, you don't need to report. Take him directly to see her."

Wen Jiu thought for a moment and couldn't help saying, "the big princess is really..."

She hasn't figured out how to describe the transparent and open-minded princess.

The guard added, "the princess said that shopkeeper Wen owed her a lot of wine and ran away without saying a word. It's very insidious. She's waiting for you to come back and settle the old account."

Warm wine: "

Well, there are too many debts in this world.

Creditors have to worry about whether they owe an account or live or die. They are really tired in the future.

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and looked at the sky. In the afternoon, the situation changed. The sun was covered by dark clouds, and there was a faint trend of wind and snow in the future.

The guard took her to the back garden and stopped. The big maid guarding the arch said, "please inform me that shopkeeper Wen has arrived."

Then he went back the same way.

Wen Jiu nodded slightly at him, raised his eyes, and looked down at the maid who moved gently along the lotus steps. The koi in the flower pond leaped more than ten steps away, looking particularly eye-catching in the dim light and shadow.

Zhao Jingyi was dressed in red and leaned on the railing at will. The valuable pearls in her skirt hung on the ground as if they were worthless. She raised her hand lazily and threw fish food. The string of red sandalwood Buddha beads on her wrist seemed so abrupt and persistent day and night.

Warm wine stood in place with some mixed thoughts.

Just then the maid came forward and said, "princess, shopkeeper Wen is coming."

Zhao Jingyi poured all the fish food into the pool, handed the plate to the maid, turned and looked at Wen wine, "shopkeeper Wen, it's not easy to think of our palace."

"How dare you," Wenjiu sweating, hurried forward and said with a smile, "even if Wenjiu is thousands of miles away, I dare not forget the princess."

Zhao Jingyi glanced at her and couldn't help laughing: "did you eat honey or something? Now open your mouth to the palace and say sweet words. Go ahead. What do you want to ask the palace to do?"

Warm wine did not play empty, and directly said, "I heard that the emperor was seriously ill. I'm afraid someone might take the opportunity to harm Xie Heng, so I want to ask the princess to enter the palace and take me into the palace to meet the emperor."

"You're going to see your father again?" Zhao Jingyi smelled the speech and couldn't help looking at the warm wine. She couldn't help asking, "don't you think you're born a little like that person, and your father won't do anything to you? Now no one dares to touch Xie Heng's business. You go back to Dijing just to die?"

The eldest princess has stood on the crest of the waves for so many years. She has seen talented women, beauties and chaste martyrs in the imperial capital, but she has never been so afraid of death as a warm wine.

Wen Jiuyang's eyes said, "someone has to do what others dare not touch. The princess is willing to let me in today. She has probably given birth to a heart of seven or eight points to help."

She's gambling.

After so many years of gambling, Zhao Jingyi is still the proud girl of the world.

Power, fame and wealth in the Imperial City erode the human mind. Some people stand tall and don't change their original mind.

"You're wrong." Zhao Jingyi sat back lazily. "I let you in just to calculate the old accounts. Your elder brother... No, why don't you call your elder brother this time? Xie Heng? Call him by name, or..."

Wen Jiu's face was slightly red and said firmly, "I'm looking for the princess this time for my sweetheart."

"Sweetheart." Zhao Jingyi tasted these three words carefully, and the corners of her lips couldn't help rising. "It's really a young man. Dare to love, dare to hate and dare to go out of line."

She couldn't help feeling it. At the next moment, she changed her words, "but Xie Heng was so involved that he couldn't even save him with such great military skills. What's the use of you entering the palace? If the comfortable life in the palace is well, why take such a big risk for you?"

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