Xie Xuan's handsome face became colder and colder. His tone was cold and said, "if King Rui dares to cut Xie Heng, he can push all the charges on me."

The young man looked at Zhao Zhi coldly and disdained more and more, "but you dare not. ”

"Thank you!" Zhao Zhi stared at the young waiter and said angrily, "what are you proud of, you heartless and homeless?"

Rui Wang was about to explode with anger and became more and more unscrupulous, "who doesn't know that warm wine regards wealth as life, and now you don't hesitate to pay for all your wealth in order to Xie Heng. You have to rob people with Xie Heng, but you can't kill him! People like you What's the use?! if you have the ability, continue to pretend. I want to see what you can get in the end! "

Xie Xuan didn't change his face. He didn't mind. He said slowly, "Rui Wang is free to worry about himself."

In recent months, all those who heard Xie Shilang's reminder of "be careful" have become prisoners at the bottom of the stage, and none has been spared so far.

Zhao Zhi's face stiffened when he heard the speech. With a cold "hum", he immediately brushed away.

The bodyguards of Prince Rui's residence followed them away. The bodyguards from the palace greeted Xie Shilang and returned to the palace.

Only a group of jailers in the prison were sweating. The life of this big play would be 20 or 30 years shorter.

Xie Xuan stood in place and looked at the people's backs reflected by the shaking lights.

The night was quiet, and it was more and more silent.

The cold wind sneaked in from the window and made the young purple robe fly.

The accompanying rich clothes and food looked at each other. The former took a deep breath, walked to the side of Xie Shilang and gently reminded him, "Sir, it's late. Go back to the house and have a rest."

Xie Yu didn't speak. He walked out of the cell with his hands down. The lights were swaying by the wind.

The boy was tall and straight, walking alone in the dark on the ground, without any worldly smoke and anger.

He went to the door, stood under the eaves with his negative hand, watched Wen Jiu carefully and gently support Xie Heng into the carriage.

It rained heavily at night, and the two glazed lights hanging in front of the carriage were shining brightly, which dazzled the eyes of the guards.

Everyone whispered, "shopkeeper Wen is really rich and powerful!"

"I've never seen anyone take someone from the prison and dare to show off their wealth like this."

"Our waiter..."

As soon as the last man was halfway through the speech, he heard the guard behind him whispering to remind him that "the waiter is coming", and everyone immediately shut up.

Xie Yu didn't speak, so he stood quietly.

Xie Heng, who had just got on the carriage, picked up the driving curtain and smiled at the third childe, "thank you, I'll be back now. ”

Xie Xuan frowned slightly, always expressionless. His face changed a little, but he still didn't speak.

The guards at the side of the body scream bad. What's the matter with Xie Xiaoyan?

I have long had a grudge against the waiter. It's not easy to get back my life. I have to challenge him before I leave. Do you think Xie Shilang's temper is not enough tea and wants to kill their servants?

Fengyi, who followed up, stood behind Xie Xuan and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "when adults go home in the future, young lady will pick you up like this."

Xie Yu instantly returned to his expressionless appearance and shouted, "who is rare!"

Fengyi and the foot food just about to open their mouth were immediately together: "..."

A moment later.

They said in unison, "you are not rare. You are not rare at all!"

What are you looking at here?

The rain is so heavy and the night is so cold. Isn't it good to go back to the house to keep warm?

The third childe's temper is different.

Everyone kept silent, leaving only the wind and rain outside the eaves.

Xie Xuan looked at the carriage slowly leaving and said expressionless, "only Xie Dongfeng is rare."

His voice was so low that it dissipated when the wind blew.

Others could not hear what he was talking about. They looked at each other and saw, "take care, brother, what the third childe said is what." the warm wine in the carriage pulled people back, put down the curtain and cut off all their sight.

She really had a headache. She couldn't help whispering, "haven't you stayed enough? ”

Xie Heng shook his head. "Whoever loves this damn place will come."

"Then you..." Wen Jiu had a headache when he thought of his confused accounts with the third childe. "Why do you say such words with the third brother at this time?"

She had a lot to ask, but she always felt that something could not be understood in a few words.

Just like the relationship between Xie Heng and Xie Yu.

She was in the cell just now. I'm afraid she wouldn't have time to save Xie Heng if she hadn't been there.

In the past, brothers and sisters can only take a different road now.

If you say she is a disaster for beauty, you can't help but think highly of her. Wenjiu thinks he doesn't have such ability, but he really doesn't know why.

Xie Heng seemed to see through what she thought in her heart and said with a smile: "no matter what I say to the third childe, others will only think that I compete with each other."

Warm wine slightly raised his eyes, a little puzzled.

Xie Heng's smile on his lips faded for a few minutes, and his eyes dropped and said, "I just asked the third childe to go home for dinner. Others will only think: Xie Heng is really vicious. Knowing that Xie Shilang was driven out of Xie's house, he deliberately satirized that he was homeless."

The young man's voice was much lower, and his thin lips without any blood were lightly opened. "People have always been like this since ancient times. They don't believe in friendship."

Everyone at the bottom said the same thing. The superior looked down on the ministers. He couldn't resist the temptation of power, fame and wealth, so he thought others were like this.

Those who are too incompetent will be kicked down, and those who are sharp will be feared. There is no room for a double Bi to occupy the crown and the head of the martial arts. I wish he would turn against each other and never communicate with each other.

Who can protect himself in this fame and fortune seeking Shura field?

Wen Jiu couldn't stop his heartache. He took out his fiery red cloak and covered Xie Heng. Wen Sheng said, "I know so. What did you do back to the imperial capital? You took the people out of the house and took tens of thousands of Moyu troops to find a place easy to defend and difficult to attack to expand their troops. It's unknown how the country will change in the future..."

Xie Heng Yang looked at her and couldn't help laughing: "ah Jiu, why didn't I see it before? You and the third childe are still the same people?"

"What fellow Chinese? I..." Wen Jiu opened his mouth and almost said: you were a regent who supported soldiers and respected yourself in your previous life. You can do this more smoothly than anyone else.

In this life, I don't know why I have become such a ruthless gentleman, but it makes people not used to it.

"She looks like a jade man, but her heart is really black." Xie Heng lost his smile, suddenly took her hand and gently pinched her fingertip.

The young man looked at her and said in a positive way, "Dayan River and mountains are shaking in the wind and rain, and can no longer stand any civil strife. You can't mention this again in the future."

Warm wine opened his mouth. There were many people who wanted to say, but after all, they didn't say anything.

Xie Heng smiled, and the star in his amber eyes was shining. "Although I am not a gentleman, I disdain to be a cunning man who brings trouble to my family and country."

Warm wine, sparkling eyes.

Who would have thought that he was as arrogant and arrogant as Xie Xiaoyan. Everyone in the imperial capital turned pale at the news, but he was the most unintentional person to fight for power and power.

Xie Heng saw tears surging in her eyes and was at a loss. The momentum of fearlessness that day suddenly dispersed. He bowed his head and comforted in a warm voice: "the old emperor wants my life because he is afraid that I am the descendant of the Heng family. If he overturns the case for the Duke of the Heng state, he will inevitably expose the ugly things he did 20 years ago. But my mother is not surnamed Ye."

Wen Jiu was surprised when he heard the speech. "Aren't you the descendant of the Duke of Heng?"

Xie Heng said with a smile: "nature is not."

Warm wine thoughts were a little complicated for a while, and I felt as if it should have been.

He stayed behind and never admitted his identity in front of the old emperor, but Zhao Yi's father and son were far more cruel than expected. Without conclusive evidence, he would never suffer from the future.

Xie Heng was afraid that she felt uncomfortable and added with a smile, "with you and the third childe, I will not die, but the prison is too dark and cold, and I'm not lightly frozen."

Wen Jiu thought more and more and felt that his heart was cold. He couldn't cry in front of Xie Heng. His eyes were sour and painful.

She leaned over and hugged the boy's waist, hugged him tightly, and said hoarsely: "Xie Dongfeng, I'm here. It's not cold."

In the field of life and death, the calm young man was stunned, gently put his jaw on his thin shoulder and whispered, "well, it's not cold."

It was a stormy night, and the double carriages with glazed lanterns left in front of the prison of the Ministry of punishment.

After the long street and the overnight market, the wind and rain quietly sneaked into the window, with a faint chill.

Wen Caishen, who regards wealth as his life, never thought that one day he would put all his eggs in one basket and put all his wealth on him.

In her previous life, she has been climbing for more than ten years. She has seen the supreme emperor of yesterday. The Loess of the Ming Dynasty is buried in bones. Holding the king's power will be hidden by birds. After the years of loving young couples, she only heard that the new people don't see the old people cry. Her flesh and blood are close. It's not as good as twelve silver.

Everyone told her that if you don't do it for yourself, heaven will kill you.

What love, righteousness, is the least valuable.

Only the silver in her hand can't deceive people. She desperately earns money and plays a role in Jinshan and Yinshan. Her heart is still empty.

Now just holding the young man's hand, she felt that everything was worth it. The stormy waves in her heart were quiet, so she was fearless.

Before the vast imperial power, at the cost of millions of silver, the prison is a dark lamp.

Even though the world is boundless darkness, she will do her best to keep his future bright.

I only wish his pride would last forever, and his heart would be young forever.

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