The snowball in Xie Xiaoliu's hand hit Xiao Qi's head. Xie Heng took the plum blossom branch in his right hand and gently picked it up, flying it in the opposite direction.

Unfortunately, it hit Xie Yu who just arrived in court.

The young waiter stopped in the wind and snow and looked at these elegant people with more and more expressionless faces.

The atmosphere froze for a moment.

All the small officials who accompanied them dared not go out, and the little boys and waitresses in the wind Lotus Garden quietly stopped their movements.

Only Xie Xiaoyan smiled and put the plum blossom branch to his lips. With a gentle blow, the fiery red petals flew with the wind and fell on the side of the servant in purple robe and jade belt.

The young man asked with a smile, "how can Xie Shilang come to see me today?"

Xie Xuan brushed the snow stains on his skirt behind him and said nothing.

Several subordinates behind him could not help shaking their legs. They stood in place and dared not move, but their eyes were full of panic.

Again! Again!

Xie Xiaoyan didn't know what was going on. It was frightening when he took the sword to cut people.

But he smiles at you. He's scared.

Outsiders were scared to kneel.

Xie Shilang stood in the vast snow, more and more like a jade statue. "I'm ordered to discuss important matters with shopkeeper Wen."

The tone is as cold as frost.

Xie Heng hooked his lips and said, "do you want money. ”

People: "

No one dared to speak, but there was no lack of eye contact.

The two brothers of the Xie family turned against each other for a woman. It's really not a rumor.

For the sake of beauty, Xie Xiaoyan strictly guarded the door and didn't let Xie Shilang in.

Xie Shilang, who was reluctant to write like gold, opened his mouth, "where are the important people?"

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye and pointed to himself, "Xie Shilang is an important person. It can only be me."

Xie Yu was speechless immediately: "...."

The wind blows, the clothes are flying, and the purple sleeves and red robes are gracefully overlapped in the flying snow. One is a meticulous young waiter with a jade belt wrapped around his waist and an official hat, and the other is an idle young master with beautiful red clothes and 3000 ink hair tied only with red hair bands.

They stood in the snowy courtyard and looked at each other.

I don't know how many people try to figure out the deep meaning of this, how to live and die.

Little six and seven hid behind their elder brother with their small hands and secretly looked at the third brother with a dark face.

Little six said in a small voice, "why did the third brother come here at this time? Is it difficult... He wants to be his eldest brother as much as we do?"

Xiao Qi murmured, "it's getting cold here when the third brother comes."

Not far away, the hall door suddenly opened.

The stewards stepped out one after another, warmed wine, walked to the door and smiled at the people. "It's really disrespectful for the waiter to come here. Please thank you for taking your seat."

The owner of the wind Lotus Garden spoke, and the maid immediately bowed to meet him.

Xie Heng couldn't help but give shopkeeper Wen face. Looking at Xie Yu, he raised his eyebrows slightly, "please, Lord Xie."

Xie Xuan still had no expression on his face. He raised his step and walked to the hall. As soon as a group of subordinates behind him wanted to keep up, Xie Xiaoyan glanced at him, and immediately stopped in place and dared not move any more.

Xie Heng touched Xiaoliu Xiaoqi's head and whispered, "go to the house to play."

He followed the third childe to the hall.

Xiao Liu answered "I see, elder brother" behind him, and took Xiao Qi to the side hall. The maids were afraid that the two little masters would fall, so they quickly caught up with him and stopped him carefully.

"What's the third brother doing here?" Xiao Qi asked puzzled as he walked, "he hasn't been home for a long time. How can he find his eldest brother and take so many people?"

Little six turned back and knocked on little seven's head, "you're stupid. Today is the third brother's birthday. He must have come to ask his eldest brother for his birthday gift."

Xiao Qi is more dizzy, "Ah?"

"Those people outside are more stupid than you." Xie Xiaoliu smiled sweet and soft. "I'm sure I can't guess what the third brother is doing here. How can this man be so smart as me?"

The little girl had a worried look on her face.

Xie Xiaoqi: "

Suddenly I know why the third brother doesn't want to talk more.

What strange narcissists are these individuals in my family?!

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