Xie Yu's mouth slightly twitched and didn't speak.

Warm wine silently don't start, looking out the window at the vast snow.

"What's more, I'm in the wind Lotus Garden now, protected by ah Jiu. Those people don't dare to kill me." Xie Heng smiled and picked up his eyes. "You should be careful."

Now most people think that Xie Yu has stood on the prince's side. Zhao Zhi's brain is not very good. He must have believed it.

The two princes are fighting, and none of the people under them can live in peace. I'm afraid the days after Xie Yu will also have ups and downs.

Xie Xuan raised his eyes. His eyes looked at his elder brother for a while. Suddenly he said in a deep voice, "you don't have to take care of my business!"

Xie Heng crossed his legs, smiled at the corners of his lips and asked, "who do you want to take care of?"

The man who sent him to the door now says you don't care.

What exactly does that mean?

The third childe didn't say a word.

Xie Heng thought for a moment and then said, "third childe, your temper has become more and more strange recently. Is it not that you are old? If so, you can't hold it. I'll help you find a beauty for you..."

"Xie Heng!"

Xie Yu clapped his hands and stood up. He was so angry that his face turned blue.

The warm wine on one side saw that the two people were going to pinch up, and quickly said, "don't smash, don't smash, you are good students sitting and talking, and those outside thought you were fighting in the dark, so you don't have to smash things to cheer up."

The sound did not fall.

Xie Heng slightly hooked his lips, "yes."

Xie Xuan turned to look at her, a pair of ink eyes cold and cold.

Wen Jiu was cold behind his eyes and said to himself: these three CHILDES are really getting colder and colder.

She still doesn't want to know what the two brothers of the Xie family are doing. They can't bear the surging opposition.

She rubbed her hands and said, "I suddenly remembered that I had something else to say to Lao Yu, sit down and I'll go out first and get things done." she went out.

Xie Xuan suddenly strode forward, and two or three steps blocked her way.

The young man stood with his hands down, slightly bowed his head and said in a stuffy voice, "Birthday Ceremony."

"Ah?" Wenjiu was confused. When he looked up at him, he was also at a loss.

Xie Yu was expressionless and repeated, "where's my birthday gift?"

Wen Jiu blinked and said in surprise, "are you here today..."

In the middle of the conversation, Xie Xuan frowned slightly, mixed with some loss in his cold eyes, and asked in a low voice, "no?"

"Yes!" Wen Jiu couldn't see him like this. He hurriedly said, "third brother, wait here for a moment. I'll go back."

Xie Yu's eyes were still so expressionless, but it seemed that most of the ice and snow had melted.

"Third brother, sit first." Wen Jiu said, looking back at Xie Heng.

The latter got up slowly, walked towards them, put one hand on Xie Xuan's shoulder, "it seems that the third childe doesn't want to give you a birthday gift for his brother."

Xie Xuan looked up at him and said in a flat tone, "it's not rare."

"Gee, it's so heartless. You weren't like this when you were only celebrating your birthday for your brother."

Xie Heng raised his hand and took off his robe at will.

"What are you doing?" Xie xusu's calm handsome face suddenly darkened, raised his hand to stop the boy's undressing belt, and his voice was a little broken. "Ah Jiu is still here! What are you going to do?"

Wen Jiu was stunned for a moment and then looked away.

Xie Heng smiled. The light in his amber eyes flowed and said, "what do you say I want to do? Ah Jiu is here. What can I do?"

Xie Yu hated him most. He was so angry that he didn't pay for his life. He gritted his teeth, didn't look over his head and looked at the warm wine.

"I'll... Go out first." Wen Jiu stroked his forehead. As if he didn't see anything, he turned and walked away. He whispered, "don't fight. Don't throw valuables. You can do anything else."

Then she opened the door and went out.

The snow in front of the court came face to face and accumulated a pure white.

The maid of the little boy and several small officials who came with Xie Xuan stood in the corridor not far away. The strong wind swept through, the lights under the eaves were flying, and the red tassels swayed between the snow.

Wen Jiu and the others nodded slightly and walked to the other side. As soon as they reached the arch, they saw Ye Zhiqiu in black walking in front of her.

The girl was dressed vigorously and full of youthful spirit. At the moment, she was afraid of disturbing others. She asked in a low voice, "I just heard from my brothers that the third childe is coming?"

Wen Jiu nodded. "I just came here. I'm in the front hall. Are you going to go there?"

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were slightly bright, darkened for a moment, shook his head, "no, it's best if I don't know him, so that people can't grasp it in the future."

Wen Jiu listened to the fog. She knew that Xiaoye had a special identity and always showed people in men's clothes. It used to be like this in Feiyun stronghold, but it was still like this when she came to Dijing.

These days, Qingyi guards come and go in the wind lotus garden and tell Xie Heng about the ministers in the court. They don't avoid her. Even Prince Rui calls him by his name.

If she hadn't known that Xie Heng had no intention of becoming Regent in his previous life, she would almost think that Xie Xiaoyan was plotting to usurp the throne.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and his eyes were as clear as ever. "Not to mention, I will see him soon. I'm not in a hurry at this moment."

Her voice suddenly dropped and almost murmured, "just see you again in the future, and I don't know what kind of identity it is."

Warm wine moved his mind and said in a warm voice, "today is the third childe's birthday."

Just a few numbers.

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly looked up at her for a long time, then turned and ran away.

Wen Jiu looked inexplicably, "what are you running for?"

"San Xian's birthday!" Ye Zhiqiu said as he ran away, "of course it's a birthday gift!"

Wenjiu stood where he was. "You just said no."

Ye Zhiqiu's voice floated from a distance: "Fifty Liang... You didn't hear anything!"

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing, shook his head and walked through the arch.

Fifty two, if the third childe hears of her, she must freeze to death.

And now, in the flower hall.

Xie Heng looked down at the third childe and asked with a smile, "why, do you want to take it off for me?"

Xie Yu let go, Jun's face was slightly stiff, "you! Why are you more and more..."

His words stuck until half. Xie Shilang, who spared no effort to speak to others, was hard to say a word of reprimand in his eldest brother.

"What?" the smile on Xie Heng's lips became deeper and deeper. "Do you want the birthday gift?"

Xie Yu didn't speak, but a pair of ink eyes lit up slightly.

Xie Heng said with a smile, "if you want to, take off your official robe. Hurry up, ah Jiu will be back later."

That sounds strange.

Those people outside are shivering with cold. They can't imagine what the people in this door are doing.

Xie Xuan pursed her lips, untied the jade belt and took off her purple official robe. When she turned back, Xie Heng had taken off his Fei robe.

The young man had only a white lining and a layer of soft armor made of gold wire. He stretched out his hand to untie the soft armor, lifted his jaw slightly, smiled at him and said, "what are you doing? Come here."

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