His eldest brother is a rare person in the world who has known the great universe and still has pity for green plants.

Xie Heng disdains to do the dirty tricks and dirty things you come and go in the hall. Let him come.

I would like to do my best in this life to protect my eldest brother's pure heart and never change his clank pride.

May Dayan be worthy of his painstaking planning. If unfortunately his loyalty is wasted, there is still another way to go.

Heaven is hard to promise, but man can do it.

Xie Heng looked at the boy's deep ink eyes, the end of his eyes rose slightly, and said with a smile, "today is your birthday? How can you give me a gift?"

Xie was too lazy to see his lazy smile. His handsome face became more and more expressionless and got up to go.

Xie Heng said, "you have such deep friendship for brother Wei. I'm very happy for brother Wei."

Xie Yu hasn't finished yet.

The young man suddenly changed his painting style and said, "third childe, sing a song for your brother to make you happy."

Xie Yu's face changed slightly when he heard the speech.

When the eldest son of the Xie family was 15 or 16 years old, he was once a well-known romantic son in Jiang'an area. Countless beauties looked forward to his head and loved the wonderful singing voice of nishang Yunxiu. At that time, the maids in the house worked hard in this area to attract him. They could play words and sing songs.

The third childe loves reading and is often disturbed by those beautiful poems and songs. Up to now, he still doesn't like singing girls.

He dodged big and small banquets. Today, his eldest brother wanted to open his mouth. He stayed for almost a moment. He got up and left like a fugitive.


Xie Yu only took two steps.

Suddenly I heard the clear music behind me, accompanied by the lazy hum of the young man.

Xie Xuan's figure was slightly stiff and looked sideways slowly.

But he saw Xie Heng, two steps away, holding a silver in his left and right hands, gently knocking several jade cups filled with wine. His voice was like music, not music, light and flying.

The young man in Fei clothes with wide sleeves was extremely casual. His thin lips opened gently and sang: "there are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter. If there is nothing to worry about, it is a good time on earth..."

Xie Shilang in purple robe and jade belt faces the door. What catches the eye is the flying snow. Behind him is the young man singing softly. Two or three vocals overlap. It's not slow. The house is as warm as before.

The strong wind passed through the front of the court and was drawn into the hall, blowing Xie's clothes and robes flying.

He stood for a long time, but suddenly he couldn't move.

Wenjiu led a crowd through the corridor and saw this scene:

The third childe looked subtle in front of the court with a snowy cover. He stood upright with his right hand around his wide sleeve, but he didn't seem to know where to put it.

The thin lips of the young man in Fei's clothes behind the stove were gently hooked, and the sound of singing was scattered into the wind, which warmed people's heart. Suddenly, he threw the silver in his hand up, and the silver whirled for several circles, and the silver light was shining with the snow.

A dazzling Kung Fu fell back on Xie Heng's hand and hit the jade cup like jade.

He sang, "if you have nothing to worry about, it is a good time on earth."

Warm wine stopped in front of the court, listened quietly, and the corners of the lips rose involuntarily.

In the corridor a few steps away, those small officials talked one after another, "it's amazing to thank the little Yama. The ministers in the court are anxious to eat and sleep for the snow disaster in beizhou. He also deliberately sings to Lord Xie. If there's nothing else to worry about!"

"This intention is really sinister..."

A crowd was whispering, and Wen Jiu glanced back.

The most gentle and kind people are laughing and mocking at this moment, and they suddenly stop talking.

She took the sandalwood box in her hand and entered the flower hall. Behind her, a crowd waited outside the door.

As soon as Wen Jiu entered the door, he stuffed the box into Xie Yu, smiled and said, "third brother, there is today every year and today every year."

At this time, she would regret why she didn't read more books.

You have to rack your brains to say two words that can reach your ears.

I'm so worried.

Xie Xuan took it and didn't open it. "Well", he was about to go out.

"Hey." Wen Jiu couldn't help but call him and said angrily, "third brother, don't you open it?"

Xie Xuan turned back and said expressionless, "if I say I don't like it, can you change it for me?"

Warm wine suddenly speechless: "...."

The third brother can block her every time he speaks.


Fortunately, she was ready this time.

Wenjiu said, "you can't change it, but there can be others."

Xie Xuan lowered his head and opened the brocade box. There was a flawless white jade carved with water ripples. It was very simple but full of charm. I can't see who carved it.

The top is tied with an ice blue line of sight, and below is a long tassel.

The only thing you can be sure of is that the things sent out from the warm wine must be of great value.

"Well, this is a warm jade. The third brother is cold. You can take it with you..."

When the wine was only half warm, I felt the chill on the boy.

Although she didn't know which of her words was wrong, she stopped very consciously and changed her mouth in an instant. "I picked it out after a long time when I was full of jade. It's absolutely flawless. Um... My craft is not good. I can only carve water patterns, and I'm not good at carving. The third brother just thinks it's my intention. Smile."

Wenjiu almost said that the jade was still very valuable. Considering that Xie Yu didn't care much about these, he didn't say much.

Xie Xuan held the jade pendant and gently rubbed it. "Did you carve it yourself?"

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