Wen Jiu carried a lantern in his hand, and the candle flickered across the man's bloody face.

He gritted his teeth and tried to climb towards her. However, he was seriously injured. He only climbed half a step and fainted.

The night became more and more thick, and the flying snow fell down. Some fell between the warm wine eyebrows at one or two points. The cold snow made her wake up in an instant.

Looking at this man, I feel more and more familiar. It seems that I have seen him somewhere.

Several maids behind him were too frightened to speak. Jin'er came forward and urged, "young lady, let's go quickly."

Wen Jiu was thinking back. A few days ago, the third childe told Xie Heng that the people in Nanning palace were assassinated. None of them were spared. This man

She knew something in her heart, squatted down, pulled away the hair of the unconscious person, and whispered, "Zhao Qingfeng?"

The boy was unconscious and silent.

Several maids behind her repeatedly advised her to leave her alone and return to the house early.

Wen Jiu handed jin'er the lantern in his hand, smiled and said, "this is a broken iron shoe. There is no place to find. It takes no time to get it."

Jin'er listened, puzzled, "what does the young lady say?"

"Go back again." Wenjiu reached out and helped the unconscious boy up. "Xiangman and Hongtang, come and help."

They hurried forward and helped the unconscious boy back, one left and one right.

Wen Jiu took the oil paper umbrella from the maid and held it on Zhao Qingfeng's head while walking, tilting slightly to block his face.

After taking a few steps, he said, "Yulu, go to Liji Medical Museum and invite the doctor."

The latter quickly answered.

A group of people hurried back to Xie's house in the snow.

Wenjiu placed the person in the East Wing room and let Zhao Qingfeng wipe it first.

Not long ago, Qing Qi hurried to her with a medicine box. As soon as he came up, he scanned her up and down, "young lady, are you all right?"

In fact, no wonder Qingqi is so nervous.

In the past few days when Wen Jiu was sleeping in Fenghe garden, he was really bothered by his childe.

Now when I heard that Mrs. Shao was going to ask for a doctor, the whole person was very nervous.

Wen Jiu was helpless and funny. He glanced at the door and said, "the people who need your treatment are in the house."

Green seven breathed a sigh of relief and raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead. "It's not just that madam Shao is unwell. I'll go in and feel my pulse."

It's really a sin. In this snowy day, people are forced out and sweating.

Warm wine nodded slightly: "please."

Qingqi entered the room with a medicine box. There was nothing in the room for a moment.

Warm wine stood in front of the door, watching the snowflakes, some irrelevant thoughts.

It's getting dark.

Xie Heng hasn't come back yet.

I don't know what the fourth childe took him to do.

She thought to herself:

The matter of Yunzhou nitrate mine has something to do with the people in the imperial capital. If Xie Heng hadn't killed Zhao Li first and then, it would have attracted too much attention. The matter of nitrate mine should have been more serious than now.

The prince of the imperial court was found to be colluding with the vassal in private. He was afraid that he would be involved, so he sent assassins to kill all the people. His abacus was good.

Unfortunately, there is an unexpected situation.

Those who are not valued on weekdays, such as Zhao Qingfeng, have more means to protect themselves in times of crisis.

I don't know whether this person found her by chance or... Intentionally.

Not long ago, Xie Heng was his enemy who killed his father. He was just a journey from Yunzhou to Dijing. He was likely to become a man standing on a boat for self-protection.

Half an hour later.

Xie Heng came from the corridor and strode to her, "ah Jiu."

The young man called her lazily, and seemed to inadvertently ask, "I heard you brought someone back from outside?"

Warm wine nodded.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye and asked her, "who is it?"

Wen Jiu smiled and said, "useful people."

"Good wine, don't sell off." Xie Wanjin came later and said with a smile: "I took my eldest brother out of the city to do important things, but he had to go back as soon as it was dark. I heard you brought someone back as soon as he got back to the house. If you don't say it again, he will tear down the house later."

Xie Heng glanced at him, "do you want to close the city gate at dark and don't go back to the house, waiting to feed the wolf outside the city?"

Xie Wanjin stepped back two steps, "elder brother, you look at me like this!"

Wen Jiu glanced out of the court. The night was dark and the candles were fluttering. The third childe of the family had not come back.

Xie Wanjin hid behind her without trace and said with a smile, "ah Jiu, tell me what kind of person you brought back."

Warm wine raised his hand to brush away the snow on his shoulder, and said, "Zhao Qingfeng."

"Surnamed Zhao?" Xie Wanjin said casually without any reaction.

A moment later, he almost jumped up, his face full of shock, lowered his voice and asked, "Zhao Qingfeng? Is that Zhao Qingfeng from the Royal Palace in Nanning?"

Wenjiu nodded, "it's him."

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly heavy, but the corners of his lips smiled like nothing, "he really can pick people."

"That's not true." Xie Wanjin silently retreated to one side and leaned his back against the porch column. He said: "my eldest brother and I have been looking for him outside the city for so long, but we can't see his trace. He is powerful. He sneaked into the city and found ah Jiu here. No wonder all the people in Nanning Palace are dead, and he can still live."

The last sentence is true.

The sons and daughters of the king, marquis and prime minister's family were more and more famous in the heyday of their family. They didn't necessarily excel. On the contrary, they were capable people who could save their lives in times of disaster.

Xie Heng glanced at the closed door and asked, "ah Jiu, where did you see this man today?"

Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose. "I picked it up on the road."

That seems a little unreliable.

But that's the truth.

Xie Heng was speechless for a moment, "..."

Wen Jiu thought about it and said, "it was dark in the street ahead. This man suddenly came out and asked me to save him."

Now it's the fourth childe's turn to be speechless. He said to himself, "what's all this? Is Zhao Qingfeng interested in our wine?"

Xie Heng thin lips light hook, "I think he is too long."

Warm wine: "

When you're talking about business, can you stop saying that all of a sudden.

Several people were talking outside the door, and the door suddenly opened from inside.

Qing Qi came out of the room and saluted, "I've seen childe, young lady and fourth childe."

Wenjiu turned and asked, "how is he?"

"I'm badly hurt, but I can't die for the time being." Qing Qi took a sneak look at Xie Heng with the rest of his eyes, and thought about it and said, "he just woke up and just said that he had something to say to Mrs. Shao."

Wen Jiu was a little surprised, "is it difficult? Did he really come to me?"

Xie Heng smiled without temperature. "I'm really tired of living."

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