Emperor capital, Xie mansion.

Xie Heng stood in front of the court with a sword and wiped the sword with a handkerchief,

Among the heavy snow, there were dead bodies everywhere, all in black.

The green guards were busy clearing out these bodies, and the flying snow kept falling, covering the red blood.

Dusk was everywhere, and the courtyard was quiet. The red plum on the branches was blown down by the cold wind and brushed across the corner of the young man's clothes.

"What's the number?" Xie Wanjin hid behind the arch, leaned out his head and looked around. He saw that no man in black was still alive.

He was relieved and went to Xie Heng. "Elder brother, have you killed almost now?"

Xie Heng gave a "hum" and threw his handkerchief to him, "what are you doing in court? Go back and avoid."

"I'm not a wine." Xie Wanjin pulled slightly from the corners of his eyes and threw the handkerchief stained with the blood of many people on the ground, "These people in black dare to rush to our Xie family to kill in the daytime. It must be changing. Zhao Feng is the prince. He can succeed to the throne only after the old emperor returns to heaven. He shouldn't do such a stupid thing. Zhao Zhi, King Rui, is different. He is probably forced to jump over the wall by the third brother and do it directly..."

The fourth childe is used to laughing and joking on weekdays. It's rare to be so serious.

Xie Heng raised his eyes to look at him and couldn't help picking his eyebrows.

Xie Wanjin said, "just stay with some green guards who were placed in the house before. On weekdays, I also raised some good martial arts. Although I can't help my eldest brother, it's OK to protect my family."

Xie Heng took his sword back to its scabbard, left his right hand and patted the boy on the shoulder.

The fourth childe frowned and hurriedly stepped back.

The young man was photographed with an internal injury by him, covered his shoulder and said, "go, elder brother. Ah Jiu is still in Lingyun mountain and his third brother... His mouth has offended Zhao Zhi to death. If Zhao Zhi succeeds, I'm afraid the first unlucky is the third brother!"

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye, "then I'll go."

Xie Wanjin suddenly stopped, stood upright and said, "I'm guarding at home, elder brother, don't worry."

Xie Heng answered "good", turned and brushed the snow away.

The fourth childe stood by the plum blossom tree, looked up at the shadow coming and going on the eaves, and smiled slowly: "Rong Sheng, the fourth brother is very busy recently. He doesn't have time to entertain you. Sell his brother a face. Don't come to Xie's house to stir up the muddy water at this time."

The figure on the eaves stagnated slightly in the twilight, and then disappeared quietly in the twinkling of an eye.

Xie Wanjin breathed a sigh of relief.

Behind him, the rich and noble who followed quietly asked, "fourth childe, who are you talking to?"

Xie Wanjin turned around and asked, "did you just speak?"

The rich and powerful were speechless: "

The fourth childe didn't give them the chance to ask more. He said, "it's very dangerous here. Go back to the backyard. Don't let small six and seven run out."

The two little maids nodded together and trotted back.

Xie Wanjin broke a plum blossom, walked slowly to the pavilion and sat down. He said to himself, "when is the snow going to fall?"


Lingyun mountain, sacrifice to the roof.

The blessing ceremony began in the early morning. It was already late at night. King Rui suddenly came out. They couldn't eat a meal all day. Everyone was hungry.

Wenjiu sat next to the old emperor. The eldest princess had said she should hide away, but after a circle, they stayed together again.

Moreover, Zhao Yu and the crown prince are not close to her and Zhao Yi. Everyone looks at her differently than before.

She was just a person who came to make up the count. Somehow, she suddenly became the one that everyone was scrambling to protect.

Warm wine is uncomfortable.

And I'm not hungry.

A group of eldest ministers could not stand hungry. They sat on the ground, half sighing and half praying for Xie Xiaoyan to arrive quickly.

"Empress mother... My ministers are so hungry." Zhao Yu whispered with empress Yang: "if we go on like this, will we starve to death here before Xie Heng leads the troops?"

Empress Yang's face changed greatly when she heard the speech. "Shut up! What nonsense!"

The people on their sides were cold and hungry, and their faces turned blue. The cold bones on the snowy night made people feel more and more sad.

Wen Jiu couldn't help but say, "there are so many offerings on the sacrificial roof. If you use them to eat, you can still support them."

"What are you talking about?" the old emperor coughed angrily.

Empress Yang and Li yingyue were just about to start yelling. Seeing that they were talking about warm wine, they endured it again in an instant.

Only the Wang Shangshu of the Ministry of rites immediately scolded, "the offerings are used to worship the heaven. How can they be used to eat? If Heaven punishes, the snow disaster will become more serious. How can you make all the people in beizhou live?"

Wen Jiu got up and said, "Lord Wang, it's admirable that you have worked hard for all the people. Remember to distribute the offerings later. Don't ask for them at that time. Give them to those who want to live. Wen Jiu thanked you first."

"You..." Wang Shangshu's old face was blue and purple, and he couldn't speak for a moment.

The rest of the crowd also wanted to stop talking.

Those Huangyu guards guarding the stone wall fell down constantly, and Zhou Shizi ran around shouting to the top, but everyone was hungry. How could they stand such a wheel battle.

"Emperor!" Zhou Minghao turned back and shouted, "brothers are so hungry that they can't stand it! What are you doing in the back? Let people risk their lives to hold you. At least let the brothers eat and eat!"

Zhao Feng thought for a long time and couldn't help but exhort: "father, divide the offerings and eat them."

The crown princess, Zhao Yu and a group of concubines in the back Palace also whispered their advice. They were timid and couldn't help crying.

For 20 years, the soldiers of Dayan have been in chaos. Ordinary people have suffered and suffered. They have nothing to do with them, but now they are completely different.

The old emperor hesitated and looked up at the sky.

At night, the sky covers the moon and hidden stars, and the mountains, plants and trees are buried under the snow.

Blood stained sacrifice to the roof, great ominous!

"If people are dead, what's the use of these offerings here?" Zhao Jingyi took an offering fruit from the plate and stood up with one hand on the warm wine shoulder regardless of her injury.

She took a bite of the fruit in front of the people and swallowed it. It was arrogant. "Just eat it. If Heaven punishes you, just put it on the head of the palace."

Wen Jiu also got up, took a fruit, looked up and said, "I'd like to share heaven's punishment with the princess!"

The people were ready to move. The old emperor sighed, "stop, divide the offerings."

In an instant, the offerings were divided, but there were too many monks and too few. If there were not enough offerings, no one knew whether they could leave this place.

There is no tomorrow.

Wen Jiu watched Xie Yu take the offerings to the stone wall and distribute them to the people. He couldn't help saying, "third brother, be careful."

The third childe looked back at her, but he didn't go back.

Just as Xie Zhen was about to arrive, there was a loud noise behind the stone wall. With the fire splashing, Huang Yuwei, who climbed up the stone wall to kill the rebels, was shocked to the ground

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