"Shopkeeper Wen." Zhao Qingfeng gave a big gift as soon as he arrived at Wenjiu. "Qingfeng thanked shopkeeper Wen for saving his life."

Wen Jiu picked his eyes slightly. After looking at Xie Heng, he got up calmly, "the prince is really polite. Wen Jiu, a merchant, can't be such a big gift for you."

She really underestimated this man.

I felt that this young man was not simple in Yunzhou city before. Obviously, he was just a concubine and couldn't be spoiled in front of Zhao Li. He couldn't compete with Zhao qingluan and several other CHILDES in the palace.

But this one is the only one who can play in front of anyone. Previously, the excitement of Nanning palace was escorted to Beijing and all were killed. He is the only one left, which can be said to be a big life.

But after entering the Ministry of punishment, he not only opened his mouth to plead guilty for Xie Heng, but also sold a favor from the prince. Now Chen Yuanning has also become a meritorious person in investigating the case. Without saying that he has won a post, Zhao Qingfeng has jumped to become the prince of Nanning.

Although the title of the prefect was lower than that of Zhao Li, it was a great good thing for a common son like Zhao Qingfeng.

"If it weren't for shopkeeper Wen that day, how could Qingfeng be alive." Zhao Qingfeng said with a smile: "it's really abrupt to take the liberty to visit today, but Qingfeng is going to leave for Yunzhou restaurant these days to deal with those trivial things..."

The man said and asked the boy behind him to put the gift of thanks above the stone table.

No matter what is inside, the quantity alone is enough to show his intention. He folded the old height on the table and directly blocked Xie Heng's sight.

Wen Jiu didn't want to greet this man very much, but he came to thank him for his family affairs. It's not easy to rush.

With a smile on her face, she called the maid to make tea, "please move the princess to the flower hall."

The words fell.

Xie Heng suddenly coughed.

Warm wine can't help turning back. What's the boy's cough?

She thought so. She went to Xie Heng's side and leaned over and asked, "what are you coughing for?"

"Throat itch." Xie Heng leaned against the plum blossom tree, slowly extended his right hand to her, and looked up at her lazily, "now... His hands are also a little itchy."

The wine warmed in an instant. He clapped his hand off and whispered to him, "I'm not familiar with him again. Please cover the vinegar jar."

"Not familiar?" Xie Heng raised his eyebrows. "Not familiar. Why did he block me when he gave me a thank-you gift?"

Warm wine bent his fingers and flicked gently at the end of the boy's eyes, "why did he block you with a thank-you gift? I don't know. Anyway, I just looked at you across these colored silk. Suddenly I knew what it was: Immortal land in the fog, watching beauty across flowers."

"Ah Jiu, you..."

Xie Heng was stunned.

He just... Was praised as a beauty by ah Jiu?

"All right, all right." Wenjiu's fingertips gently stroked the boy's eyebrows and eyes, and said with a gentle smile: "it's just that a guest came to the door. I'll go and have a cup of tea with him. Don't think about it. You don't want to see Zhao Qingfeng sitting here. I'll let people withdraw all these. Won't it hinder your eyes?"

Xie Heng raised his hand and gently hooked the tail finger of warm wine with his little thumb. "He is talking for me in the old emperor, but for the sake of the throne of the princess, you should not promise him those thoughts you shouldn't have."

Wen Jiu nodded and replied with a smile, "I never suffer losses in business."

Xie Heng said in a low voice, "it's my loss to let you drink tea with such a person."

Warm wine raised his hand, pinched the boy's earlobe, then quickly closed his hand and returned to his sleeve, turned around and said with a light face: "princess, this way, please."

"Shopkeeper Wen, please first."

Zhao Qingfeng glanced at Xie Heng behind the pile of gifts and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The little king of hell was calmer than rumored.

A group of maids served tea and cakes in the flower hall. When they saw people coming, they retreated to both sides.

After Wenjiu entered, he sat down in the main seat, smiled and said, "the princess is so well-off that she has become the Lord of Yunzhou in just a few days. Wenjiu is really admired. _x001d_"

Zhao Qingfeng smiled and said, "thanks to the help of shopkeeper Wen, if it weren't for you, Qingfeng would have been dead already."

Warm wine just smiled. They exchanged greetings when you came to me.

The waitresses were standing behind him. Zhao Qingfeng suddenly got up and asked Wenjiu in a low voice, "shopkeeper Wen, can you let the waitresses avoid first?"

Wen Jiu asked strangely, "what can't I say to the princess in front of others?"

Although according to Zhao Qingfeng's temperament, it is impossible to do anything unreasonable to her in Xie's house.

But she really doesn't like this person and doesn't want to get along alone.

When Zhao Qingfeng heard the speech, there was a subtle look in his eyes, and he recovered as usual in an instant. "In fact, it's nothing, just... I'm going back to Yunzhou soon. I want to ask shopkeeper Wen when to visit Yunzhou again? Qingfeng must have a good reception at that time to express his gratitude."

Wen Jiuxin said: this man is really familiar enough.

The relationship between them is far from such a point.

But she used to smile on her face and said slowly, "I'll send someone to give a big gift when the princess takes a wife tomorrow."

Zhao Qingfeng choked.

Warm wine and drink tea, wondering how to send the man away quickly.

Each of them was worried. The maid outside the court suddenly heard, "Lord Xie has returned to the house."

"The third brother is back." Wen Jiu's eyes brightened, immediately put down the tea lamp, stood up and said to Zhao Qingfeng: "my third brother is also an old acquaintance with the princess. He rarely comes back so early. He must be talking about the past with the princess..."

As soon as Zhao Qingfeng's face changed, he hurriedly got up and said, "I suddenly remembered that I had something urgent to do. I have the chance to visit shopkeeper Wen again in the future. I'm leaving."

"Ah?" Wen Jiu forced himself to smile and looked surprised. "The princess is leaving now? My third childe has just come back... Since you have something urgent, I don't stay much, jin'er..."

She called the maid, "send it to the princess."

Wenjiu went to the door of the flower hall and watched Zhao Qingfeng leave in a hurry, while the third childe in purple robe and jade belt strode from the other end of the corridor. They had just forked off.

She leaned against the door and couldn't help smiling.

Xie Xuan walked up to her and asked expressionless, "what are you laughing at? Where's Zhao Qingfeng?"

Warm wine rubbed his eyes, looked at the young man as cold as jade in the sun, smiled and said, "let's go."

"What did he come to you for?" Xie Xuan suddenly asked.

Wen Jiu thought for a moment and answered truthfully, "it's to thank me. What bad water is in my stomach. _x001d_"

Anyway, now little hell is waiting for her to coax.

The third childe looked at it and was very unhappy.

"Don't talk to him!" Xie Xuan stood in front of her for a while, and suddenly said this without expression.

Warm wine nodded, very clever and docile, "what the third childe said is."

Xie Yu glanced at her coolly and threw down a sentence, "Yunzhou is poor and wants to cheat the little god of wealth most."

Warm wine: "

Third brother, you won again.

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