"Oh." Ye Zhiqiu understood and breathed a sigh of relief.

The old case of the Heng family said Xie Yu was responsible. Originally, the two of them had to meet each other.

But the third childe has been busy with Xie Heng these days, and ye Zhiqiu can't hurry him. Moreover, there are still many people in the place of the Ministry of punishment, so it's always inconvenient to go there.

But she didn't think that Xie Xuan would let her write a love letter in his room.

Let's talk about it.

I didn't dare to think before.

But ye Zhiqiu went to Xie Xuan's side and mentioned his used pen and rice paper. Instead, his mind was blank. He didn't know what to do?

Xie Xuan walked two steps away from her, turned over other books and glanced at her accidentally.

I found that the man raised his pen for a while and didn't write a word.

Ye Zhiqiu is still holding back.

Xie Yu suddenly asked, "can't you read?"

"I......" Ye Zhiqiu looked back at the third childe and nodded for some reason. "Yes, I don't read much. Why don't you teach me to write?"

Feiyun stronghold is so poor that she can't read... Well, it's reasonable.

But after she finished, she felt that Xie Xuan might hit her with a book.

So as soon as the boy raised his hand, ye Zhiqiu immediately stepped back, "in fact..."

She only said two words, and Xie suddenly took her hand.

To be exact, it should be holding the pen she was holding, and the young man's cool fingertips inadvertently touched her.

Ye Zhiqiu was stiff.

Xie Xuan frowned and said, "you say, I write."

"What are you doing holding my hand?" Ye Zhiqiu regretted after asking.

It's rare for the third childe to be so close to her.

Xie Yu glanced at her coolly, "my words are recognized by others."

Ye Zhiqiu Leng didn't understand. Fortunately, his skin color was dark and he couldn't see his blush. He just had a much lower voice, "then you..."

Xie Liang Liang said, "if you move around again, no one will recognize what I write."

Ye Zhiqiu stopped talking.

She doesn't want to shake her hands!

Ye Zhiqiu forced herself to calm down. Sentence by sentence, he sorted out what his adoptive father had said in his early years and dictated it to the third childe. Gradually, there was no smile on his face, only a positive face and full of anger.

For hundreds of years, the Heng family guarded Dayan and shed blood for him. He was sincere and inherited from generation to generation. He did not change his loyalty even if he brought great disasters to the Heng family.

The young man had a brilliant literary talent. Holding her hand, he wrote like flying. Unconsciously, a whole book was finished. It was almost dusk.

At the time of signing, Xie suddenly paused, "leaf traceless?"

Ye Zhiqiu nodded and said, "yes, traceless is the word my adoptive father took for me. The fallen leaves are traceless and the heart lasts forever... It means that even if our Heng family is overturned, it will not change the loyalty to the monarch and patriotic boxing."

After she finished, Xie Xuan didn't speak for a long time.

In Dayan Dynasty, only men can write. At most, the daughter's family is a maiden's nickname, and ye Zhiqiu's adoptive father has always raised her as a teenager, took the word and took over the burden of the Heng family. It is destined to be different from the women whose parents love their husband and spoil her in this world.

After the boy left the rice paper, he put his hand back to his sleeve and went out of the window, four or five steps away from ye Zhiqiu.

She stopped writing, gently dried the ink on the paper and read the whole love letter from beginning to end.

Jinke is the first, and the top scholar's literary talent is not boastful. Unfortunately, after her hand, the handwriting is very scrawly.

After watching it for a long time, ye Zhiqiu suddenly said, "be careful when you fold it tomorrow. If the old emperor looks bad, don't talk more."

"What did you say?" Xie Xuan turned back, his eyes slightly heavy.

Ye Zhiqiu said, "I know this well. The little Lord also told me that it's impossible to overturn the case completely. Don't be suspicious of the old emperor. Last time you were on the roof, you suddenly started on Zhao Zhi..."

She didn't finish.

"I'm just easy," Xie said

"If you say it's easy, it's easy."

Ye Zhiqiu always said "what you say is what you say" in front of the third childe.

But at that time, she should have killed Zhao Zhi, but it was a scholar like Xie Yu who killed and robbed the first. Although the old Emperor didn't commit a crime that day, he lost his own son. After returning to the palace, he became more and more ill. He didn't know whether it was a heart disease or something else.

She never looked through Xie, but she knew that Xie was good in heart.

Even if the rumors outside make the Xie brothers look like death, ye Zhiqiu knows that he will never harm Xie Heng.

Xie Xuan looked at her, and somehow suddenly frowned slightly, "why don't you go?"

Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand and touched his forehead. "You didn't say let me go just now."

Xie Yu: "

"If you don't tell me, how can I know I should go?" Ye Zhiqiu walked up to him and said seriously, "what do you want? You have to tell me directly, otherwise how can I know?"

Xie Yu's eyes looked at her faintly and spit out two words, "you go."

"Oh." Ye Zhiqiu just wanted to say more words with him, but the third childe didn't give him a chance at all.

She had to turn and walk out.

When he got to the door, ye Zhiqiu suddenly looked back, "you know my handwriting today, but I don't know your handwriting. Third childe, we are so familiar. Just tell me."

The little Lord's surname is Xie Mingheng and the word Dongfeng. The name of Xie Dongfeng once attracted the romantic of 14 cities in Jiang'an.

The fourth childe Xie Yu, whose name is wan Jin, was taken by the third lady. Most of his friends and merchants outside call him Xie Wan Jin, which is rarely used to his real name.

But Xie Shilang had no friends, and he didn't get very close to anyone, so that he became famous that no one knew his handwriting.

Xie Xuan whispered, "I didn't."

"Ah?" Ye Zhiqiu thought he didn't hear clearly. He couldn't help but walk closer to him and asked again, "what did you just say?"

Xie Yu said expressionless, "I don't have words."

The boy stood by the window, with sunset clouds behind him.

It's obviously a magnificent scene. When I said this, my eyebrows and eyes were slightly cool, which made people feel distressed for no reason.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a while before he came back to his mind. "You're still young. It's too late to get it when you add the crown. Take your time. Maybe the little Lord is still thinking."

Most of the handwriting of ordinary people was taken by their students or elders when they were enrolled in school. Xie Yu lost his father when he was young, was not close to his grandfather, and had no teachers and friends. Naturally, no one remembered to write for him.

Now there is only one elder brother Xie Heng left.

Xie Yu didn't speak.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled with a bright star in his eyes. "If you don't dislike it, I'll take one for you on the day you add the crown."

Xie Yu was stunned and said coolly, "dislike."

"Then you think I didn't say it. I'm gone." this was expected by Ye Zhiqiu. She wasn't angry. She turned away with a smile and said to him, "remember to eat sugar."

Xie Yu stood in place and looked at the oil paper package on the bookcase. His eyes were as black as ink.

Is there anyone in the world who can do it: if he had known that he would spend his whole life, he would have fallen leaves and no trace in the end. Can he still live with his heart and not break his pride?

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