Wen Jiu and the Xie family had breakfast, so they watched Xie Heng Cuju with small six and seven in front of the court, and the maid boys helped pick up the ball.

Xie Wanjin leaned against the porch column and smiled. The pear vortex on his lips was shallow.

Warm wine from time to time told two small "be careful."

Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi together said to Xie Heng, "elder brother, sister-in-law asked you to let us have some, did you hear?"

So the young man in red answered with a smile, "young lady has a life, how dare you not obey."

With that, he put water on the open surface and let two small take the ball away.

Xie Wanjin couldn't help shaking his head and sighed in a low voice: "dizzy gentleman, this man must be a dizzy gentleman in the future!"

Inexplicably, he became the "confused main demon imperial concubine". Wen Jiu couldn't help looking at the fourth childe.

"Ah Jiu, ah Jiu, I didn't say anything about you." Xie Wanjin realized something and hurriedly said, "don't look at me like this. If your eldest brother sees me, he will beat me again."

The fourth childe has always felt that he is the most difficult person in this family.

Xie Heng never did anything to Xie Xuan, not to mention the two small ones. Only the fourth childe was thick skinned and beaten. If the eldest brother was angry, he must have come towards him.

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing. "The fourth childe talks nonsense. Why has he ever touched you?"

"Why not? You just saw it, before..."

Xie Wanjin said half, suddenly his back stiffened and stopped. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw that Xie Heng had just scored a ball and was looking back at him.

The fourth childe quickly turned the conversation and said with warm wine, "ah wine, you see how romantic my eldest brother is!"

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

Xie Wanjin, that's not what you said just now!

Xie Heng hooked his lips and continued to play with the two little.

The golden sun spread all over the courtyard, and the little king of hell flew in his clothes. While passing through the little boy maid who played Cuju together, he taught two small goals, and turned around in the falling plum blossom petals. The fierce and rebellious colors in front of outsiders on weekdays were quietly dispersed, leaving only the full body of young spirit.

Warm wine stood on the steps and looked at him. Unconsciously, his eyes were filled with tenderness.

Xie Wanjin raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat on his forehead. His eyes turned around between Xie Heng and warm wine. He couldn't help picking his eyebrows and whispered, "madam?"

Wen Jiu's eyebrows jumped slightly, glanced at him, but he didn't speak.

I don't know which one these four CHILDES will sing again.

Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "please get married quickly. You see, elder brother has been bothering us all day. If you get married and have a son and a half daughter, my aunt and grandmother can pay more attention to the younger generation so as not to urge me all day."

Wenjiu couldn't listen anymore. He covered his ears and walked under the plum blossom tree.

The four CHILDES are definitely born to Mrs. Xie. Speaking of such words is direct and smooth. It's overwhelming.

We have to find a daughter-in-law for Xie Wanjin.

Otherwise, how can I bear if I want to use her as a shield?

"Hey... I haven't finished yet." Xie Wanjin wanted to continue with the past. As a result, Xie Heng kicked the ball into his arms after just two steps.

He bumped the fourth childe back several steps.

"Elder brother!" Xie Wanjin almost vomited blood, holding the ball towards the group of humanitarians: "I didn't do anything? What did you deliberately kick me here for?"

Xie Heng said, "nothing?"

The fourth childe had a thick skin and insisted, "I just said a few words with ah Jiu. Look at your stingy, can't I say two more words with her?"

Xie Heng stood in the sunny courtyard. A pair of amber eyes looked at the fourth childe. Before he spoke, he scared people to sweat on his forehead.

Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi smiled and said, "no, fourth brother!"

Xie Wanjin threw the ball out, turned away without saying a word, and walked through the corridor in an instant.

Accidentally bumped into the third childe in purple and jade belt. Leng Buding was cold all over.

Xie Wanjin hurriedly pushed aside two steps, smiled and asked, "how did the third brother come back so early today?"

Xie Xuan glanced at him, didn't speak, and walked forward.

The third childe has long been used to this man's sullen temperament. He just shook his head and sighed, "in this family, only this childe has the best temper."

He went on and saw two people with plenty of food and clothing, so he casually asked, "why did your adult come back so early today?"

Xie Yu has been very busy these days. Most of them go back to the house at midnight. Sometimes they spend the night directly in the criminal department.

This man came back this morning.

It's a little unusual.

With a sad face, Fengyi whispered to him, "the emperor sent three CHILDES to beizhou for disaster relief and set out today."

"What?" Xie Wanjin was surprised and couldn't help looking back at Xie Xuan's back. "Beizhou is in a mess now. Who's going to be unlucky! Is the third brother crazy or stupid? How can he take such a difficult job?"

Fengyi said, "adults are neither crazy nor stupid, but it's hard to disobey your life. ”

Xie Wanjin frowned and said, "it's hard to disobey your life! He never wanted to disobey. Does this man think of himself as an immortal? He went to Yunzhou before and found his life in a narrow escape. He's going to beizhou to die again! No! I'm going to tell my elder brother..."

"Fourth childe!"

Abundant food and clothing wanted to stop him, but Xie Wanjin had gone to the court and couldn't stop him.

When the fourth childe returned to the court, he was seeing the third childe holding the ball and looking at the people without expression.

Little six and seven asked with a smile, "third brother, why did you come back so early today?"

Xie Yu didn't speak.

As soon as the servants saw him, they restrained for a long time. They didn't let go as they had just played.

Wen Jiu reached out and pinned the scattered hair behind his ears. Wen Sheng said, "it's better to come back early. The third brother hasn't taken a rest for many days. Let's have a rest in the house now."

Xie Yu glanced at her and threw the ball to Xie Heng. Without saying a word, he turned and left.

"Ah Yu."

Xie Heng jumped and caught the ball. At the same time, he glanced in front of the third childe and said with a smile: "what are you doing so fast? It's rare to come back early. We'll play with Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi together. ”

Xie Yu said expressionless, "I still have business."

"Official business can't be handled in one day. I came back so early today. I'm afraid the old Emperor didn't go to the morning Dynasty." Xie Heng said, stretching out his hand and dragging the boy to the courtyard, "come on, teach you Cuju for my brother."

"Elder brother."

Xie Yu suddenly whispered to him.

Xie Heng felt that there was something wrong with the third childe today. He couldn't help looking at him. Their eyes just met.

Between his eyes, he suddenly understood.

Just at this time, Xie Wanjin caught up and asked in a hurry, "third brother, the old emperor said that the old emperor sent you to beizhou for disaster relief. What's going on?"

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