"OK, OK, I'll be right down."

The man on the top of the farewell Pavilion jumped down, took a wine gourd in his right hand, hid behind him, leaned against the pavilion column and smiled at Xie Yu, "what a coincidence, third childe, I can meet you just when I go out for a walk... Hey, where are you going?"

Xie Yu looked at her expressionless and didn't speak.

Ye Zhiqiu coughed awkwardly. "It's not a coincidence. I want to see you off. Everyone else has a group of old and young people to send you off. I'm just idle. If you don't like it... Just think I haven't seen me today. I'll go now."

She said, turning and leaving.


Xie Xuan sat at the stone table and spit out two words coldly.

Ye Zhiqiu stopped and looked back.

The young man's cool and handsome face was shrouded by the faint sunshine. It seemed that he didn't refuse people thousands of miles away.

She thought it was mostly an illusion.

"I really don't mean anything else." Ye Zhiqiu was still trying to explain, "when there was wine passing by, I made a pot of wine by the way, and then I heard that you were sent to beizhou. I thought it was a long way, and it was cold..."

Halfway through, she suddenly stopped.

Because he suddenly remembered the third childe, he didn't like others to talk too much and looked very noisy.

With plenty of food and clothing, Jiang wucai and the three made eye contact and quietly withdrew outside the pavilion.

For a time, there were only Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu left in the farewell booth.

The third childe is always silent.

Ye Zhiqiu leaned against the pillar, and was a little reluctant to speak.

She wanted to talk to him, but as soon as she spoke to Xie Yu, she couldn't express her meaning and talked a lot of nonsense. She felt that she was annoying, so she forced herself to hold back.

Xie Xuan raised her eyes and saw her like this. She was unhappy and said, "what are you doing here?"

"I......" Ye Zhiqiu stood up straight and said to him seriously, "I want to protect you."

Xie Xuan looked at her with dim eyes, but he didn't speak.

Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly explained, "these days, you offend people for my case. If you are plotted on the way out of Beijing, I will be sorry."

Xie Yu said faintly, "no need."

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment. He looked a little gloomy and said, "then I'll go."

In fact, she didn't want to be seen by Xie Yu.

I knew he would not let himself follow, but there was only this pavilion in the wilderness. The trees on both sides of the road were bare and had no place to hide.

Ye Zhiqiu unconsciously held the wine gourd in his arms, turned and left.

"Ye Zhiqiu."

Xie Yu behind her suddenly called her.

Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly turned back, his eyebrows and eyes became fresh and bright for a moment, "you can't bear me?"

"The Ye family's old case, wait until I come back." Xie Xuan said expressionless, "stay with my eldest brother. Don't act rashly and implicate him."

"OK." Ye Zhiqiu nodded.

It's not easy for a man like the third childe to say one more word with you.

Besides, she could have heard what she wanted to hear from Xie Xuan's words - be careful when I come back.

Xie Yu glanced at her. "Leave the wine. You can go."

"That's OK. I'll have a drink with you." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and went to Xie Xuan. Like a trick, he took out two wine glasses from his sleeve, put them on the stone table, opened the wine gourd and poured two glasses of wine.

She handed a cup to Xie Yu and took one by herself. "You have to take good care of yourself. I'll wait for you here."

Xie Xuan did not speak, but drank up the glass of wine.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and drank the cup.

Not far away, the sound of horses' hoofs came. They looked back together and saw several carriages coming here in the dusty room.

"They're coming." Ye Zhiqiu threw the wine glass and looked at Xie Yu. "Then I'm really gone?"

Xie Yu's eyes were as black as ink, and his tone was slightly cool. "Do you want me to send you?"

"No, no, no, I'll go by myself. This is the wine made by shopkeeper Wen himself. If you feel homesick, have a drink."

Ye Zhiqiu stuffed the wine gourd into the young man's arms, then flew away and disappeared into the shadows of the trees.

The wine was still warm. It was put in the gourd and put into his arms, which dissipated the cold all over his body.

Xie Xuan's body stiffened for a moment. He soon calmed down and got on the carriage with an expressionless face, "go."

Jiang wucai directly crowded into the pony car with plenty of food and clothing. Seeing this, they didn't say a word, and ordered the coachman to start quickly.

Behind them, a group of carriages drove fast and slowly, and there was no effort to take a breath.

Xie opened the curtain and took a look not far away.

Ye Zhiqiu stood on the bare branch. Seeing him looking back, he was stunned. He came back for a while and waved to him with a smile.

Xie Xuan put down the curtain, reached out and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. Inexplicably, he felt a little disappointed about his long trip.

When the warm sun and winter trees leave, when will spring come to take the road home?


After the third childe left, the people of Xie family were silent in front of the court for a long time before they went back to the courtyard.

Wen Jiu sat in front of the court and looked at the account book. Xie Heng still sat on the eaves drinking. The north wind blew countless red plums, brushed the youth's temples and wore them into ah Jiu's sleeves.

The maids and boys were busy and quiet.

He secretly went to the gate of the city to see off the third childe. As soon as he returned to the house, he went to Wenjiu and reported back: "the third childe and his party have left the city."

Shimei looked up at the eldest childe on the eaves. "When the other adults went out, they were all sent off by a large family. Only the third childe of our family didn't send it. The little one looked at it in the crowd and felt very uncomfortable."

Wenjiu's hand paused, raised his eyes and asked, "has Xiaoye gone?"

He shook his head and said, "I don't see Mr. Ye."

Wen Jiu thought for a moment and murmured, "it shouldn't be."

"Maybe it's to avoid suspicion and send it secretly." Xie Heng jumped down from the eaves, his red clothes were flying and falling all over the plum trees, one after another falling on the side of Wen wine like rain.

The young man leaned over and whispered in her ear, "how many silver notes did you put in the sachet in the third childe, so that it can be used to protect your life?"

"Who said there must be silver tickets?" Wenjiu picked slightly from the corners of his eyes and said with a smile, "you can't show people anything that can protect your life. When the third brother comes back safely, it's not too late to ask."

Xie Heng raised his hand and brushed the falling flowers off her temples. "OK, I'll wait for ah Yu to come back and see what the life talisman given by Mrs. Shao is."

The boy's warm fingertips passed through her hair and became a little more tender and tired.

They are talking.

A figure swept over the eaves and fell two steps away in the twinkling of an eye.

The hurried Qingyi guard knelt down and presented a letter, "young master, the frontier is urgent! 200000 wolves are gathered in the northern desert, and the soldiers invade the Changming pass! The leader is Xiao Lingtian, who is known as cutting thousands of people!"

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