Xie Heng stayed a little longer in front of the court and went to the Songhe hall.

Wenjiu sat down and continued to look at the account books. He turned a few books. He couldn't see it in the back. He was more and more uneasy.

Jin'er brought tea and gently advised, "young lady, are you tired? Have a cup of tea and have a rest."

Wenjiu didn't speak. He took a sip of tea.

She looked up at the sunset and thought that the third childe had been out of the imperial capital for dozens of miles. Suddenly there was a war at the northern desert border. It must be more and more difficult for beizhou to be calm after the snow disaster.

Day and night are coming, and the wind is getting stronger and stronger.

Wenjiu reached out and pinned his hair blown by the wind behind his ears. He was about to speak to jin'er.

The boy not far away hurried over, "young lady, there is a decree in the palace!"

Wen Jiu put down the tea lamp and saw Wang Liang coming this way with two small waiters.

Duke Wang's face was anxious, and all his usual greetings were thrown behind his ears. As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked, "is the marquis in the house? It's bad. 200000 wolves from the north desert came to attack. The emperor ordered Xie Heng to lead the army immediately!"

Wen Jiu nodded in his heart, his face barely maintained as usual, and asked faintly, "Hou ye? Why did we Xie family have any Hou ye?"

The old emperor was really shameless. When there was a war, the first thing he thought of was Xie Heng.

When it's all right, the man Dynasty's civil and military are all "the little hell who kills people without blinking an eye".

"My shopkeeper Wen!" Wang Liang was still wounded, and his old face was not bloody. At the moment, when he heard her say this, he became more and more white. "When is it? You're still kidding! Have you forgotten the imperial edict written by the emperor to thank the general for being a marquis?"

Wang Liang had spoken to Wen Jiu several times before. He had also accepted Wen Jiu's kindness when offering sacrifices to the rooftop. They also had some friendship.

Zhao Yi sent him at this time. He didn't know what he was thinking.

If it were something else, warming wine would certainly give Wang Liang face and never embarrass him.

But today is about Xie Heng.

Warm wine and never give in.

She raised her eyes and said, "the emperor wants to go out as soon as he wants. He was appointed as a marquis yesterday and let him lead the army today. Then I want to ask, who is the main commander and vice commander in this war? Who is in charge of the talisman? Tens of thousands of soldiers? Can there be a supervisor? If this war continues, how can food and grass continue?"

Wang Liang was stunned, and several small waiters behind him were even more foolish on the spot.

Once upon a time, when I went to the minister's house to announce a decree, those individuals were all kneeling to welcome me with incense. The whole family listened to the Hadith with fear and fear, and dared not say more than half a word.

But at Xie's house, it was completely different.

Shopkeeper Wen looks at a gentle and polite girl with a good temper.

At this moment, people were speechless when they opened their mouth. Even Wang Liang, a great internal servant who has been able to deal with kings and ministers for half his life, was difficult to deal with for a time.

To tell you the truth, Wenjiu asked these questions, probably even the old Emperor didn't think so much.

If the border is in disorder and Dayan people are unstable, there will be more trouble. Zhao Yi and a group of eldest officials all advocate governing the country according to literature. They are unprepared when they encounter such a sudden war. Their first reaction is to push a leader to go ahead and block the enemy.

If the war is a little stable, send someone to negotiate peace. If the war is defeated like a mountain, we will put it another way and send someone to beg for peace.

Either way, it is a great insult to the soldiers fighting on the front line.

Not to mention, once Xie Heng's war achievements are added, these royal nobles in the imperial city will not be able to sit still. At that time, they will rush to top his position and grab ready-made credit.

Wen Jiuwen has seen these things more than once.

All the hardships were eaten by the officers and men guarding Dayan, and the glory, wealth and honor were enjoyed by those Royal relatives and nobles.

If someone asks, "why is the world so unfair?"

Those princes and grandsons will tell you, "who made your life bad and didn't live in the rich family of princes?"

Of course.

This made the soldiers cold.

For a while.

Wang Liangcai calmed down, pressed down the burning color on his face, and tried to be calm with warm wine: "shopkeeper Wen, these things you said are decided by the emperor and adults. Suddenly, we haven't discussed carefully. Our family is an errand runner. It's a good job to lead the Marquis into the palace."

Wen Jiu looked at him with a cool face and said, "my father-in-law will lead Xie Heng into the palace today. Can you promise to send him back to me tomorrow?"

Wang Liang suddenly choked and stopped talking.

A general dies in a hundred battles and a strong man returns in ten years.

Everyone knows that swords and swords have no eyes on the battlefield. If you are careful, you will be wrapped in a horse's clothes. Who dares to promise her that Xie Heng will come back safely this time.

Even if he had a big life and didn't die on the battlefield, the courtiers and generals had their own thoughts. How did they know that they wouldn't make a stumbling block secretly and let the boy die at the border, and they would never come back to the imperial capital?

No one can guarantee that after the war, Wenjiu will be able to give back an immortal Xie Xiaoyan.

Neither can the old emperor.

Wen Jiu's face was very pale and said, "since your father-in-law can't guarantee it, please go back. Please go back to the emperor. Xie Heng was seriously injured when he solved the difficulties of Lingyun mountain and hasn't recovered yet. Please choose another person to lead the army."

Wang Liang wondered, "shopkeeper Wen, you..."

I'm just halfway there.

Perfect, he rushed from the other end of the corridor and said with warm wine full of sweat: "young lady, the eldest childe's medicine vomited again. If you can't drink it, how can the injury be cured? Go and have a look."

Wen wine smelled his words and immediately understood. He frowned and asked, "what's the matter? Can't you feed it in the morning?"

It's perfect. You talk to me and warm wine. The eldest childe's old injury recurrence is so serious that he can't endure today.

Wang Liang listened, couldn't help but put out his hand to wipe the sweat on his head and asked, "as far as we know, the Marquis is still walking around on Dijing street."

Warm wine slightly picked his eyes and glanced at perfection.

Shiquan turned his head and said with a bitter face: "father-in-law, you don't know. My childe's injury was about to recover, but looking at my young lady's weak body every day, I was sad. This worry would relapse and get out of control."

Shimei hurriedly said, "yes, yes, my childe is still fainting on his couch. Why don't you go and see it with your own eyes?"

Warm wine: "

I'm afraid Xie Heng is worried that she will faint.

Can you talk a little more about it?

Fortunately, Wang Liang didn't expect much from the Xie family. Xie Heng refused to enter the palace and was willing to give an excuse.

He said goodbye to Wen Jiu. When he passed her, he whispered, "please don't move the marquis. I don't know who will come next time. Shopkeeper Wen takes care of himself."

Warm wine nodded slightly and whispered, "thank you, Grandpa Wang."

Before the sound fell, Wang Liang returned to the palace with a few small servants.

Please don't hesitate to thank the little Yama. The old emperor will send someone with more weight.

Since he moved his mind with Xie Heng, the more he didn't want to go, the more he wanted to move this stubborn stone.

Your heart is unpredictable, and you can't disobey it.

Wen Jiu looked at the direction Wang Liang and others left and said: I hope the old emperor can listen to her.

When Xie Heng led the army, it was a little better than in his previous life.

No matter where the youth will go, what kind of cattle ghosts and gods they see, and what kind of thorny things they encounter, they can be easily solved.

Why be afraid of thousands of difficulties and dangers?

I walk with you.

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