The next day was dark.

Warm wine was half asleep and half awake. I heard dozens of people hurried outside the door.

She opened her eyes and saw the young man's handsome face close at hand. She didn't know what brocade had wrapped them together.

Warm wine breathed slightly, and suddenly opened the brocade quilt to stay.

She got up in a hurry, her mind was a little confused, and her center of gravity was unstable, so she fell forward.

Xie Heng on his side reached out and grabbed her, pulled the man back to the couch and half leaned in his arms.

The young man smiled lazily and whispered, "young lady, slow down."

Warm wine held his forehead with one hand and pressed on the boy's face with the other hand. He said helplessly, "don't talk."

Xie Heng really shut up.

After a while.

There was a perfect voice outside the door, and there were more people all at once. In the weak morning light, there were lanterns with lamps, and the shaky shadows were reflected on the doors and windows, like ghosts.

Jin'er's voice was several times louder than usual, "prince! Gentlemen! My childe is still dizzy and asleep. I don't know when he will wake up. Please sit down in the flower hall and wait for the maid to invite the young lady and the old lady out..."

Zhao Fengwen said in a voice: "the palace is very anxious to hear that Xie Qing's old injury has recurred. It specially asked his father to renew his life. I don't know where shopkeeper Wen is now?"

The prince has always been known for his good temper, and he never lost his bearing in front of the maid of Xie's house.

Kim didn't speak again.

On the contrary, Shiquan respectfully said, "young lady has been guarding in front of the eldest childe's bed. Please wait a moment for the prince and your adults. I'll go in and inform you."

These people speak in a loud voice.

Wen Jiu listened to it clearly, turned back and said to Xie Heng, "since Zhao Feng said he had brought the life renewal pill, he certainly won't let you continue to fool. Lie down here first and I'll go out and have a look."


Xie Heng was as good as anything at the moment. He shook the brocade open, covered it, closed his eyes and looked quiet.

Wen Jiu reached out to tuck him in, turned and walked over, opened the door, and saw Zhao Feng and his ministers standing outside the door.

Perfect and jin'eryulu are bowing to one side. When they see Wen wine coming out, they quickly ask, "how are you, young lady?"

As soon as Wen Jiu was ready to speak, Zhao Feng frowned and asked, "Xie Qing is better?"

The ministers behind him echoed and asked, "how's general Xie?"

A nervous look.

Warm wine drooped his eyes and said, "thank you for thinking. He took medicine last night and hasn't woke up yet."

The crowd took a breath of air-conditioning and whispered "how could this happen?", "what should I do?".

"Don't worry, shopkeeper Wen." Zhao Feng said, taking a small sandalwood box from the attendant's hand and handing it to Wen Jiu, "this is the life renewal pill stored in the palace for a long time. His father and Emperor are not willing to use it. This time, he specially asked the Palace to bring it to Xie Qing..."

Warm wine eyebrows jumped slightly, quickly took it with both hands, and his face was full of gratitude: "thank the Lord longen, thank the crown prince for his great kindness."

She said she would salute and thank you. Zhao Feng quickly helped her. "Shopkeeper Wen doesn't have to do this. Xie Qing is a meritorious minister who guards our big Yan mountains and rivers. This palace only makes a little effort to do this."

A crowd behind him quickly echoed Zhao Feng.

Wen Jiu looked down at the sandalwood box in his hand and wondered whether it was a life-saving medicine or a poison.

The so-called life extension pill is just nonsense from the old county. However, in the middle of the night, Zhao Feng can change this nonsense and bring so many people to the door to block it.

It can be seen that I really can't sit still.

"This life extending pill is only one of them." Zhao Feng said solemnly: "my father also made a decree himself."

He said that.

The Chamberlain next to him hurriedly came forward, spread out the imperial edict in his hands, and said in a loud voice: "according to the emperor's edict, Xie Heng, the son of Xie, was young and promising, brave and wise. He was specially granted the title of Dingbei king, took charge of the military power of the four directions, transferred the troops and horses of all cities, went to the border to resist the wolf riding in the northern desert and protect the safety of the people..."

When the waiter finished reading the edict, he handed the Edict and the amulet to Wen Jiu.

She lifted her eyes and looked at the crowd in front of her.

Ministers, you and I said, "no one with a different surname has been crowned king in Dayan Dynasty for more than a hundred years. This is a great honor!"

"The emperor has handed over the world's military power to Xie Heng alone. What a trust! Long en is dissolute!"

Zhao Feng asked with a straight face, "I don't know if the two good medicines are added together. General Xie may be well?"

Xie Heng wants to go to the battlefield without being dragged down.

These individuals want someone to stop the northern desert wolf from riding on the front line and protect themselves.

I'm not stupid. I've known this for a long time.

Wen Jiu holds the life renewal pill in one hand and the amulet in the other. The imperial edict is held in his arms, as if he held everything others asked for but couldn't.

Among those ministers, there were many people who were jealous, and their eyes could not hide their anger.

Warm wine gently lifted his eyes and said in a very light tone: "then it depends on whether this life renewal pill is useful or not."

Zhao Feng was stunned.

"Wait a minute, everyone." Wen Jiu handed jin'er the imperial edict and military talisman. As soon as he turned and walked into the room, he found that the boy in white had slowly walked out of the inner room.

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on Xie Heng.

The boy held the door frame and shouted, "ah Jiu."

The voice is so soft that it can't be heard. It seems that it will disperse when the wind blows.

His complexion was very white, and he was a little blue. His thin lips were not bloody at all. He didn't have the appearance of pulling out his sword to cut evil foxes and standing in the political hall.

Now Xie Heng is clean and thin, with thin clothes and high stature. It seems that he can't stand stably without holding the door frame and will spit blood and fall to the ground at any time.

"How are you...?"

Wenjiu hurried to Xie Heng and asked in a low voice.

She was stunned by him.

He didn't look like this when she was in the house just now.

Xie Heng coughed several times, put his hand on Wen Jiu's shoulder and said in a low voice, "I didn't see you when I woke up. I thought..."

"I'm here." Wenjiu quickly interrupted him.

What time is it? So many people are standing outside.

This guy is still talking nonsense!

Xie Heng didn't lift his head either. He was stunned because he didn't see Zhao Feng and his ministers. He looked like "I'm dying anyway, and I won't pay attention to you".

While holding him, Wen Jiu thought about how to make the field look better, and said, "the prince asked for your life extension..."

"Yes, Xie Qing, take the life renewal pill first." Zhao Fenglian hurriedly said: "after taking this pill, you will be seriously injured. It's not too late to talk about other things later."

The ministers advised one after another: "yes, yes! Take the medicine first, press down the injury and keep your life is the most important."

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng looked at each other.

The more Zhao Feng and these people are like this, the more suspicious they are.

Who knows whether this pill is life-saving or deadly.

You can't just eat.

But now, with so many eyes, it's hard to ride a tiger.

Xie Heng nodded and motioned her to give medicine.

Warm wine opened the sandalwood box, poured the red pill into the palm of his hand, and slowly put it on Xie Heng's lips.

The boy looked at her with low eyes.

Everyone's eyes fell on the palm of warm wine and Xie Heng's lips.

Her eyes moved slightly, giving the boy a fake look.

The latter understood, bowed his head and thin lips, pushed the pill into the warm wine's wide sleeves, and then kissed her gently in the palm of her hand.

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