Wen Jiu looked up at him and said in a warm voice, "OK."

The servants and maids in front of the door retreated to both sides, the lights were not extinguished, and the morning light fell in the courtyard.

Wen Jiu holds the cold tiger amulet in his hand, and the boy holds her hand.

They looked at each other and walked into the room at the same time.

The maid stretched out her hand and closed the door, isolating all the people in the courtyard.

in the house.

Wen Jiu stuffed the tiger amulet into Xie Heng's hand, turned around and looked for a clean shirt to change for him.

The scarlet brocade clothes reflected her pure hands more and more white as jade.

The young man looked down at her, his clothes and hands, gently filled with amber eyes.

Wenjiu was silent for a long time. When he helped him tie his clothes, he said, "there are many dangers here. Be careful."

In his previous life, Xie Heng also fought with the northern desert to gain a firm foundation and became a regent.

But in this life, the old emperor is still there, and Zhao Feng is still well. At present, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the little prince Zhao Xi.

If Xie Heng is successful at this time, he will be unable to escape the fate of birds and good bows in the future.

But she couldn't tell Xie Heng about those things. Moreover, the situation in previous life and this life was completely different. There was no prediction that could avoid dangerous places.

"Ah Jiu." Xie Heng smiled, leaned over her ear and asked in a low voice, "are you worried about me?"

The action on Wenjiu's hand paused, and the knuckles were spared when the tie was tied.

Obviously a little flustered.

She raised her eyes and looked at the young man in front of her. "The old emperor handed you all the tiger amulets this time. Will you..."

"Not afraid." Xie Heng raised his hand and wiped the white on his lips, and gradually recovered a little blood color. Wen Sheng said to her, "don't worry if everything has me."


After Wen Jiu answered, he didn't speak again.

Although I knew Xie Heng wouldn't stay in the house all the time, I'm going to fight right now. It's really too fast.

She wanted to remind the young man that the sword had no eyes on the battlefield, and remind him not to be hard in the face when fighting with Xiao Lingtian. She was afraid that if she said more, it would destroy his original response.

I can only bear it and don't say a word.

When Xie Heng put on his clothes, he raised his hand and rubbed her head, turned and walked to the right side of the room, and then opened the lavender curtain weft.

The Xuanjia he usually wore was hung on the shelf, cut off the sword and closed it in the scabbard. The sunlight outside the window came in and sprinkled on the Xuanjia and the long sword, reflecting a little light.

Invisibly, a breath of killing came to my face in an instant.

Wen Jiu stood a few steps away and watched him stretch out his hand to take down the Xuanjia and wear it.

In a twinkling of an eye, he added armor.

She looked at Xie Heng and was a little distracted.

The boy hasn't touched these things since he left the prison. First, his official position has been cut. He doesn't have to go to Moyu camp. Naturally, he can't use these things.

He waited on him perfectly, and I never mentioned that he had these in his room.

Warm wine at first sight, it is inevitable that the heart is sour.

Xie Heng doesn't love the world.

He just didn't want to compete with these people in the court and take advantage of the foreigners.

Even if the young man is at home and doesn't ask about the North Korean affairs, he always has his family and country in his heart.

But in this world, many people live by themselves.

They fight for power and profit, and they don't believe that you don't love fame and wealth. They spend their time camping for high positions, and they believe that you are also a villain climbing step by step.

Xie Heng, dressed in black armor, walked to Wen Jiu with a chopping sword in one hand and a helmet in the other.

The morning light reflected in the young amber eyes, "ah Jiu, I'm going to the palace."

This time, it is to call troops and set out for war. I am thousands of miles away from home. I don't know when I can return.

Wen Jiu took the helmet in his hand, helped the boy take it, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "I'm involved in the affairs of the house. You can fight outside."

Xie Heng looked at her for a long time and finally said "OK."

When the sound fell, he went out, opened the door, and the pale golden sun tilted in.

Wen Jiu looked back at the slender young man, who was shrouded in a faint halo, and his back gradually became a little fuzzy.

The crowd outside whispered a few words.

Zhao Feng's voice was particularly clear, "general Xie, please."

Then mixed with the voices of old lady Xie and Xie Wanjin, he said something in a low voice.

Xie Heng said, "it's not the first time for me to go to war. My grandmother doesn't have to worry. She just needs to return from the mansion as usual."

Little six and seven pestered him and shouted "elder brother."

A group of Ministers hurried by and said, "general Xie, come into the palace quickly. It's really a great delay."

Just a moment.

Wenjiu quickly walked to the door and saw only the back of the young man surrounded by people.

The red plum in front of the court is lonely and proud, and the north wind howls across the courtyard.

Xie Heng is very tall and has an outstanding posture. He stands out among the literary ministers.

Wenjiu leaned against the door and watched him walk through the corridor and disappear around the corner with the people. He didn't come back for a long time.

The Xie family watched them go away. It took a while for them to relax.

Old lady Xie turned back and said, "the border is cold and bitter. Take two cold clothes to Dongfeng quickly!"

"Look at my memory!" Mrs. Xie said anxiously, "it's very cold in the cold Mausoleum City and there's nothing to eat. How can he go like this? Wanjin, let someone prepare some food for your eldest brother!"

The northern desert is cold and bitter. Every winter, they have to migrate to find a place to spend the winter. Many people freeze and starve every year. Therefore, they come to the Dayan border to rob land and food at this time.

The old emperor loved his son and went to others for any hard work.

The Xie family will go wherever it is useful.

What's all this!

Xie Yucheng said helplessly, "madam! Madam, don't worry. Dongfeng is leading the army this time. It's not easy to take clothes and food for him. Forget it."

Mrs. Xie said anxiously, "how can I forget it!"

"It should be in time. It will take several hours for the troops and horses in the imperial capital to gather. Now they are ready. I'll send them to the city gate with ah Jiu later." Xie Wanjin said, calling the rich and noble to come and ordered them to get more dry food and meat.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath and said, "I'll prepare two more sets of clothes for him."

"Ah Jiu." old lady Xie called her and said in a warm voice, "let the maids do these things. Come and talk with me."

"Yes." Wen Jiu told jin'er Yulu to pack Xie Heng's clothes, went to old lady Xie, reached out his hand to help the old man to sit down at the stone table, and whispered, "his injury is all right. There's another plan like this today. Grandma is relieved."

Little six and seven secretly wiped their eyes. Afraid of being seen by their grandmother, they desperately looked up at the sky and wanted to turn back their tears.

Mrs. Xie patted the warm wine's hand, "you child... Grandma is old and hasn't seen anything. You should be relieved. Originally, grandma wanted to marry you after the Spring Festival, but this..."

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