There were a sea of people outside the pavilion. They were all seeing off families. They talked in twos and threes, but they still couldn't find their husband and son who was going to the border. Their son also wiped his tears.

by comparison.

The Xie family are much more stable.

Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie said, "it's a good day today. It should be a good sign."

The latter said, "yes, it's rare to have good weather in this big winter. It must be a good omen. Let's lead the army in the east wind. Can it be a bad day?"

Xie Wanjin listened and wanted to say a word or two. After being looked at by his father Xie Yucheng, Xie Wanjin closed his mouth very consciously.

After a while.

The fourth childe couldn't help talking with warm wine again.

He touched his chin and said in a rather pompous way, "Oh, I forgot to prepare the most important thing for my eldest brother. Now I don't know if I can get it back in time..."

"What is it?" Wen asked, glancing at the wine.

Xie Heng doesn't have many things, and the most important thing is very few. It seems that there is nothing she doesn't know.

But at this time, Xie Wanjin suddenly said that Wenjiu couldn't think of anything.

It's quite scary.

"Wine. ” Xie Wanjin looked at her with a smile in her peach blossom eyes. "The border is bitter and cold. My eldest brother should bring two more pots of wine. When it's cold, take a sip and win a battle. If you miss someone, take two more."

"Fourth brother!" Wen Jiu suddenly reacted, and his face changed slightly.

But before the fourth childe said anything, she prepared a pot of wine for Xie Heng. She had no other thoughts.

But when Xie Wanjin said it, he had a little more beautiful thoughts.

Xiewan King Kong wants to speak.

Mrs. Xie raised her hand and patted him on the back. She whispered, "what a big truth? You don't know. You have to tell it in front of ah Jiu! See what you can do!"

When Wen Jiu saw this, he was helpless: "...."

"Coming, coming! Elder brother, they are coming!" Xie Wanjin covered his back and silently moved two steps to the side.

The sound of horses' hoofs is approaching, and the sound of soldiers' armor comes with the dust.

Warm wine turned back and looked at the young general in fresh clothes and angry horses not far away.

"Elder brother!"

Little six and little seven one looked straight at this side. As soon as they saw Xie Heng in red, they shouted loudly.

These two little men are not tall. They can only wave desperately, hoping that their eldest brother can see himself at a glance.

Xie Heng lifted his right hand gently, motioned the soldiers to stop, then turned down and walked to Wenjiu and his family.

He Yu looked at general Xie's back and sighed. Turning back, he said to the same Deputy generals, "I don't think general Xie just hit me."

Another deputy general said, "I don't think it's a little."

"If Mrs. Xie hadn't come, you would have been dragged by a horse today."

He Yu suddenly aroused his spirits and looked back at Xie Heng and the Xie family. He was relieved to see that there was no anger on the young man's face. He and the others said, "you're okay to say that I'm the one who answered the words just now? If you want to beat me, you'll beat them together. Who ran away?"

All the Deputy generals stopped talking when they heard the speech.

A moment later.

Someone came out and laughed, "all right, all right, isn't it all right? Get off the horse and talk to someone, no matter who they came to give it to. Anyway, it can't be seen that no one gave it to us."

Deputy Generals: "

Hearing this, I feel more and more miserable, okay.

General Xie has just been granted the king, and his sweetheart has sent him away. This is a worthwhile life.


General Xie, who had never had a chance to talk with warm wine at the moment, was hugged by Xie Xiaoliu and Xie Xiaoqi.

These two little ones have always adhered to him. They used to be far away. This time, they probably heard others say how powerful the northern desert wolf is. When they looked up, they were all tearful and worried.

Xie Xiaoqi asked, "elder brother, how long are you going this time? Will you be able to come out for a reunion dinner on New Year's Eve?"

Xie Heng touched his head and said with a smile, "this is to fly back for my brother's wings?"

The imperial capital is thousands of miles away from the border. Don't mention the war between the two countries. It's hard to tell whether the two countries win or lose for a while. It's hard to come back when the new year's Eve.

In the end, the little boy is too naive.

"Elder brother can't fly!" Xie Xiaoliu, who has been singing against the seventh childe, rarely stood on the same front with his younger brother today, took Xie Heng and said to him very seriously: "after the new year, it will soon be spring. This spring, the elder brother can marry his sister-in-law on double ten. If he becomes a parent, he can have a baby..."

The little girl spoke more and more vigorously.

Mrs. Xie, who was beside her, quickly put her hand over Xie Xiaoliu's mouth and took people away, "how old are you? How can you say this in front of so many people."

"And you, let's go." Xie Wanjin reached out and touched Xie Xiaoqi's head and pulled the man down from Xie Heng. "It's all for you and Xiao Liu to talk to your eldest brother for a while. What do you want your sister-in-law to do?"

The fourth childe spoke in a loud voice. As soon as he opened his mouth, all the people around him heard him.

Old lady Xie smiled, and all the young ladies on her side could only bow their heads as if they didn't hear anything.

Xie Xiaoqi slowly released his hand. His dark eyes looked at his sister-in-law and his eldest brother. He consciously went to the side to stay with Xie Xiaoliu.

Old lady Xie handed the peace talisman in her hand to Xie Heng. After saying so, she didn't turn her head and wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeves.

When she looked at Xie Heng again, her wet eyes smiled again. "Grandma knows what you think. Aunt three and WAN Jin are busy living. When you come back, everything will be done."

Xie Heng rubbed the peace symbol in his hand and said in a low voice, "grandson, thank you, grandma."

After seeing him for a long time, old Xie said again, "Dongfeng, go here... Be careful."

Xie Heng nodded, "grandson knows."

Old lady Xie patted the young man on the shoulder. Without saying more, she turned around and took a group of young ladies to one side.

So, in these four or five steps, only Wen Jiu was left standing in front of Xie Heng.

As soon as she looked up, she looked at the boy.

Between the four eyes, it seems that time also stops at this moment.

After a while.

Wen Jiucai whispered and called, "Xie Dongfeng."

Xie Heng slightly hooked his lips, "I'm here."

There were wailing farewell words on his side. Wen Jiu only shouted to him and stopped, as if he didn't know what to say.

The boy looked at her like this, and the brilliance in the amber eyes was shining.

Wen Jiu reached out and touched the tip of his nose and said to him, "you were in a hurry to enter the palace today. I asked someone to pack your clothes and fill two pots of wine..."

As she spoke, she suddenly thought of what the fourth childe said and couldn't help pausing.

After that, Wen Jiu continued, "forget it, these are not important things. Just let perfection bring them to you. Also, you don't have to worry about food, grass and military supplies. The old emperor's Treasury must be insufficient. I'll find another way."

Xie Heng raised his hand and gently rubbed her cheek. "It's really hard for young lady to raise me."

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