Xie Heng led his troops straight to the border. The disaster in the North was serious and he was too busy to take care of himself. Only 50000 people were transferred from all States and counties, half of which were old, weak, sick and disabled.

In addition, they brought out from Dijing and managed to get 130000 people.

Against 200000 iron cavalry in the northern desert.

Against the leader, the famous ten thousand people chopped Xiao Lingtian. Xie Heng's battle was the most difficult one in his life.

When they first arrived at the border, they didn't even have time to rest. They directly rode on the bar with the northern desert wolf.

The wilderness is cold and frost, and the snow and ice cover thousands of miles.

Xie Heng led an ambush at wuhui peak, arranged troops all night, rode around the mountains with 50000 Moyu, and caught them unprepared.

This dozen is two days and one night.

All the soldiers were red eyed, and people fell down constantly, and the people behind them made up.

The blood splashed to the ground and soon solidified into blood colored flowers.

When the two sides call back, wuhui peak is already dead everywhere.

Xie Heng confronted Xiao Lingtian head-on and got two swords. Xiao Lingtian didn't get there. He broke his legs and almost cut off his neck by the little hell.

On the third day, when it was slightly bright.

The generals of both sides were carried back to the military account by the people below.

On the other side of the northern desert, he retreated more than a hundred miles in a row.

Dayan's side.

All the military doctors entered the main account and replenished the blood hole for Xie Xiaoyan, who can block millions of divisions with one sword.

Xie Heng's face was as white as jade. The blood on his body and the blood on his face were blooming.

It happened that he leaned on his couch and was still restless. He frowned and said, "there are few military doctors. You all came to me. What about the brothers outside? Leave one and the others out!"

All the military doctors were worried. At first, when little Yama cursed, his voice was so loud that they were relieved.

People look at me and I look at you. They are hesitating whether to go out.

Xie Heng raised his hand and went to pick up the chopping sword on the side. "What are you still standing for? You want me to go out and cut ten or eight enemy troops, so you can believe that I'm okay, right?"

People: "

Can you wipe your blood first and then tell us that you have nothing to do.

These people have never been around Xiao Yan before. I don't know what kind of person he is.

But judging from the two nights of fighting, this man is definitely a ruthless man. He has to listen to his words.

Qingqi took the medicine box and stood out first. "I'm here to heal the general. Go out and see the injured brothers."

Someone came out to thank the little Yama. They quickly agreed and withdrew.

He Yu and his deputies were also badly hurt, not to mention the soldiers at the bottom.

When the crowd withdrew.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand to take off his armor and was involved in the wound on his body. A cold sweat spread all over his forehead.


Qingqi was so frightened that his face changed. He hurriedly came forward and stopped the boy's action, "you put it, I'll come."

Xie Heng actually couldn't sit still because he was hurt. He just held on in front of outsiders.

Now he suddenly fell back and couldn't open his eyes.

"Don't sleep over, young master." after Qing Qi removed his armor, he went to the inner garment again.

Xie Heng was hit by two swords. The other side was very cruel. They all came for death.

The wound is black and highly toxic.

Rao Shiqing learned a lot of medical skills. At the moment, he trembled at the boy's poisonous wound.

Ben was hurt to the point and was poisoned. If you start, there is a chance.

Xie Xiaoyan's life is in his hands.

"What are you looking at? ” Xie Heng frowned and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "if you can cure it, cure it quickly. If you can't, go out and change someone!"

Qingqi said, "the poison spreads very fast. If you want to completely remove it, you're afraid to scrape the bone to cure the poison."

Xie Heng looked down and said in a deep voice, "since you know how to do it, do it."

"Childe... Qing Qi is not good at learning. I'm afraid..."

Qingqi's face is whiter than a teenager.

I'm afraid.

If someone else changes, he dares to try.

But you dare not let him make any mistakes.

"Stop talking nonsense." Xie Heng's lips turned purple and his voice was a little lighter than before. "Few of the military doctors accompanying him this time are serious doctors. If you say you can't, are you going to let me wait to die?"

Qing Qi: "I..."

"Hurry up." if Xie Heng had the strength, he would have kicked him with his hand and grabbed the quilt with one hand. "I also want to flatten the north desert and go back to marry my ah Jiu."

The teenager thought:

I can't die here.

I want to go back to Dijing and marry my ah Jiu.

Qingqi bit his teeth and cleaned his wound. I don't know how much courage it took to restrain his hand from shaking.

"Childe, be a ninja." he whispered, "I'll try... To be light."

But the liquor poured on the wound, and the cold blade cut off the flesh and bones a little.

How can light?

Xie Heng didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Only bean sized beads of sweat rolled down the boy's forehead.

Ah Jiu is waiting for me.

This sentence hovered in Xie Heng's mind.

My wine... Is waiting for me.

The blood color on the boy's face faded, but a pair of amber eyes hid the stars.

"Childe..." Qingqi was sweating all over his back. In order to distract his thoughts, he said to him to warm the wine, "young lady, when he came to the medical school earlier, he told us that childe couldn't sleep these days and asked if there was anything to help him sleep..."

Xie Heng's eyes were half closed. He couldn't hold on and was going to sleep.

Suddenly heard warm wine, he woke up for a few minutes.

The young man's thin lips turned white, but he still couldn't help rising gently, "when did it happen?"

Qing Qi said slowly while treating the poison: "just a few days before you pretended to be ill, an old doctor in the medical school wanted to drink wedding wine. He said to his young wife that you can't sleep. It's not a problem. You have to marry a beautiful wife and lie down together. If you stay together, you can get rid of any problems!"

Xie Heng couldn't help laughing. "The old doctor is interesting. I have to buy him a wedding wine later."

"Yes, we must treat him to a wedding wine."

Qing Qi agreed and began to scrape away his poisoned flesh and blood.

Xie Heng closed his eyes, full of warm wine.

The rivers and mountains have not been settled yet, and there is no beautiful Chang'an.

My young lady has never married a man's wife.

How to let go?

Qingqi panicked and kept shouting "wake up, young master!"

Xie Heng slowly opened his eyes and said in a hoarse and calm voice, "I'm fine. You continue."


Qingqi's voice choked, but he didn't dare to be slack in his hand.

I don't know how long it took.

Xie Heng's body pain was almost numb, his thoughts drifted away, and he was about to lose consciousness.

Perfect suddenly rushed to the main account, took a letter and said in a high voice, "general, madam, send someone 800 miles to hurry up and send a letter!"

Xie Heng suddenly woke up, as if the fresh vitality of his whole body had recovered in a moment, "open it quickly! Look at what the letter says?"

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