"There's no need to mention it again." old lady Xie interrupted her and comforted her: "the situation is not so bad at the moment. You should be at ease to recover from the injury and don't think about other things."

Mrs. Xie on her side hurriedly answered, "the old lady said very well. It's just a wine to heal."

Wenjiu didn't have a chance to say anything, so he was surrounded by several maids and went back to the yard.

When she passed Zhao Xi's side, she gave him a look of "stay in peace".

The latter stood under the tree without waves and nodded to her.

The tight string in Wenjiu's heart loosened a little.

"Let's go with my sister-in-law."

Xiao Liu said he was going to follow up.

Old man Xie reached out and touched the little girl's head. He said in a warm voice, "stop making trouble and let ah Jiu have a rest."

Small six "Oh" a, and small seven stood together, looking at the crowd surrounded by warm wine to leave.

After a while.

Xie Sanfu sighed helplessly: "ah Jiu, a girl, looks very sensible on weekdays. How can she change someone this time? Can she be involved in guarding the city gate and the eldest princess? Really..."

"Ah Jiu has her own reason to do so." old lady Xie looked at the back of Wen Jiu with kind eyes. "If the east wind is in, they will do the same. They are the same people, young people, and they will inevitably ignore the consequences."

"But..." Mrs. Xie wanted to say something. She was shaken by Xie Yucheng on her side. She immediately swallowed it back and said, "my daughter-in-law knows that ah Jiu is young after all. Maybe she didn't expect to cause trouble to her upper body. It's too late to understand. She's really confused this time. She didn't wait in the house. She got hurt and got back in such a big trouble."

Xie Yucheng said, "madam, the building is going to collapse, and no one can be spared. Even if ah Jiu stays in the house, the Xie family can't stay away from it just because of the important position of Dongfeng and ah Xian in the dynasty. This can't be said again."

Next to the two small you look at me, I look at you, Qi Qi nodded and said, "uncle is right!"

Mrs. Xie three choked. She didn't really blame ah Jiu, but she was always quick to talk. Xie Yucheng preached this meeting. She couldn't hang her face, and said, "then she also said that there was a secret way in ah Xian's yard. Ah Yu was always silent. She was busy in the Ministry of punishment all day. How can she have the time to dig any secret way in the yard."

Old man Xie glanced at the sky and said calmly, "well, no one is going to go. It doesn't matter if there is a secret way. Take Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi back to the Songhe hall first. I'll go and see ah Jiu."


Mrs. Xie said and took Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi's hand to the arch.

The waitresses helped old lady Xie to the warm wine place.

The night is getting darker.

Jin'er Yulu helped warm wine, bathe and change clothes, and burned a concentrated fragrance in the house. Then she retreated to the outside.

Warm wine didn't sleep all day and night. I was exhausted and could fall asleep, but now I can't sleep.

She simply got up, went to the window and looked up at the dark clouds covering the moon.

There are few times in my life when I feel that silver is useless.

Count once today.

She watched the eldest princess stab the dagger into her body. The blood splashed out and dyed her eyes bright red.

Wen Jiu even wondered if she would leave more cleanly if she didn't have much to do to stop the eldest princess from committing suicide.

When you want to keep a person, but there is nothing you can do, you know you are small and weak.

If she had Xie Dongfeng's excellent martial arts, if she had three CHILDES, even if only half of them would not be like this.

Wenjiu is a merchant who can only earn money. He is nothing in front of life and death.

She could not keep the eldest princess, but also implicated the Xie family. From then on, she was afraid and had no safe life.

The night was silent.

Warm wine leaned against the window and whispered, "princess, you must hold on."

Answer warm wine, only the sound of the wind blowing leaves outside the eaves.

When Mrs. Xie came, she just saw warm wine leaning against the window in a daze.

The lights in the house went out clearly, which didn't really cover her eyebrows and eyes.

"Ah Jiu." old lady Xie called her softly, walked by the window, opened the door and entered the house.

The waitresses consciously stayed outside the door, and only the old lady came to warm wine.

"Grandma..." Wen Jiu's eyes were dim. He immediately folded his hands and saluted the old lady. He sobbed: "today, Wen Jiu was reckless and implicated the Xie family. I......"

"Silly child." old man Xie reached out and helped her up. He said in a warm voice, "grandma doesn't mean to blame you, and no one in the Xie family will blame you. We just feel distressed. How can you, a weak woman, rush in front of others and suffer some minor injuries? If you hurt your life, please don't have time to invite Luo immortal."

Wenjiu's eyes were wet, lowered his head and whispered, "I didn't dare to rush ahead, but when I was pointed out by thousands of people alone, I thought that if I could have a close friend and stand with me, there was no need for her to do anything. It was good to just stand with me."

Old lady Xie was stunned.

Wenjiu said something inexplicable, but she said it very seriously, so people can't ignore it.

She raised her eyes and continued, "although I am incompetent, I want to stand in front of the princess and block one or two abusive words for her."

Gold is not easy to get, but a confidant is even harder to find.

Let the greedy warm wine go to Zhao Jingyi, and let the proud princess hurt herself.

Only each other knows the friendship.

Old man Xie sat down by the couch and continued, "ah Jiu, it's good to be honest, but your life is also very important. Grandma didn't think you did wrong this time, but next time, grandma hopes you can think about the east wind and cherish yourself in order to save others."

Wen Jiu's nose was sour and nodded.

"The eldest princess is also a person with rough fate. It's fate for you to make friends with her." old lady Xie's voice is very soft. She gently stroked the back of warm wine and said, "everyone has his own destiny. Do your best and listen to God's destiny. You can't force anything."

Warm wine "Hmm" and didn't speak again for a while.

She didn't say anything, but the old lady seemed to understand everything.

It's not for no reason that the sons of the Xie family can grow into hearty teenagers in such troubled times.

Old lady Xie whispered comforting words with warm wine. The old man's peaceful voice sneaked into her ears with the wind.

Warm wine mood, also gradually calmed down a lot.

I just can't help worrying about where the eldest princess and master Wuqiu are now and what is the situation?

I only wish the dark clouds all over the sky dispersed with the wind, and the people who are worried in my heart are safe.

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