Xie Xuan is a man who is very deep in the city. He has thought about a hundred steps after taking one step.

When he was in Changping County, he was so unpopular that he could make a secret path in Qiufeng yard to save his life at a critical time.

After coming to Dijing, such a move will be expected by Wenjiu.

It's just that this man sent someone to send home letters from afar just to tell her about it. It's really embarrassing.

The third childe knew for a long time that warm wine seemed soft, but in fact, her bones were very hard. She was in Dijing, and no one looked at her. She had to have something to do, so she prepared the future for her and Xie's family early.

Wen Jiu looked at the two lines and didn't know what to say.

On the other side of beizhou, the heavy snow did not stop, and trouble began again.

Xie Xuan stood on the gate and looked at the boundless sky and the earth. All the roots and weeds were stripped clean.

The cold wind blew through the barren land. There were dilapidated houses crushed by the heavy snow everywhere. Behind the closed city gate, there were only a few patrol soldiers.

The road was frozen to death, and no one gathered. People, old and young, huddled together to keep warm, were still shivering.

"My Lord." Fengyi walked to Xie Xuan's side against the cold wind and hurriedly advised, "those lunatic people will be killed soon. You'd better leave here quickly."

After Xie Yu arrived in beizhou, local officials stared at the rice grain he brought, and made superficial efforts two days ago.

After a few days, I found that Lord Xie really came to the victims. All the few money and food were distributed to the victims. The moths waiting to make money were unwilling. Relying on someone in his hand, it coincided with the attack of the northern desert soldiers. The imperial court didn't care about this side at all and directly raised the anti flag, Ordered to kill and eat meat, Devoid of humanity.

Before the grain supply was almost finished, Xie Yu expected that these people would change, and took a group of victims to the deserted city for refuge.

The snow covered everything, no food, no heating.

The original people here have died in 7788. Those who survived have only recently been dragged here with Xie Yu. They have eaten all the grass roots and bark they can eat and can't stand it.

Foot food looked around and said, "Sir, can you manage so many people's lives alone, or leave here first and then find a way to return to Beijing..."

Xie Xuan didn't speak, just gently waved his hand and motioned for them to cool down.

"My Lord!"

He had plenty of food and clothing, and his face was tight. He was just about to continue talking.

The watchman on the wall suddenly shouted, "thank you! Those people are coming!"

Xie Xuan looked up. At this time, the sky was getting dark, and thousands of people were rushing here in the boundless snow.

The two sides have been deadlocked for three days, but they still can't stand it.

Night attack.

I want to clean it all at once.

The boy's face was expressionless, and he said in a deep voice, "go and let them not panic."

"But my Lord, the gate is dilapidated and can't stop those people at all. There are some hungry people in the city who can't get up. If you don't go at this time, I'm afraid..." the food words came to my mouth and were held by Fengyi again.

The latter said, "adults have their own reason to do so. Let's listen to adults."

Feng Yi said, dragging enough food down.

Xie Xuan turned back, and the only guards left on the gate of the same city said, "go down, too."

Several people saluted him and withdrew without saying anything.

The young waiter doesn't talk much, but he always acts decisively and neatly, and has never been selfish.

If he can retreat completely, he will stand with them, the victims whose lives are like grass and mustard.

After these people got out of the city gate, the victims, who were nestled in a place for heating, looked up at Xie Yu standing alone high.

The young official robe in purple was blown by the cold wind and wanted to fly. Even if it was reduced to such an embarrassing situation, the official hat was still upright.

It is obviously a barren city and a wild land. Just because he stands here, it has become a rare good scenery in the world.

Xie Xuan looked at those people coldly. The city gate was getting closer and closer, and there was no change in his face.

He slowly stretched out his hand, took out the white jade Piccolo from his sleeve, put it to his lips and blew it low.

At first, it didn't become a tune. A moment later, it gradually gathered into those tunes that my eldest brother sang to him on his last birthday.

——There are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter.

If there is nothing to worry about, it is a good time on earth.

The sound of the flute spread into the wind and gradually drifted away into the ears of the people around.

Dai Jiantong, the governor of beizhou who killed tens of thousands of people, changed his face when he heard the tune. Several tens of feet away, he stopped his horse, raised his hand and motioned to the people to stop, "wait! Xie Yu has always had a deep mind. How can he stand alone on the broken city gate and play the flute at this time?"

The counselor at the bottom answered, "what he blows is the tune of the good season on earth. If he is not hungry, there must be fraud!"

The master and servant looked at each other and saw the same.

"Prefect!" one of the attendants couldn't see it. He came forward and said, "there's a play called empty city plan. Have you heard of it?"

Dai Jiantong didn't speak.

The entourage said, "in the empty city plan, at least it is a good city. The gate has not been broken like this, and the people inside will not be hungry and can't stand up! Xie Yu has offended the Minister of the court for a long time, and no one will help him. It's safe to kill him as soon as possible."

Dai Jiantong felt his beard and thought for a while. He was a little shaken and didn't dare to move. He frowned and said, "don't worry. At this moment, look again."

So, for a time, more than ten thousand people did not dare to step forward, so they had to stand under the city gate, look up at the fairy like waiter, listen to the melodious tune of "it is a good season in the world", and suddenly turn into a murderous ambush on all sides.

Xie Xuan stood on the gate and looked down at the people, his face unchanged.

Dai Jiantong and others suddenly had a splitting headache and buzzing ears. The whole man fell off his horse and all the horses began to put their hooves down.


"Be careful, sir!"

"What kind of magic is this?"

For a moment, people helped and pulled horses, and immediately they were in a mess.

Dai Jiantong covered his ears. He staggered back and said angrily, "Xie Yu is really deceitful! All step back and shoot him with arrows!"

The crowd hurried back in a hurry.

Archers pulled their bows like a full moon and aimed at the cold teenagers on the gate.

Xie Yu stood in the wind, motionless, and the sound of the flute still filled his ears like a magic sound.

"Shoot me!"

Dai Jiantong snapped an order. The next moment, he vomited blood and fell down suddenly

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