"He?" Ye Zhiqiu thought of his little master who was seriously injured before he left. His face was bloodless. For a moment, he didn't know how to tell Xie Yu, so he casually answered, "he... Was hurt, and he couldn't do without him, so let me come."

She is really not a liar. Her face is full of words "don't ask me again".

I'm afraid the third childe can't hold up if he asks more questions.

Xie Xuan looked at her and couldn't help frowning, "hurt? How many injuries? He's always only hurt others. This time how..."

"Third childe! You didn't see me standing in front of you, or what?" Ye Zhiqiu reluctantly interrupted him. The conversation turned and asked, "why don't you ask me if I'm hurt? Where does it hurt?"

Xie Xuan looked at her and said nothing for a moment: "..."

"Forget it, I'll just ask when you look at me." Ye Zhiqiu raised his sleeve and wiped the blood on his face. He replied seriously: "I was stabbed twice just now. I suffered a little injury. It's not very painful..."

When she said this, she suddenly saw a strange flash in the third childe's eyes and immediately changed her mouth: "but it's also a little painful."

Xie Xuan came forward, reached out and took the silver gun in her hand and handed it to the bodyguard on her side. Just about to ask Ye Zhiqiu where she was hurt, she looked up and saw Yingying fire and an irrecoverable smile reflected in her eyes.

He paused, then took a step back and said to his entourage, "general Ye has come all the way. He was injured just now. Take her down to have a rest."

"Hey..." Ye Zhiqiu didn't know which words made the third childe unhappy again. He was so anxious that he wanted to beat himself in the mouth.

It happened that she seldom saw Xie Yu once, but she was not willing to go on, and then she said, "actually..."

"Ask no time to come forward to serve." Xie Yu interrupted her and added directly.

The entourage hurriedly answered "yes", went to Ye Zhiqiu and made an invitation gesture, "general ye, this way, please."

The sound did not fall.

Xie Xuan has turned around and looked at the snow outside the city.

Ye Zhiqiu was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, her complexion was dark. At this time, she didn't show it at all. She had the cheek to go down with her entourage and said, "there's nothing for you here. I know Lord Xie very well. I'll talk quietly with you later."

Ye Zhiqiu said this very naturally.

Everyone around heard it, but there was a subtle look on his face.

Lord Xie is famous for refusing people thousands of miles away. He saved many people in the disaster of beizhou, among which many beautiful young girls want to stay with him to repay their kindness.

But Xie Yu didn't leave any.

General ye said he knew Lord Xie very well

How is this cooked?

No one dared to ask more, so he hurriedly pushed away.

Ye Zhiqiu brushed the blood on the Xuan armour, gathered up to Xie Xuan's side, coughed twice, and then said, "I don't think the injury on my body hurts anymore. I'll stand here with you for a while."

Xie Xuan smelled the speech, glanced at her and didn't speak.

"Three..." Ye Zhiqiu almost blurted out and called him three strings. Fortunately, he stopped halfway and changed his voice: "three childe, beizhou is very chaotic. You don't avoid it. It's better to go back to Dijing to find help than wait for death here! If I didn't come or delayed on the road, wouldn't you..."

"No." Xie Yu only said two words and looked up at the sky at the end of the night.

The fire inside and outside the gate was dazzling, which brightened each other's eyes.

Ye Zhiqiu raised her eyebrows.

It was not clear for a moment that Xie Heng would not, saying that he would not escape alone with all the people in beizhou, or that Xie Heng would not ignore him.

Perhaps, there are still one or two points in it. She is quite sure.

Rao is only a little bit, and ye Zhiqiu feels very satisfied.

She leaned against the wall, and the more she looked at him, the more she wanted to hug him.

She could not imagine how Xie would be treated if she had just come a moment and a half late.

There is great joy in the world, but the person concerned appears in front of you unharmed.

Ye Zhiqiu thought like this and silently approached Xie Yu for half a step. For fear that he would be unhappy when he noticed it, he clasped bricks and stones in one hand and considered secretly hugging the boy's back waist in the other hand. He said to him as if nothing had happened: "the general transferred half of the grain and grass sent by shopkeeper Wen to the border, so you can use it first."

Xie Xuan looked back at her. For a moment, ye Zhiqiu wanted to secretly hold him, and his hand was frozen in the air.

It's not that she continues to hold it. It's not that she takes it back right away.

They are close at hand.

Close to each other's breathing can be heard.

His eyes changed slightly, and his face became more and more expressionless.

"That..." Ye Zhiqiu was obviously flustered and quickly withdrew two steps, "I don't mean anything else. I just want to tell you about it..."

She doesn't explain. It's OK. When she explains, it's more and more like a guilty conscience.

Xie Yujun's face was slightly heavy, "Ye Zhiqiu!"

As soon as ye Zhiqiu heard his cold voice, he felt bad. He couldn't help laughing and said, "third childe... Lord Xie, I didn't do anything."

She took a deep breath and gradually became more confident. She looked up at him and asked, "I just want to hold you, can't I?"

Xie Yu looked at her, and there was an incredible look in his ink eyes.

Flying snow brushed his eyebrows and eyes. He was as cold as jade. Since childhood, some people avoided him like snakes and scorpions, and some people who didn't know mistakenly regarded him as an immortal.

After all, no one wants to get close to him.

But ye Zhiqiu is a different kind.

The movements in her hands were deadlocked and awkward, but she had to pretend to take it for granted, "I came all the way here. The wind was so strong, the snow was falling all the time, and it was so cold. I just wanted to find someone to hold it. What's the matter?"

Xie Mian's eyes were faint and asked calmly, "how do you want to hold it?"


When ye Zhiqiu heard this, he was as if he had been hit by a thunderbolt.

After a while, I didn't slow down.

Just at this time, Jiang had no time to walk over in the snow.

Xie Yu said expressionless, "no time, hold her."

"What?" Jiang wucai almost thought he had heard wrong.

But Lord Xie doesn't look like a joke at all.

With a cold face, he said clearly, "hold general Ye."

Jiang wucai was speechless, but she did. She turned around and opened her arms to Ye Zhiqiu.

The latter took a deep breath and took the lead in hugging Jiang wucai, "hug! How warm it is in such a cold day!"

When she spoke, she kept looking at Xie Yu.

The latter looked at them and looked up at the sky silently.

Miss Jiang, who didn't know anything, was stiff and said:

I am so depressed.

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