Border, barracks.

Xie Heng's eyes suddenly changed. He picked up Qing er from the ground and asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter with ah Jiu?"

Qingerdao: "Zhang Yueze took advantage of the chaos to attack the imperial capital and forced the eldest princess to death. It seems that he made friends with the prince. Within a few days, the prince disappeared. On the contrary, Zhao fan, the fourth prince who was sent to qijuetasi, has made great contributions in rescuing the Wanhua temple. Now he has recovered the prince and served the old emperor very well. Madam Shao, in order to let the old lady and the third lady go out of Beijing safely, his subordinates are less worried Madam has an accident... Let Qing Si and Qing Wu sneak into the palace to inquire. My subordinates borrowed Zhou Shizi's flying lamps without authorization and came to report to the childe. Please make a decision! "

Flying lanterns were developed by Zhou Minghao, but they can travel thousands of miles every day. Unfortunately, since the incident in Yunzhou, they have been watched by the old emperor, and more than 100 lanterns have been confiscated.

Therefore, we can't use it blatantly. Only Zhou Minghao still has one hidden there. This time, Qing Er rushed here in such a hurry. It must be because ah Jiu's love is very bad

Xie Heng glanced at the distance, turned around and asked, "where's the flying lamp?"

Qing er said, "when I was approaching the border, I suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't use it."

Xie Heng frowned and ordered perfection to "lead my horse."

"General!" he Yu came after him and said in a hurry, "you're going back to the imperial capital at this time. It's like a wolf entering the tiger's mouth. You're in a hurry to die!"

A group of deputy generals and others also gathered around and repeatedly advised: "shopkeeper Wen is not an ordinary woman. He didn't know how to advance and retreat back and forth in front of the old emperor. He was all right before. He must be all right this time."

"Yes, yes, as long as the general's military power is in hand, how dare they fight against shopkeeper Wen? Now the most is to hold people. I'm afraid they don't dare to wait!"

After pondering for a long time, Deputy General Zhang said, "the last general thinks that the general should work hard to defeat the northern desert at this time. As long as the military power is in hand and they return to the imperial capital, they dare not take the general. ”

Not to mention the life of shopkeeper Wen, Xie Heng will sit in the Dragon chair at that time, and the soft bones of the Zhao family dare not refuse.

As long as Xie Heng keeps calm.

But the young man is not afraid of heaven and earth, just can't rest assured of his wine.

Xie Heng clenched the sword in his hand and said in a deep voice: "point 5000 light ride, follow me back to the imperial capital!"


All the Deputy generals left him in unison.

The deputy general said to him, "a man, who doesn't want to make achievements and remain famous in history? The general has done so much and nearly lost his life on the battlefield, but when he saw his life getting worse, he ran back to die for a woman! Are you..."

Before he finished saying this, he Yu was covered by one side. "What are you talking about? Is shopkeeper Wen an ordinary woman?"

Xie Hengdan's eyes narrowed slightly and his whole body was vicious.

He Yu said, "deputy general sun was promoted from a small soldier recently. He hasn't seen shopkeeper Wen and doesn't know anything. Don't blame him, general!"

A group of deputy generals quickly followed suit.

But no one said warm wine was bad.

Because everyone knows that warming wine is more important to Xie Heng than his own life.


The crowd spoke in a different way:

"But you can't have no head. If the general returns to the imperial capital, who can compete with Xiao Lingtian?"

"Yes, yes, Xiao Lingtian's life is also hard. He didn't die when he was hurt like that last time. Seeing that the general is not here, none of us has a harder life than him!"


The sound of Horseshoes galloped in, and the guard shouted, "Ye Qianfeng is back!"

When they looked back, they couldn't help thinking:

The man came back at the right time.

Ye Zhiqiu, who didn't know anything, rode first. When he came to the crowd, he turned down his horse and saluted Xie Heng. "The chaos in beizhou has been settled. At the end, he will come and report it!"

"You came back just in time." Xie Heng reached out and helped her up. "Ah Jiu is in trouble. I have to go back to Dijing."

"What? This time?"

Rao is such a simple minded person as ye Zhiqiu. He doesn't understand why Xie Heng wants to go back to Dijing at this time.

That's obviously looking for sin.

But she seems to understand.

Because warm wine is in Dijing.

Ye Zhiqiu got up and said, "then I will go back to the imperial capital with the general."

More people, more momentum.

Xie Heng patted her on the shoulder, "no, you stay here to check and balance Xiao Lingtian."

He leaned over and whispered with Ye Zhiqiu, telling her the way to deal with Xiao Lingtian and the way to arrange the array.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment and then said, "the end will take orders."

The Deputy generals were half cold when they saw this.

Seeing that general Xie couldn't stop returning to Beijing, he began to tell him to be more careful when returning to Beijing.

These individuals, in a moment, changed the subject.

What Xie Heng wants to do has always been something that no one can change.

Ye Zhiqiu dared to take care of things like this. She didn't lose her ruthlessness in the battlefield. Thanks to Xiao Lingtian, Xiao Lingtian was afraid of her.

He went to beizhou to calm down the chaos and returned home with a big victory. It was at a time when morale was high that he could be the leader of the three armed forces.

Naturally, they could not object. They could only try to remind him to be more careful.

The external troubles have not been eliminated yet, and the internal worries are so serious.

Who can hold up such a stormy Dayan?

Five thousand light riders ordered in an instant, and Shiquan also led the horse.

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly thought of something and leaned over to Xie Heng and said, "third childe, let me bring it to you."

Xie Heng looked sideways, "will."

Ye Zhiqiu cleared his throat and learned the man's seven or eight serious appearance. He repeated: "if you take advantage of the situation and set things right, I will die to help you."

That's all.

Xie Heng's amber eyes were getting darker. He turned over and mounted the horse. For a long time, he said in a deep voice: "good."

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly raised his eyes to see him. He was about to ask him what this good sound meant.

If you really want to rise up with the trend, these five thousand light cavalry are far from enough to do great things.

A group of light riders have gathered here, a dark place, facing the cold north wind.

Xie Heng pulled the reins and said in a loud voice, "thank you for coming back to the imperial capital with me, Qing junbian, and save my wife!"

The generals replied in a loud voice, "we are willing to follow the general!"

The wind is strong and the horse's hooves are flying.

Miss Qing is crazy. Acacia urges me to return home quickly.

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