Hundreds of archers took arrows on the strings and aimed at the flying lights. In an instant, the arrows were like rain, and countless cold awns shot at the people who wanted to escape from the palace.

Several princes' children immediately lost their colors, jumped up and down, and exclaimed:

"How did Zhao fan come so fast!"

"I'm dead this time! I knew it would be better to stay honest. I'm really going to lose my life this time!"

Dong Mingyue, who controls the wind wheel of Dafei lamp, also trembled a little, but couldn't help scolding: "didn't you quarrel to run a few days ago? You know to grumble when something happens!"

"Take it easy, everyone!"

With a wave of his right hand, Zhou Minghao threw a golden net in the dark night, caged most of the arrow feathers together, and then scattered them back to the archers on the ground.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

Zhang Yueze protected Zhao fan and stepped back a few steps.

Zhao fan retreated under the eaves and stood firm. Then he said to Zhang Yueze, "the prince is fine. Go and stop them, especially warm wine!"


Zhang Yueze answered, and then ordered the archers to disperse in a deep voice and let the skilled bodyguards fly up to the eaves to stop them.

The night was dark, and the bright moon was hidden in the dark clouds, which made the flying lights on the eaves more and more bright and dazzling.

Wenjiu stood on the tiles and bent over to avoid the arrow plumes. The green silk was blown disorderly by the night wind. Her sleeves held the cold wind and her feet were unstable. She swayed forward and backward, making her a little dizzy.

"Shopkeeper Wen!" Zhou Minghao flashed a flying lamp and stretched out a hand to her, "hold my hand, come on! Come up!"

Twenty or thirty bodyguards with good lightness skills have swept over the eaves, pulled out their swords and stabbed the flying lamps. Warm wine staggered on the eaves for two steps. Suddenly, their feet slipped and the whole person fell down

Zhou Minghao exclaimed, "warm wine!"

Now the flying lamp had gradually left the eaves and rose. He climbed the flying lamp with one hand, dragged it towards the warm wine, and grabbed her right hand with the other hand.

People are holding on.

The swords in the hands of those twenty or thirty bodyguards also pierced their Xiaofei lamps. They drank loudly, directly tore them apart, and then attacked Wenjiu and Zhou Minghao.

Rags and flames spread all over the eaves, dazzling with flames and mixed shadows.

Everyone on Dafei's lamp suddenly exclaimed, "brother Minghao!"

Dong Mingyue lay on the bamboo fence and shouted anxiously, "Zhou Minghao! Come up quickly! They dare not kill warm wine! You go with us first!"

But Zhou Minghao didn't hear it. He took warm wine in one hand and surprised the bodyguards who attacked them the fastest with a sleeve arrow in the other hand.

But we are outnumbered.

What's more, he took such a weak woman as warm wine and watched more and more bodyguards rush to the eaves, and archers constantly aim at them.

Even Zhang Yueze personally took a big knife and flew to Zhou Minghao. He saw that he was limited in order to protect warm wine and killed himself.

"Shopkeeper Wen, you stand firm!"

Zhou Minghao protected the warm wine behind him, stretched out his hand and took out the soft sword around his waist, and fought with Zhang Yueze and a group of bodyguards. The sword moves were unpredictable, and a pair of amorous romantic eyes also became fierce and threatening in the light of swords and shadows.

Wen Jiu looked up at the rising Dafei lamp and knew that the longer Zhou Minghao was dragged by them, the less likely he was to leave.

Dong Mingyue kept shouting, "Zhou Minghao! Go!"

His voice broke and he was almost crying.

Zhao fan stood at the bottom and looked up and said, "Zhou Minghao, you've been pretending to be a dandy in Dijing for so many years. Shouldn't you die for others today?"

"Shut up, Zhao fan!" Zhou Minghao was hit back and forth. Zhang Yueze picked up a long sword for a distraction. He was forced to retreat for several steps until he stood against warm wine behind him.

Zhang Yueze's blade was approaching his head. Zhou Minghao raised his hand and used a black iron wrist to block it. The black iron of the blade rubbed sparks for a long time and fell on his head and face.

Warm wine stood behind him.

I think of Zhou Minghao who used to smile and shout Xie Heng as "brother Dongfeng". He is not the same person as tonight.

Although Zhao fan is not a thing, he was right just now.

Zhou Minghao dressed up as a dandy in the imperial capital. After being a romantic child for so many years, she must not be trapped here because of her.

Zhao fan stood with his hands down and said, "if you don't hold your hands, the prince will never hurt your life."

"I don't need..."

Zhou Minghao was angry when he looked at Zhao fan. As soon as he was about to scold him, he saw Wen Jiu pick up the soft sword at his feet and stab Zhang Yueze's right arm holding the knife.

Warm wine this time, fast and ruthless, there is no chance for people to respond.

Zhang Yueze still kept the posture of raising a knife to cut him. He probably didn't expect the warm wine party to suddenly get into trouble. His right arm was stabbed by a soft sword. The blood kept falling down along the blade. He couldn't even hold the knife. He took off his hand and fell off the eaves.

The bodyguards reacted and fiercely raised their swords to Wenjiu and Zhou Minghao.

At this moment, the reaction of warm wine was surprisingly fast.

She pulled out the soft sword and put it back on Zhou Minghao. "Go!"

Zhou Minghao grabbed her, "no! I promised brother Dongfeng that I would protect you completely, I......"

"Zhao fan won't kill me for the time being. You don't have to take care of me." Wen Jiu turned around and tried his best to push him away, blocking the siege of a crowd for him with his thin body.

Hundreds of people surrounded the inner and outer floors of Guihe hall, and then left the fish to be slaughtered.

Zhou Minghao knows that there is no chance of winning tonight. Dong Mingyue and others have been shouting "come on!"

The archers are still firing arrows.

Zhao fan was obviously holding the idea that he would rather kill than let go. Zhou Minghao looked back at the warm wine, gritted his teeth, raised his hand and threw out a gold wire to entangle the flying lamp in the air, and then flew up.

In the twinkling of an eye, Zhou Minghao got on the flying lamp, put one hand on the wind wheel, looked down, and shouted to Wen Jiu, "I'll find brother Dongfeng. Take care of Wen Jiu!"

Wen Jiu stood in the center of a group of guards with swords facing each other, looked up and said, "take care."

The sound fell.

Zhou Minghao lowered his head and pounded the wind wheel. The flying lamp went away in the wind. It was difficult for the bow and arrow to reach, so he shot into the air.

Zhang Yueze shed a lot of blood and his face became more and more gloomy and white. He flew down with warm wine and came to Zhao fan, "Your Highness, what should I do with this warm wine?"

Zhao fan looked at her up and down, "Wen Jiu, tell yourself, what should the prince do with you? ”

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