When the sound fell, a group of bodyguards broke out of the door and surrounded Wenjiu and Rongsheng in the twinkling of an eye.

These days, Zhao fan guarded the unconscious old emperor in the Longyin hall for fear of change. The guards outside the hall added three inner and three outer layers to surround the whole sleeping hall into an iron bucket.

Rao is Rongsheng. No matter how good his skill is, he couldn't help sneering when he saw Wenjiu hiding behind the guards, "Wenjiu, wait for me!"

Then he flew up and broke the eaves and tiles, In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the night.

Dozens of guards chased out in a hurry. In the dark night, there were lights.

Wen Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. Without trace, he put the white jade bottle into his sleeve, looked up and said silently, "who wants to wait for you? Go as far as you can."

"Shopkeeper Wen, just now you can see what the assassin looks like and what clothes he is wearing?" the bodyguard who took the lead to guard outside the side hall asked.

"Appearance?" Wen Jiu raised his hand to touch the tip of his nose and thought carefully, "it seems to look a little like you. Clothes... It's a little black and a little purple. The lights in the hall were too dark just now. I didn't see it."

The guards had been listening to her description. When they heard the last sentence, they couldn't help but be helpless.

"You..." isn't that nonsense?

The guard's face turned green. He swallowed the second half of the sentence and looked up and down at the warm wine. He was very strange.

The man quietly entered the side hall and approached Wenjiu, but he didn't save her. If it was an enemy, he didn't ask for her life. It's strange.

The guard couldn't help but ask, "does shopkeeper Wen recognize that man?"

"I don't know." warm wine should be very fast, and then added, "I know."

All the guards were stunned by her.

The leader took a deep breath, and then he forbeared not to start with her, "do you recognize it or not?"

The warm wine stalled and said, "I know this man. Unfortunately, I can't recognize this face. Every time I see him, it's not the same face. Do you recognize it?"

In the middle of the night, the night wind roared past the door of the temple, swept up the dead leaves on the ground, and the lights under the eaves were blown shaky.

As soon as she had said this, there was something strange in the silence.

All the guards were cool behind.

"What nonsense did shopkeeper Wen say!" the leader whispered, "the assassins have run away. Go after them!"

"Arrange another ten brothers to watch on the roof tonight!"

The people secretly looked at it. After saying the strange words, they still looked at the warm wine, hurriedly withdrew from the hall and closed the door again.

Wen Jiu leaned against the door, Chuai the white jade bottle in his sleeve, gently relieved, raised his eyes and looked at the big hole in the roof.

The moonlight fell gently from it. She stretched out her hand and took a few wisps of moonlight in her hand. She couldn't help whispering, "thank you Dongfeng, you should come quickly this time."

I'm a little scared.

But because the moonlight shines on you and me tonight, I feel a little peaceful, so I have no fear.


A day later, a hundred miles outside the Imperial City, Changping city.

Zhang Yueze took down the original Liu Taishou as soon as he came.

When Liu Taishou was dragged down by zhangjiajun, he kept shouting: "General Zhang! Changping city hasn't fought for hundreds of years. The people in the city are good people. I can't destroy it in my post!"

"Drag it down!"

Zhang Yueze had no intention of paying attention to the old prefect's love for the people.

He took 30000 troops and horses to kill Xie Heng. He was already ready. He didn't think that none of the city guards dared to block Xie Heng's road. The Moyu army traveled 200 miles a day and came straight to the imperial capital.

If he hadn't brought people earlier, the original Liu Taishou would have ordered to open the gate to welcome Xie Heng.

Zhang Yueze stood on the gate and reached out to touch the blade. "Put away the flag and let the brothers hide in the market. According to the original order of Liu Taishou, open the gate and welcome Xie Heng. Wait until his people enter the city, and then ambush on the spot!"

"General! Xie Xiaoyan is famous. Although he only has 5000 light cavalry this time, he still came back from a long journey, but we 30000 people..." the deputy general on his side almost turned white with fear.

Xie Heng's five thousand light cavalry traveled two hundred miles a day. Although his family's zhangjiajun only traveled one hundred miles, they also hurried to Changping city.

Zhang Yueze glanced at him unhappily, "what can 30000 people fear about 5000?"

The deputy general immediately shut up.

After a while.

Still someone couldn't help saying, "the general took 30000 people to fight Xie Heng's 5000 light cavalry, which must be the winner. In that case, why don't we close the gate, block Xie Heng's people outside the city and shoot them with arrows... The general still doesn't want to fight with Xie Xiaoyan face to face. It's the safest."

Zhang Yueze's face was suddenly cold. "Do you mean that this general is not as good as Xie Heng?"

The crowd even said, "don't dare!"

The soldiers on the lookout platform shouted, "thank you, little hell!"

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