Xie Heng looked at him. His amber eyes were full of contempt. His thin lips gently lifted a cold arc, "it's up to you?"

There is a wide gap in the number of people and horses between the two sides, but Rao is so. Zhang Yueze, who has a great advantage in the open, still has no face to be ridiculed by Xie Xiaoyan.

"Xie Heng, don't be crazy! Today I want you to die here, you can't escape even if you cut your wings!" Zhang Yueze came forward with his knife and shouted angrily, "Archer! Shoot Xie Heng on the spot! Together with the Moyu army, no one is allowed to stay!"


Less than half of the Zhangjia army answered. When facing Xie Heng, the momentum was obviously insufficient.

This is Xie Xiaoyan, who is feared by all the important officials of Dayan. He is full of the spirit of killing and cutting, which makes people feel frightened, not to mention fighting with him face to face.

"Why is this joke not funny?" Xie Heng raised his hand, rotated the chopping sword that had not yet been scabbard into afterimages, and said in a flying voice: "Qingyi guard, put it in array!"


Thirty six green guards flew up, each holding a black iron umbrella, opened it against the arrow feather, and kept rotating in the air to block countless flying arrows.

At the bottom, a group of light riders leaped out to the bottom of the green guards, raised their shields as the support point for their landing, and blocked the arrow plumes shooting at the middle and lower part. The two teams moved very quickly and formed a defense array only in an instant.

Xie Heng glanced at deputy general Zhang. The latter immediately understood that he took a shield from his entourage and kept pace with him to the front.

As soon as Deputy General Zhang passed the defense array formed by a group of green guards, he immediately threw the black iron shield in his hand at Zhang Yueze.

Zhang Yueze dodged back and sneered: "I didn't expect that the people around Xie Heng were so useless. Just a shield also wanted to hurt the general?"

The sound did not fall.

The young man in red and black armour smiled and flew up in an instant. He drew his sword and pulled the streamer, and cut off countless arrow feathers. When he approached, his toe gently touched the shield thrown out by Deputy General Zhang, and in the blink of an eye, he crossed a group of zhangjiajun ambushed here.

Zhang Yueze gripped the big knife in his hand and watched Xie Heng approach in an instant. He couldn't help but shrink his pupils and burst into a cold sweat on his forehead.

At the moment, the sunset has set, the red glow in the West Mountain has not yet dissipated, and the young man's flying clothes are almost connected with the red light.

The long sword came suddenly with silver light and cleaved down from a commanding position.

"Be careful, general!"

In the exclamation of the zhangjias, Zhang Yueze immediately raised his knife to block Xie Heng's sword move. Before he could say a word, he was forced back several steps.

With a click, the sword he had fought for several years was split by Xie Heng's sword.

If you haven't really fought, your weapons will be damaged first.

The momentum has been defeated.

Xie Heng immediately flew up and kicked Zhang Yueze in the heart. He kicked the man several steps directly, fell to the ground and vomited blood. It was difficult to get up again.

The broken broadsword fell to the ground and the movement was very loud,

Xie Heng took the sword in his negative hand, and his handsome face was slightly heavy. He walked towards Zhang Yueze step by step. At the moment, none of the Deputy generals and soldiers who had been following Zhang Yueze dared to come forward, retreated in horror, and unconsciously gave up this large area.

Xie Heng was full of anger and looked straight at Zhang Yueze. He stepped on the latter's heart and asked in a deep voice, "did you let them stop, or did I have to stop them by iron and blood after I killed you?"

Zhang Yueze's face turned purple when he stepped on it. He tried his best to sweep the whole audience, and his heart became colder and colder.

Relying on a large number of Zhang's army to rush up and fight with Mo Yun's army, the casualties were heavy.

Although none of the archers standing high were idle, they obviously missed their accuracy. Most of the arrow feathers in the sky were shot empty.

He thought that the difference between him and Xie Heng was just an opportunity to become famous all over the world.

He thought that Xie Xiaoyan was just an ordinary person with a good reputation.

But just that sword flew among thousands of people. It was like a sudden drop of thunder in nine days, which made him unable to fight back.

He lost so thoroughly

Xie Heng didn't have the patience to wait for Zhang Yueze, who was shocked and couldn't extricate himself, to react. He frowned and said, "do you want to die or live?"

Zhang Yueze suddenly woke up with a startle. He was extremely angry and embarrassed. He said angrily, "Xie Heng! I lost to you today. It's just carelessness! But even if you kill me! It's impossible to cross this Changping city today!"

The ending still reverberated in the air. Xie Heng's sword fell and blood splashed. Zhang Yueze's body separated and his head rolled out for a long time before he stopped.

Before he could close his mouth, his eyes burst out, as if he couldn't believe Xie Heng's hand.

Zhang Yueze died in peace. The zhangjias were frightened to death, and their hands trembled more and more. Let alone cut people, they couldn't stand steadily.

Xie Heng turned around, took out the tiger talisman, held it high, and said word by word: "the tiger talisman is here. All the soldiers and horses in the world belong to me. If you don't listen to the military order, you will be killed immediately!"

A group of zhangjiajun hesitated for a moment, immediately stopped and knelt to the ground

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