Imperial capital, imperial palace.

The night is deep, The moon was cold and lonely, and the cold wind roared outside the doors and windows, confusing the footsteps of the patrolling guards.

Warm wine leaned against the window, counting the day when Xie Dongfeng came back, and the hand under his sleeve gently rubbed the cold jade bottle.

Zhao fan has been scolding people for being a fierce thief these two days. I think everything is not going well, and he can't stop Xie Heng who is determined to return to Beijing.

I just don't know when he will trouble her.

Wen Jiu was thinking like this. Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from the direction of the old emperor's bedroom. The night wind was mixed with Zhao fan's roar:“ Thirty thousand troops can't stop Xie Heng's five thousand light cavalry? Where's Zhang Yueze? Are all the people he took dead!!! "

The reply of the people behind me was not true.

Only a few words were heard. Zhang Yueze had died under Xie Hengjian, and the 5000 light cavalry had passed Changping city and came to Dijing.

Someone shouted, "Your Highness, stop your anger! The top priority is to prevent Xie Heng from leading troops into the city. If he comes straight to the palace, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Your Highness! Please tell the emperor quickly!"

The people were in a panic. They advised Zhao fan and asked to meet the old emperor.

The four princes are in bad name. Now they have caused such great trouble. Don't say that the old emperor is just unconscious. Even if the coffin is covered, he can jump out of the grave angrily.

The crowd quarreled for a long time.

Zhao fan suddenly said in a deep voice, "what's the noise? Aren't you the one who participates most in Xie Heng on weekdays? People haven't arrived yet, so you're afraid of it!"

Everyone was quiet.

Zhao Fan said again, "go and bring out the warm wine."

When the sound fell behind, a team of bodyguards walked quickly towards the side hall.

Wen Jiu knew Zhao fan had such a move for a long time. As expected, there was nothing to panic about.

She looked down at the jade bottle in her hand and whispered, "you should come in handy, too."

The next moment, she pinned the white jade bottle to her waist. At the same time, the door was pushed open by the bodyguard.

A crowd rushed in, took the warm wine out and dragged it directly to the door of the bedroom hall in front of Zhao fan and several ministers.

Wang Shoufu and several ministers were there, and there were dozens of ministers. No wonder they were so noisy just now.

When they saw the warm wine, their eyes were full of clear color.

Thirty thousand Zhang soldiers can't stop a Xie Xiaoyan.

But how can Xie Heng's sword be cut down as long as he keeps warm wine in front?

People and things in this world have always fallen from one thing to another. In the face of the fate of this life, you can only admit defeat.

Wen Jiu stood still in front of the crowd, shook off the bodyguard, forcibly imprisoned her hand, and wiped the white jade bottle around her waist with his fingertips.

She wondered when she could use this to understand Zhao fan's life, but she remained silent. Only the corners of her lips slightly raised a cold arc, "Your Highness, the fourth prince, took advantage of the emperor's stupor to stir up the court, resulting in chaos in the world. As ministers, you eat your salary, but don't care about your worries. Do you still want to become a laughing stock for thousands of years with a waste prince who has lost all his human relations and regardless of the people?"

All the ministers changed their faces when they heard the speech.

But she was telling the truth again, and they could not refute it. They held it for a long time, only one or two words:

"Ignorant lady, stop talking nonsense!"

"You can't talk here. Don't shut up!"

"Xie Heng led the army to revolt. You are the family member of the sinner. Your highness should deal with you!"

Sentence by sentence, one voice overlapped, more and more people spoke, and the shame on the faces of the ministers gradually dispersed.

Several people said in unison, "Xie Heng is very interested in this woman. Please send someone to catch Xie Heng with her!"

The sound fell.

The night is quiet, and the cold wind sneaks into the bone.

Warm wine just smiled.

In her previous life, she was pointed at by the nose and scolded for more than ten years because she lost her innocence. She thought she had seen the poison of the people's heart long ago, but one day, she would taste the pain of Xie Heng and the knife stabbed in the back.

This is the colleague he fought and protected at the border.

This is the Dayan court he wanted to keep regardless of life and death.

Bad reputation and bad reputation are all bone scraping knives. Even if Xie Heng never showed any concern, no matter how open-minded he is, he can't do it without injury.

The sword behind the open gun and hidden arrow, recruit and punish the heart, and urge her to become a ruthless Xie Xiaoyan who "relies on the Red Mansions and laughs at the spring breeze".

But these culprits still have the face to accuse him and impeach him.

warm up wine Cold, more distressed.

Zhao fan looked at the change of her eyes, her complexion became more and more complex, and she didn't speak.

Zhao fan's father-in-law Qian swept the look of the crowd and quickly opened his mouth to remind him, "Your Highness! Your highness?"

Zhao fan returned to his senses, and suddenly the conversation changed: "just a warm wine, I'm afraid I can't stop Xie Heng. ”

When they heard the speech, their faces changed and changed. They turned their heads and looked at Wang Shoufu.

Wang Shoufu frowned and said, "according to the old minister, Xie Heng only brought 5000 Qingqi back to Beijing this time. He should come to warm wine..."

If you really want to revolt, five thousand light cavalry are not enough. There are thirty or fifty thousand guards in the imperial capital and Huangyu guard. Xie Heng is very clear about the deployment of Dayan's troops, but he will not do such a stupid thing.

To put it bluntly, it's not because Zhao fan targeted the Xie family and detained the young lady in the palace. If not, how could Xie Heng come back so soon!

But Wang Shoufu had no chance to say this.

Was interrupted by Zhao fan.

He said, "Your Highness knows exactly why Xie Heng came here. It's most important to take Xie Heng down now."

Warm wine heart:

What's Zhao fan doing?

I just let someone bring her out of the side hall. Now I don't want to check her against Xie Dongfeng.

The idea changed for a while and was sick.

The ministers were speechless and looked at each other one after another. Their eyes were full of "who said no?"

Wang Shoufu put his hand in his sleeve, coughed twice, and asked, "what should your highness do now?"

Zhao Fan said: "such a big event, naturally, we should ask our father to deal with it in person."

People look at me, I look at you, one after another dumb.

All the ministers have long said that they will face the holy old emperor. The fourth prince sent heavy troops around here. No one has been allowed to enter for many days.

Now he said he would ask the emperor to deal with it, which confused everyone.

Someone couldn't help saying, "the fourth Prince means that the emperor has awakened? In that case, please report it to the emperor immediately!"

Zhao fan raised his hand and ordered the waiters on both sides, "come on, please invite the emperor to the city tower."

All the ministers were stunned at the speech.

The fourth Prince's move is very inappropriate.

Looking at the warm wine in the audience, I just wanted to sneer and ask:“ The emperor was unconscious for several days and didn't wake up. At this time, the fourth prince wants to invite the emperor to the city tower. What's his intention? "

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