"Ah Yu."

Xie Heng called him low.

Third childe, he always has great ideas. What he can do by himself, he never says another word to him.

Xie Zhen looked at Xie Heng. His eyes were as dark as ink. A handsome face still had no expression, but his cold voice was invisible and a little dull. "I've been used to doing such a thing for a long time. Elder brother, don't worry."

The third childe said, loosened his elder brother's wrist, turned and left.

The surrounding red walls and green tiles are still shrouded in thick smoke. The ragged teenagers walk in the meantime. Although they are embarrassed, it is difficult to hide the charm of Yushu from afar.

Xie Heng looked at the back of the third childe leaving, and his eyes were slightly dull.

The heart seems to be suddenly pierced by countless needles, which is unbearable but unspeakable.

Everyone thanked the two upstarts for their love and opposition. They fought each other in the court and fought each other at home, which has become the latest joke in the wind and moon records of various countries.

But who could have thought that his third childe was a young man with red eyes and tears, who took his eldest brother as the first in everything.

Xie Yu once said to him, "I will do all the dark things you disdain to do."

This is never just talk.

The third childe is really serious and worked hard to do it.

Xie Heng watched Xie Yu go out of the palace. Then he said in a deep voice, "Qing Liu, take someone to follow the third childe in the dark. Be sure to protect him."

"Yes, my subordinates!"

Qingliu saluted with a sword, immediately took four Qingyi guards and jumped onto the eaves, carefully following Xie Xuan.

Seeing this, the old county Duke and he Xingbang couldn't help coming forward and implicitly advised Xie Heng, "although life and death depend on the will of heaven, I see that shopkeeper Wen has an excellent fortune. This time, I will be able to turn good luck into good luck and turn the tide around."

When the two old ministers lived to this age, they were used to seeing life and death. White haired people didn't know how many black haired people they had sent. Now that they are in their seventies, their home is cold and desolate, and they know more and more that for Xie Heng, it's good to have a glimmer of hope in the world.

Even if you can't find it all your life, it's better than dying in front of you.

Xie Heng knew it clearly and said in a dumb voice, "thank you."

The old Duke and he Xingbang couldn't help looking at each other and didn't say anything. Everything in the court needs to be rectified by the Lord. We must take care of your body.

Xie Heng nodded and knew: "you are also tired. Go back to the house and have a rest first."

While talking here, Wang Liang has brought people to move personnel brochures everywhere in the palace. All the servants in the palace are lined up in order and waiting for investigation.

Xie Heng was present to check one by one. Everyone was trembling. Unexpectedly, seven or eight people found their own shortsightedness before it was their turn to cross examine.

Fortunately, the green guards were quickly stopped. They directly blocked their mouth with cloth, tied their hands and feet, and marched aside for strict interrogation.

After thorough investigation in the palace, Xie Heng turned it upside down.

Outside the palace, the officials were shocked. They were afraid that the door of the house was closed. Many people packed up xiruan and were ready to take the opportunity to escape. However, all the city gates in the imperial capital had been blocked. All those who fled with xiruan, regardless of their official positions, were taken by the soldiers guarding the city and sent to the prison for interrogation.

For a moment, the whole imperial capital turned upside down.

In this way, after three days, no official dared to leave the city without permission. In private, they decided to go to the temple together and give advice. Starting with "the country cannot have no king for a day", they advised Xie Heng to ascend the throne, put down the matter of warming wine and focus on national affairs.

If we continue to toss about like this, a group of older ministers worry about this and that every day, and they are worried to death.

The palace of politics.

On this day, Xie Heng ascended the court for the first time after he showed his order to chase the clouds. Although he did not ascend the throne and become emperor, he sat on the Dragon chair, but no one dared to say more.

They never understood the mind of Xie Xiaoyan.

Zhao fan died, and the old emperor was also pulled down by him. Now people all over the world know that he is the son of Princess Changning and should inherit the throne.

But he was bent on thoroughly investigating the inside and outside of the palace and pursuing the whereabouts of warm wine. He was stunned at the supreme seat of the ninth five year plan, and didn't worry at all to sit on it.

After a long time of persuasion, the ministers knelt on the ground and shouted, "there is no peace in the country without the Lord!"

In the past, he liked to participate in Xie Heng most and threw dirty water on his head. Now he knelt in the political discussion hall and shouted to the Lord to ascend the throne as soon as possible. It was the loudest. Like this, he could make Xie Xiaoyan forget his past gratitude and resentment with them, and peace between kings and officials from now on.

There was nothing to do. Xie Heng leaned on the Dragon chair. Hearing this, he was only full of impatience.

The boy had not closed his eyes for several days. His eyes were red and angry. He asked in a deep voice, "are you finished?"

Just these three words.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this: it's over this time.

This little Yama is not the kind of person who wants to ascend the throne and become emperor, but pretends to be calm and let ministers "force" him to ascend the throne.

Xie Heng thoroughly investigated the people in the palace these days and found out the detailed works of various countries. He was busy to find out. He really didn't have time to think about it.

Unfortunately, these people think they are smart, but they do stupid things.

The huge Hall of government fell into silence.

With a wave of his hand, Xie Heng swept the mountains of memorials piled up on the imperial case to the ground and asked the ministers in a deep voice, "do you think everyone can keep his black hat by flattering and flattering Zhao Yi?"

The ministers who shouted the loudest just now bowed their heads, "I dare not!"

That said.

However, some people still pursue the pursuit of wealth and risk, and take the risk of being cut down by the little hell: "the Lord is young and energetic. When you know many things, you should think twice! The gate of the imperial capital has been closed for three days, and the people in the city are worried. If you go on like this, you may be dissatisfied with the Lord..."

Seeing this, the man behind said: "Many palace attendants have been tortured and dragged out many people and things these days. These people's words are repeated. It's hard to tell whether they are true or false. It's not because they can't stand the torture. If this matter doesn't stop, I'm afraid it will cause chaos. Please think of the common people, and don't be in trouble for a woman!"

Another came forward: "I heard that some people in the prison were crying and Howling day by day. Every night, the sound spread ten miles, and no one dared to sleep peacefully. It was originally that many ministers in the prison wanted to get out of the city! When the Lord returned to Beijing that day, suddenly, they were afraid and wanted to go out of the city for refuge. It was understandable that they went to the prison without saying anything. Didn't they want the people all over the world to say that the LORD was not good at governing the country?"

These individuals say that they are afraid that the people all over the world are dissatisfied with Xie Heng.

One by one, they posted the words "I'm a loyal minister, don't kill me!" on their forehead.

Xie Heng sneered: "think Gu doesn't know you're not right, for fear of being dragged into the water, so he's in a hurry to excuse others or just kill them all?"

As soon as these words came out, at least half of the ministers in the hall of government knelt to the ground and shouted with a white face: "all ministers are for the sake of the Lord! Please be aware of the Lord!"

"Since it's for the sake of solitude," Xie Heng stood up slowly on the armrest of the Dragon chair with one hand and looked down at the people, "then go to the prison together and tell you everything you know."

The young man was calm and indifferent. He was completely different from the arrogance of Xuanjia who took people's lives in an instant with a sharp sword. Instead, he was almost silent.

He is no longer sharp, leaving only the disdain of "I see you as an ant".

The ministers who had just said everything for the king were so frightened that they couldn't speak for a moment.

Someone came forward and pleaded: "tell the Lord that Dayan has just been robbed. At a time when everything is waiting for prosperity, please be kind and give them a chance to commit crimes and meritorious deeds."

"Yes, Lord, Dayan has lost too many loyal ministers and good generals. Please have mercy on Dayan's people!"

Xie Hengjun's face was heavy and his negative hand said, "you have hoodwinked Zhao Yi for 20 years. Do you want to manipulate Gu like this?"

"I dare not!"

The remaining half of the ministers also knelt down and stuck their heads to the ground in panic.

"Thank you for coming to me. It's better to be useless than nothing. As for deceiving kings and courtiers..." the young man bowed down and said in a deep voice, "kill anyone."

When they heard the speech, they only felt cold behind them. They had to think twice about what they were saying.

This one, but he did what he said. Thank you, little Yama.

"Who else has something to say?" Xie Heng raised his hand and gently brushed away the wrinkles between his sleeves.

Everyone at the bottom was speechless.

One of them bit his teeth and was about to get up and say more.

Xie Hengdan's Feng eyes narrowed slightly and his whole body was full of murderous spirit. "The dead won't have so much nonsense."

In a flash, the ministers bowed their heads, and no one dared to say half a word more.

This morning, there were quite a few civil and military officials in the upper hall. When the next Dynasty came, half of them were sent to prison.

It was once the son of heaven and a courtier.

Once upon a time, kings of all dynasties had to find some reasons to eradicate dissidents. It was inevitable that people would live a few more days. Even when the old emperor first ascended the throne and killed all the people, his confidants around him were bald in order to find a reason to kill.

To Xie Xiaoyan here, but completely subverted their ideas.

Xie Heng didn't even bother to talk face to face. If you want to go to jail, you have to go.

He doesn't think fame is important anyway.

It's hard for the powerful officials with nine twists and turns. Wang Shoufu had been in prison a few days ago, and there were only a few who could be the principal of the six central departments of the court.

In the past, those who fought against each other in the palace of politics are now going to the prison to get together and cry bitterly.

The third childe Xie Xuan has not appeared in front of Xie Heng for three days.

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