On this day, Xie Xiaoyan nodded his head, and the big stone in the hearts of the ministers suddenly fell to the ground, even if the imperial supervisor chose an auspicious day.

Xie Heng didn't care much about this. He helped old lady Xie and went back to Xie's house with the third childe and the fourth childe.

There had not been so many people at home for a long time. A group of waitresses were busy serving.

The lights in the flower hall were dim, and the dishes on the table were steaming.

The third childe has always been silent. Xie Heng has been silent recently. Only the fourth childe and the third lady of Xie answered and talked together. After half a cup of tea, some can't say anything. They buried themselves in their meals.

"Eldest brother..." little six and seven looked at his eldest brother. They hadn't seen him for many days. They had long wanted to talk to him.

Xie Heng put the plate of four happiness balls in front of the two small, said "eat" and stopped talking.

The two little ones skillfully stopped pestering, holding a bowl of fried rice, but they couldn't help but secretly look at their eldest brother and look more.

After eating, the fourth childe was called away by Mrs. Xie.

Old lady Xie also called the third childe to care for her injuries.

Xie Heng walked through the vast night and went to the warm wine yard alone.

When he entered the door, he saw a small pool in the yard. Carp and Koi were mixed. From time to time, they crossed the water and fell back into the water, causing ripples.

Xie Heng stood by the pool and looked at it for a moment. He took the white plate on the stone table and sprinkled the feed into the water. The fish competed for food first, full of fresh vitality.

This yard is also as clean as warm wine. It's no different.

After a while, a few of them hurried behind him to salute and greet him.

Xie Heng didn't look back. He didn't care much and said, "go down."

Yulu, Xiangman and Hongtang answered "yes" in unison, and then turned back. Jin'er stood in place and whispered, "eldest childe, young lady... I have something for you."

Xie Heng sprinkled fish food with a slight meal, turned and looked at jin'er, "what did you say?"

Jin'er said, "before entering the palace, young lady gave me the things left to the eldest childe for safekeeping. ”

Xie Heng put the plate containing fish food aside, frowned and asked, "why until today?"

Jin'er choked and whispered, "the eldest childe is busy all day."

Naturally, she can't say: I can't even see your shadow. How can I tell you earlier.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand, rubbed the center of his eyebrows and asked, "what did she... Leave behind?"

"Please follow me into the house." jin'er made an invitation to him. When Xie Heng went first, he came forward to open the door of the main house and entered with a lantern.

This house has been uninhabited for a long time. Several maids sweep incense every day. It is too neat and fragrant. On the contrary, it lacks the casual appearance of warming wine.

Xie Heng reached out his hand to touch the bead curtain, glanced at the furnishings in the house, and recalled the scene when he was here.

It seems to be far away and close at hand.

The memory unknowingly became blurred, but the smile on ah Jiu's lips existed so clearly in his mind.

"Eldest childe, please come inside." jin'er took the lantern, opened the bead curtain and went inside. When he came to the bedside, he directly opened the bed board and revealed the seven or eight boxes hidden underneath.

The little maid's eyes were a little wet. She turned back to Xie Heng and said, "Madam Shao said that these are the business accounts she has set with merchants in various cities, but the soldiers of Dayan have no worries about money and food for ten years."

Xie Heng stood still and felt it difficult to move for a moment.

Jin'er wiped his eyes with his sleeve and continued: "the two mouths on the right are the wife Ben prepared by Mrs. Shao for the eldest childe and the third childe..."

Xie Heng couldn't hear the following words clearly.

He went to the bedside and opened the boxes one by one. There were warm wine handwriting on them. As if the remaining temperature still existed.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand and touched it gently. In a trance, he saw warm wine in front of him.

"Eldest childe?"

"Eldest childe... Are you listening?"

After jin'er finished, he couldn't hear Xie Heng speak for a long time. He couldn't help calling him twice.

Xie Heng closed his eyes and said in a dumb voice, "please step back."

Jin'er wanted to say something more, but he didn't know what to say, so he put down the lamp in his hand and quietly retreated out.

In such a big room, there are only a few lights jumping.

Xie Heng leaned against the bed, slowly sat on the ground, pillowed the cage left by warm wine, and called "ah Jiu" in a low voice

Consciousness is hazy.

He seems to have returned to the day when the red plum blossoms were in full bloom. The smiling wine folded flowers and handed them to him. He said to him, "I'm responsible for making money to support my family in the future. Please continue to be handsome!"

She did it.

But he didn't take good care of her.

Xie Heng whispered, "ah Jiu, you wait for me, I will take you home."


After the Spring Festival, Xie Heng ascended the throne and became emperor, changing the country's name into Ming.

The foundation of Dayan was rotten for 20 years, and finally hoped to return to the dynasty. For a moment, the people of Dayan ran around and told each other, both awe and praise the new emperor.

The fear is that Xie Xiaoyan always kills people without blinking an eye, and ministers and dignitaries are not spared. The happy thing is that the new emperor Chongwen is also martial and has a tough wrist. He will never be bullied by his neighbors again.

Xie Heng ascended the throne on the third day of March this year.

His Birthday.

It was supposed to be the day when he said goodbye to his youth, added a crown and took a wife.

But the girl he wanted to marry didn't know where she was.

The night before he ascended the throne, the palace was busy. The Ministry of rites repeatedly emphasized etiquette with the palace attendants and the officials below.

Xie Heng pondered over the maps of various countries in the hall and drew a mark on it from time to time.

Xie Xuan helped him look at the fold. The more he saw, the darker his face became.

Wang Liang took a few waiters to wait on him. He looked at Xie Heng on the left and Xie Yu on the right. He even had to carry tea and water quietly, and he didn't dare to go out. He was afraid to disturb the two.

The whole palace was quiet. Only four CHILDES were "reasonable" outside. From time to time, there was a voice, "poor? You people can't say anything except crying poor?"

Xie Wanjin used to love to laugh, but since he dealt with those people in the household department, he obviously couldn't laugh.

Every day I wonder how ah Jiu couldn't help but discount the legs of these poor guys every day?

The day has gradually warmed up, the lights in the hall are bright, and many sweats are on the servants' foreheads.

Those on Xie Heng's side are scared, those around Xie Yu are cold, and those on the fourth childe's side are ashamed.

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