"What are you talking about?" Murong nianben was very angry. When he heard this, he became angry and said angrily: "Jiujiu used to stay well in the princess's house. You wanted to see what dignitaries from various countries would look like. You were afraid that your father, emperor and mother would blame you if they knew about it. Then you had to pull Jiujiu out together! What's the matter? The Phoenix kite is broken, and you have to blame her?"

Murong Yu's face was still smiling. "Don't be impatient, sister Sanhuang. This palace is just asking Jiuyi casually."

The girl squatting in the corner was still rubbing the wound on her ankle. She looked up at Murong Yu for a while and said in a slightly soft voice, "I don't know how... It broke."

Their eyebrows and eyes were slightly similar. Murong Yu was looked at by her like this. She couldn't help but frown, and the smile on her face was also light. "In warm spring, it's the time when both sexes get married. Jiujiu is nineteen this year, and she's going to recruit a son-in-law."

When the sixth princess said this, she suddenly thought of something and continued: "you should know that if a man finds a phoenix kite on the Fengyin River, it will be included in the princess's house as a husband."

Wen Jiu thought for a while, and nodded a little blankly.

"Since you know it, you did it on purpose?" Murong Yu's eyes were slightly cold. He went to Jiujiu and leaned over and asked, "do you know who was on the dragon boat?"

Wen Jiu looked up at her and said slowly, "I know."

Murong Yu asked, "who is it?"

"Xie Dongfeng." when Wen Jiu mentioned the man's name, a rare gentle smile appeared in his blank eyes.

"What, Xie Dongfeng, that's the Lord of Dayan - Xie Heng!" Murong Yu looked at the people in front of her, and her eyes were full of words. Only when she took medicine and ate her brain and talked nonsense, she took a deep breath and remembered that the Lord of Dayan had come to Xichu for herself, so she continued with some pride: "Xie Heng has three out of twenty and has not married yet. It is said that there is no Ji concubine around him. This year is a wedding banquet in the palace. Why did Xie Heng come here?"

Warm wine stood up slowly, slightly higher than Murong Yu. She was sick and thin on weekdays. It was rare that when she looked so clear, the brilliance in her apricot eyes flowed, which weakened Murong Yu, who was called the first beauty of Western Chu.

She raised her lips slightly and smiled with curved eyebrows and eyes, "for me."

"You're just..." Murong Yu choked on her two words and lost his smile. He wanted to argue for two words. He felt that he had lost his worth fighting with someone as confused as her. He immediately threw down the sentence "you should go back to the house to take medicine" and left.

The maidens of the six princesses also followed.

Wen Jiu put his hand on the table and turned to look at the water. With only a few words, the dragon boat had pulled up to the shore, and the welcoming officials were bowing and greeting with a smile.

Xie Heng has disappeared from the bow.

Her eyes gradually filled with water and light, and her eyes became a little erratic.

"Jiujiu, don't be wronged... Fengyuan will fly when she flies. Next time, elder sister Huang will find someone to make you a better one," Murong Nian looked out along her eyes and thought she wanted to return to Fengyuan. She was asked by Murong Yu and tossed around. She was sad.

The three princesses were not persuasive. After holding for a long time, they suddenly remembered something and said, "isn't she going to have a wedding banquet? I think the talents of other countries are coming for her beauty, so their tails are up in the sky!"

Murongnian said, frequently winking at the maid on his side, "round and round, happy, let your highness know how bad it is to get married."

Everyone thought, and Tuan Tuan hurriedly said, "it's no fun to get married. None of the princesses who went to other countries to make peace with each other can go back to the Western Chu to have a look. When they are homesick thousands of miles away, they can only hide and cry alone."

Yuanyuan then said, "was the second princess who recruited her son-in-law alive or the husband who was spoiled by a concubine so angry?"

Wenjiu turned back and looked at the nagging waitresses with puzzled eyes, "what are you doing with me?"

"What are you talking about? Your highness doesn't like to hear it!" Yuanyuan, who is closest to Wenjiu, elbowed the ladies behind him and whispered, "say something that can make your highness happy."

Murong Nian came forward and held the warm wine to sit down beside the soft couch. He watched the ladies racking their brains to say what could make her happy.

Huan Tian secretly looked out of the window and whispered, "I heard that the Lord of Dayan is a very bad tempered murderer. The sixth Princess must have seen him look good and forgot that he is a lord of hell. If he is really unlucky, if he is selected, I'm afraid he will lose his life."

"Yes, yes." happily, he hurriedly answered, "it's three out of twenty, and I don't even have a concubine around me. I heard that a woman seduced him on the way of the southern expedition. He cut him off before he took off his clothes. I'm afraid he's not a good man?"

Wen Jiu looked at Huan Tian and Xi di. His eyes were full of "?"

A group of little maids thought they were on the point, so they came to warm wine and talked about such rumors, one by one.

Tuan Tuan said: "in order to make peace with Dayan, a small country collected beauties and sent them to Dayan. It is said that the head of Dayan sent people to kill them without even entering the city gate. It's appalling that the means are so cruel!"

"I really don't care for fragrance and jade at all!" Yuanyuan couldn't help commenting. Then he continued mysteriously. "It's said that he smiles coldly, which can scare people to death. When he can say a word, he will never say two words. If a word annoys Da Yan's minister, he will die. Obviously, such a person is not a good match!"

The waitresses talked harder and harder, and wanted to persuade them to tell all the rumors they knew.

But suddenly he saw warm wine, his eyes were dim, and said in a dumb voice, "No."

"It's not like that," she said

Xie Dongfeng, who Wenjiu met, often talked about deceptive words with a smile in his eyebrows.

Even a cold man like the third childe often melts in front of his eldest brother.

But now, they say, Xie Heng has become completely different from before.

Became a very strange person with warm wine.

"Jiujiu?" Murong Nian didn't hear what she was saying. He couldn't help but bow his head and ask, "what are you talking about? What's not?"

A group of maids also followed and calmed down.

Wen Jiu looked up at the crowd and said seriously, "he's not what you said."

After a while.

She added, "he's fine."

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