Wen Jiu stared at the person in front of him, slowed down for a moment, and then smiled at Xie Heng.

She smiled, but her apricot eyes gradually turned red, the water was shining, and the tip of her nose was very sour.

It seems to be an old friend in a previous life. When we meet again, we don't know which one to say first.

Finally, she was just acting like a ghost and said in a warm voice, "you're coming."

A few words are better than a thousand words when affectionate guests meet.

"Ah Jiu, I'll take you home." Xie raised his hand and gently brushed the warm wine eyebrows and eyes with his fingertips. At this moment, the touch close at hand seemed to exhaust his tenderness.

Yongan city of Western Chu is 39600 miles away from Dayan Dijing. If you can't find the way back, I'll fill the sea and take you home.

Love across mountains and seas, mountains and seas can be flat.

In recent years, there are many people who say they love and admire your face, and there are countless people who admire the throne of Queen Yan. Few people can stand in front of Emperor Yan as usual.

Only warm wine used to be like this, and it is now like this.

Xie Heng's slender fingers trembled slightly and wanted to take off half of her cover The curtain of his face, warm wine, just looked at him, and the color of his eyes was complex and difficult to distinguish.

At this time, the emperor of Western Chu suddenly came forward and pulled the warm wine behind him to protect him.

She had a headache. She was dragged around half a circle. Her head became more and more dizzy and shouted "father..."

"It's my six princesses of Western Chu who are hosting the wedding banquet today!" Murong yuan's face turned black and his voice sank a bit. "What does Emperor Yan mean now?"

Murong Yu was just picked up by the maids. They were all embarrassed to tidy up their appearance. During the dinner, they saw that they had made up a hundred plays about the love and hatred of emperors and beauties, and stretched their necks to look at Xie Heng and Wenjiu frequently.

"I came to the Western Chu only to find my wife." Xie Heng raised his eyes and looked at the warm wine behind the emperor of the Western Chu. His tone was unprovoked, which meant a bit of explanation. "There was no relationship with me about the wedding banquet of the six princesses."

When people around heard the speech, they immediately: "

Doesn't it mean that the Lord of Dayan is vicious and murderous?

Even the self proclaimed "I" was thrown to the horizon. What does it mean to be afraid of going home and kneeling on the washboard?

What the hell is going on today!

The warm wine behind him, protected by the emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty, was so dizzy that he couldn't turn around, "You, what are you doing with me?"

She stammers when she is nervous.

Xie Heng's amber eyes were slightly red, but his thin lips were involuntarily hooked. He stepped forward and said with a low smile: "I'm afraid that if Mrs. Shao is angry, he will close the door of the house again tonight and won't let me in."

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

She didn't know what to say for a moment.

When he said these words, he was too natural. His eyes were full of tenderness. He was completely different from those big Yan Lord and Xie Xiaoyan.

Suddenly, from the confused and confused memory of wines, he rushed out of a simultaneous interpreting of Xie Heng.

He would smile, with eyes full of tenderness and carefully approach her, the most useless royal highness to Xichu.

"Xie Heng!" Murong yuan was so angry that he called Yan Huangqi's name and said in a harsh voice, "this is in the Western Chu. Do you want to have no return?"

When this was said, all the people around looked like one.

The smile on Xie Heng's lips became deeper and deeper. "Emperor, take it easy. Wait until I asked ah Jiu how she came to Xichu. It's not too late for you and me to talk about life and death."

The palace maid on her side could not help turning white.

The face of the emperor of Western Chu also became a little ugly.

Among the countries, the position of Xichu has always been unshakable. Even if it has not fought with its neighbors in recent years, its national strength is not generally comparable.

Xie Heng has won a great victory in the northern and southern wars in the past three years, but he has never set foot in the Western Chu for three reasons:

First, Dayan is in the East, the farthest from the Western Chu. Second, after Princess Anjing and her relatives came to the Western Chu, even countries have fallen on Dayan, and the Western Chu has never made up a knife.

This is the last and most important reason. The courtiers of Dayan said that it is best not to make enemies with the Western Chu until there is a last resort or a way to win.

And today.

Xie Heng stood on the phoenix stage of the Western Chu Dynasty and said "on life and death" to the emperor of the Western Chu Dynasty. How can he not make people frightened.

The people were in panic and looked more and more nervous.

Wen Jiu stretched out his hand and pulled the jade Jue around the waist of emperor Laxi Chu.

Murongyuan looked back at her in some doubt and asked with his eyes: what's the matter?

Wen Jiu whispered, "he said he came to me."

Murong yuan was puzzled, "huh?"

Wen said, "I know him."

The whole phoenix stage was quiet and only heard the wind.

Xie Heng was looking at her, and the eyes of the people around him all fell on her.

Wen Jiu thought for a while and added in a low voice, "he seems to have a brain disease. Father and Emperor don't care about him."

Her voice was so light that only she and the emperor of Western Chu could hear her clearly.

Murong yuan couldn't help looking back at Xie Heng when he heard the speech. He nodded approvingly and said, "Jiu Jiu is right." he said, lowering his voice and asked Wen Jiu, "how can you see... He's sick in his brain?"

Wen Jiu whispered, "I almost became his sister-in-law before. What does he say to find his wife now... He looks for his wife when he looks for his wife, and he says it's me. He's so confused. What's wrong with his brain?"

The emperor of Western Chu also fought with the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty for more than 20 years. When he heard the speech, he thought it was very reasonable and could not refute it.

Murong yuan pondered for a moment. As soon as he was about to speak, he listened to the warm wine behind him and said, "father, don't worry about a sick man. Fighting hurts both the body and the brain. He must have been hurt in recent years. You can't worry about this. If you also..."

She was dizzy at first. Her voice gradually stopped being pressed. Her voice became louder. Many people around her could really hear it. There were words "it's hard to say" and "will the eighth highness really not be hacked to death by Emperor Yan".

But Xie Heng listened, but even the amber eyes were full of laughter.

Even if he changed his identity and name, he was in a foreign country and remembered those things in the past, but he never forgot to protect him. d

Even Murong yuan, who was originally angry and wanted to leave Xie Heng's life on the spot, couldn't help laughing. "Well, well, my father knows." he whispered with warm wine and said, "go back and have a rest first."

Wenjiu stood still and said obstinately, "I have two words to tell him. Can I come back after that?"

She had never asked the emperor anything before. Today is the first time.

Murong yuan was stunned and nodded immediately, "say it."

"Thank you, father emperor." after Wen Jiufu saluted, he walked out from behind the emperor of Western Chu.

As soon as she came forward, she saw Xie Heng laughing, and suddenly she couldn't figure it out.

This guy is said to be sick and can he laugh?

Wen Jiu looked up at him and said, "Yan Huang, are you sick?"

"Yes." Xie Heng smiled in his eyes, leaned over and approached her, and said in a low voice, "I'm lovesick, and the medicine stone has no cure. Please move your heart... Help me."

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