"The other half..." Qing Qi hesitated and said, "those poison scriptures are collected by the people of Western Chu. What is recorded above may not be true..."

Xie Wanjin stayed with Rong Sheng all night in the National Teacher's residence. He really didn't have the patience to listen to Qing Qi's hesitation. He directly asked, "Qing Qi, what's the matter with you today? You talk haltingly. Can you scare me to death or what?"

Qingqi looked a little subtle, turned to Yan Huang and whispered, "Your Majesty..."

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly heavy and said, "speak."

Qing Qi walked up to them and lowered his voice and said, "the poison of hating bones really needs someone to sincerely turn their bitterness into hatred, but this poison can't be dissolved by ideas, but also by the combination of yin and Yang..."

When he said this, he suddenly paused. His eyes were complex. He looked at Xie Heng and continued: "frankly, what do you want with Mrs. Shao? Do you understand?"

Xie Heng was ready to find an antidote for ah Jiu. At first hearing this, he couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin couldn't help worrying and said, "he doesn't understand!"

Qing Qi was speechless for a moment: "...."

The fourth childe couldn't hurry. "He has held ah Jiu and Xiao Liu for so many years. Only if he can understand, can there be a ghost! Please explain."

Xie Heng regained his consciousness. At first hearing this, he suddenly felt as if he had understood it.

Just still a little uncertain.

He raised his hand and knocked the fourth childe on the back of the head, "shut up."

Xie Wanjin rubbed his head and whispered, "these days, people don't even tell the facts."

Qing Qi thought about it. He cleared his throat and whispered: "Yes... You want to have a round with Mrs. Shao... Cough, so you can transfer the bone hating poison from Mrs. Shao to you. Because no one has ever done this before, no one knows what the consequences are. However, everyone knows that the method of passing poison by body is extremely dangerous, and the result is likely to be life for life, or two people die together. So there is the second kind of bone hating poison The solution is that a lover saves it with his heart. "

In the end, Qingqi's expression became more and more serious.

Xie Heng said in silence:

This method sounds more reliable than what Rong Sheng said.

"I said that Rong Sheng always hid and tucked in!" Xie Wanjin said angrily. "He deliberately hid this half of his words. He didn't want to drink with ah Jiu when he didn't know it. So... In this way, ah Jiu's poison may be relieved. If he didn't die, he would die half his life. Therefore, Da Yan was in chaos again. The Western Chu side was the only one..."

The fourth childe became more and more angry and said angrily, "Rong Sheng is really a good abacus! Why didn't I take the opportunity to kill him yesterday?"

"Each is his own master. Why are you angry?"

Xie Heng did not have any mood fluctuations, so he walked to Wenjiu with light steps.

He sat on the edge of the couch, raised his sleeve and wiped away the rain from her temples. His eyebrows and eyes were gentle.

Xie Wanjin calmed down and looked at Xie Heng, who was guarding ah Jiu and was full of hostility.

The rain was still falling, and the boat swayed slightly on the river.

The wind and rain outside the window, and lightning flashed in the night sky.

Xie Heng's eyes stayed on ah Jiu. After wiping off the rain, he held her hand and asked, "when is the best time to act?"

Qingqi was suspicious of his tinnitus. He turned to Xie Wanjin and asked in a low voice, "Lord Hou, did I hear wrong?"

The fourth childe raised his hand to block his eyes and said helplessly, "I knew it."

He rubbed his temples and read with Qingqi: "I knew... This method can't be heard by him. Now... What else can you do except pick a good day for him?"

Qing Qi hasn't had time to talk.

Xie Wanjin answered, "no!"

After hearing this, Qingqi's heart was half cold and hardened his head. "It depends on Mrs. Shao's body. Now she is dizzy and unconscious from time to time. Although she can wake up after sleeping after acupuncture and medication, it's best to take medicine to recuperate..."

The fourth childe kept gesturing Qing Qi with his eyes: first drag! First drag!

Qing Qi pretended that he didn't see anything and continued: "Madam Shao has been poisoned for a long time, and it shouldn't be delayed too long. It's just that in the land of Western Chu, no matter what you do, someone gets in the way. My subordinates think it's better for you to take madam Shao back to Dayan first."

When Xie Wanjin heard this, he stopped making color and leaned against the window to quietly look at the actions of the people beside the couch.

The cabin was suddenly quiet. The wind and rain all over the sky blew the gauze curtain flying, leaving only a little sound.

Xie Heng's eyes were deep, gently rubbed Wen Jiu's hand and whispered, "ah Jiu, we've been delayed outside for too long. It's time to go home."


It is the capital of the Western Chu Dynasty and the eight lords' mansion.

When it was slightly bright, Wen wine was awakened by hunger.

Before she opened her eyes, she smelled the porridge. She raised her hand to rub the center of her eyebrows, but found that her hand was tightly held.

When she moved, the man leaned down and said in a low voice, "hungry?"

The warm breath slowly rustled in Wenjiu's ears. Maybe the spring breeze was too warm at night. Her ears were dyed red and spread all the way to her neck.

"Bring something to eat." she closed her eyes and knew who the man was. She pretended to be nothing and told him to do things.

Xie Heng smiled, raised his hand, took the porridge carried by the maid, scooped it, blew it cool gently, and fed it to the warm wine lips, "open your mouth and eat."

Warm wine is not open your eyes at this time, nor is it indisputable. You can only open your mouth and swallow the porridge.

Xie Heng didn't know what was wrong. His hand with the sword fed porridge very smoothly, spoonful after spoonful.

Take it easy. Just when he swallowed the warm wine, he handed it to her lips again.

Wen Jiu couldn't help but open his eyes and looked at him carefully, "what did you do before?"

"It's hard to say." Xie Heng thought carefully and said, "I've done many things before, and I can do more in the future, as long as you want."

He looked into her eyes and said, "as long as you like."

Warm wine mood is a little subtle, "why do you tell me this?"

Xie Heng reached out to wipe the water stains off her lips and said with a smile, "because... I want to turn you home."

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