She asked too seriously.

So that for a moment, Xie Heng felt as if she hadn't forgotten anything. The so-called bone hating poison was just an illusion if she didn't remember him.

Wen Jiu looked back and forth at the words on the page and said slowly, "Dayan is different from the Western Chu. A woman can only have one husband. I almost became your sister-in-law before. Now if I marry you again, it will probably be remembered by the historian for two more pages. The Chinese military officials of Dayan Dynasty will do such a thing with their monarch?"

She looked up at Xie Heng and slowly asked, "will the people all over the world scold me more or you more?"

Xie Heng looked at her with dark eyes. "Before that, Xiao Wu had asked Wan Jin to bring a letter back and terminate the engagement with you. You just forgot those things. It doesn't matter... Let's find Xiao Wu and take him back to Dayan. Our family will be round and round. We will get married in good faith. No one will point out to you again, and I won't have so many curses."

When he said this, his voice became more and more dumb, and he whispered, "ah Jiu..."

After she was poisoned, her memory was confused and her life was upside down, but she always put him on the tip of her heart and didn't want others to discredit him.

Wen Jiu was a little flustered by his cry. He bowed his head and continued to turn over the account books on his hands. His long eyelashes trembled and said, "wait, I'll see if there's anything else to say..."

Talking room.

Xie Heng suddenly reached out to take the account book and looked at it by himself.

The account book is not thick, and I don't know who tore half of it, so there is only one page left, with more words, which reads:

On the 15th of the year, he was sold into Xie's house by the Wen family to celebrate Xie Qi, the fifth childe, and once signed a marriage letter.

The fifth childe is missing to save me in Changning river. We must find him and do our best to repay this great kindness.

The two sentences were incoherent, the handwriting was messy, and several drops of ink fell on the paper, obviously because they were written in a hurry or couldn't hold the pen stably.

Xie Heng lowered his eyes and turned back page by page. There were only a few numbers on the pages. The writing was crooked, or the ink was faint with only half a word.

Occasionally, there is a page with clearer handwriting, which clearly reads: Xie Heng, Xie Dongfeng.

"I have a bad memory..." Wen Jiu couldn't help explaining when he saw him like this: "just write down the most important things in this account book. Take it out every time you wake up from sleep. I'm afraid you'll forget it all."

Xie Heng's slender fingertips gently brushed the handwriting and closed his eyes, as if he could see ah Jiu writing his name while he was writing.

Remembering him is the most important thing in Wenjiu's heart.

Xie Heng suddenly held her hand and rubbed it gently in the palm. When he opened his eyes to see her, his eyes were seven points distressed and three points happy.

He said in a dumb voice, "ah Jiu, it doesn't hurt if you forget those things. I'll help you remember them. In the future, you just need to be happy to do what you like and be with the people you like."

Wen Jiu's eyes were as black as ink and said, "I don't know who tore the other half. I don't know what's written on it. How can you help me remember?"

"I know." Xie Heng said, "it says: wait for Xie Dongfeng to take me home."

Wen Jiu was stunned and couldn't help saying, "are you so sure?"

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye, "maybe it is. Wait until Xie Dongfeng marries me home."

Warm wine opened a pair of apricot eyes and said nothing for a moment: "..."

Why did she think what this man said was not reliable at all?

Seeing this, Xie Heng smiled in the amber and turned over the account book to her, "these are all handwritten by yourself, aren't they?"

Warm wine and nod.

"It doesn't hurt if you don't remember why you wrote this." Xie Heng, with a thin lip and a slight hook, earnestly and kindly coaxed, "I tell you that a girl's family must write the same person's name again and again because she loves him, misses him, wants to marry him, and has a good marriage with his children and grandchildren for a hundred years."

Wen Jiu felt eye pain when he saw the dog crawling on the top. He retorted without thinking, "that's not necessarily."

"Hmm?" Xie Heng clenched her hand, and the ending tone rose slightly, with a threat of "if you can't say why, I'll lay a heavy hand".

Wen Jiuxiu's eyebrow moved and immediately said, "it may also be the enemy who hates to the bone. He thinks about how to kill him every day."

The sound did not fall.

She was held in her arms by Xie Heng. In front of her, Jun's face suddenly enlarged, and her red lips were suddenly kissed.

The brain of warm wine turned into a blank in an instant.

Filled with: so why so unreasonable!

The curtain on the side of the body was inadvertently brought down by Xie Heng, which covered most of the morning light thrown into the porch window. The slightly shaking candle light caged their figures in it, which was a little more romantic and beautiful for no reason.

When warming the wine and slowing down the God, Xie Heng withdrew with a smile and asked her with great interest, "what did your highness say just now?"

His eyes were full of smiles. He looked like "if you dare say it again, I dare to do it again". He almost wrote these big words on his face.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose. His voice was much lower. "You're unreasonable. You're right about everything you say."

Xie Heng bowed down and approached her. His voice was gentle and unreasonable, "what?"

Wen Jiu was really afraid of his shameless appearance and took a deep breath: "you look good. You're right about everything you say."

Xie Heng replied with a smile, "Your Highness is right."

Wen Jiu felt as if he had really failed: "..."

It's impossible to compare his thick skin!

They were silent for a moment. It was already bright outside. A breeze was blowing in, and the red tent was blown away by the wind.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand and played with a touch of red tassels on the curtain. With a smile, he asked, "has your highness slept enough?"

Warm wine "um".

Then he asked, "are you full?"

Just after Wen Jiu nodded, he felt that something was wrong. He couldn't help asking, "what do you want to do?"

As a result, the next moment I heard Xie Heng say, "let's go into the palace and discuss the wedding date with the emperor."

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