Meng Chengyun's Royal jade belt in front of him was no longer the poor scholar who had to wear white cloth and blue clothes in those years. He was half a step behind Murong Yu and was talking to her. His posture was neither humble nor arrogant, and he was somewhat flattered or disgraced.

However, Meng Chengyun was flattered and humiliated. After seeing that Xie Heng and Wen Jiu were standing side by side in front of the hall, they disappeared in an instant.

He looked at the hands they held, and his eyes became very complex.

Wen Jiu could not help frowning slightly and asked Xie Heng in a low voice, "do you know him?"

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly. He only saw Meng Chengyun. It was in Changping County. Ah Jiu was sold to Xie's house for one hundred liang of silver by Wen's family. Meng Chengyun came to the door with Wen Wen and said that he was happy with ah Jiu. He had already privately decided to take ah Jiu away all his life.

At first he was very unhappy with this man. Now he is more and more unhappy to see him again in a foreign country.

Just this is full of displeasure, instantly be a wine face "which onion is this person?" It's all gone.

This bone hating poison is hard to figure out, but she forgot him and Meng Chengyun. It's still fair.

Childe Xie reached a delicate balance at the bottom of his heart. He couldn't help but light his lips and said slowly, "I've seen him once. I asked someone to break his leg. That's all. I don't know him."

Wen Jiu glanced at him, only to see Xie Heng's face as usual. He didn't mean to joke with her at all.

Just at this time, Murong Yu came to the two people, saluted and asked Xie Heng for peace, and said softly with warm wine: "Jiujiu, this is riding the cloud. He entered the princess's house of the palace yesterday. He has seen his father and Emperor this morning. He will be your brother-in-law when the emperor chooses an auspicious day to get married."

Warm wine glanced at Meng Chengyun and said "Oh" without interest.

Just now, father-in-law Liu has talked to her. It's nothing strange for her to see real people.

Although this person looks good, she really can't see what other people are particularly good about with a human role like Xie Heng wandering around her every day.

"It's just oh? You don't want to say something else to elder sister Huang?" Murong Yu was also too thoroughly humiliated on the day of the wedding reception. He was eager to save some face in front of warm wine. Seeing that she didn't give face, he added intentionally or unintentionally, "Chengyun is the tanhualang in the palace test at present. He has great literary talent. It's been a long time since the Western Chu had such a young childe as the top three..."

Before she finished, Wen Jiu turned sideways and asked Xie Heng, "what's the top three in your family like?"

Xie Heng glanced at Meng Chengyun and said with a smile: "the top three in the palace examination last year were all young talents, and the explorer was only 18 years old, but these were not strange in Dayan. The number one in the previous three years was the third childe of my family. He was 17 years old when he wore palace flowers to visit the long street. He looked like a cool young man and was very popular."

Xie Xuan is younger than Meng Chengyun. Now he is the chief assistant of Dayan, under one person and under ten thousand people.

Meng Chengyun may be regarded as a young talent now, but if the childe of the Xie family compares, he can only catch up with it.

After listening to the warm wine, he read it with Murong very seriously: "it seems that it's just like this."

She asked, "Sister Liu Huang, what else do I want to say?"

Murong was so angry that he almost broke a silver tooth, but he didn't dare to do it because Xie Heng was present, so he had to bear it.

Just at this time, the waiter who entered the hall came out, "emperor, please invite Emperor Yan."

Wen Jiu smelled the speech, turned his head and said to Xie Heng, "go in. Don't talk later. I'll come."

The waiter and Murong Nian heard the news, and their faces were slightly stiff.

Does your highness know who he is talking to?

But Xie Heng nodded and ordered very obediently.

"Your Highness..." the waiter who sent the message could only harden his head and whispered with her: "the emperor only invited Emperor Yan in, but didn't let your highness in."

Wenjiu was ready to take a step inside. When he heard this, he couldn't help but tilt his head and ask your waiter, "are you sure you heard right?"

The Chamberlain said, "I heard right. I just asked Emperor Yan to go in and let your highness go to the empress."

"This is not quite right..."

After listening to Wen Jiu, she found that it was completely different from what she thought.

Why can Murong Nian bring people to the emperor, but she has to be sent to the empress?

Xie Heng touched her head and coaxed with a smile, "Your Highness, don't worry. In fact, I'm not very afraid."

Warm wine: "

She felt a pain in her face.

What I said just now is that I'm afraid he will be left out in the cold, that I'll spoil him and comfort him. What I said just now is so smooth, and now it hurts to hit my face.

The waiter saluted and said, "Your Majesty Yan, please enter the hall."

Xie Heng shook the fingertip of warm wine, "go and sit in the imperial palace. I'll be fine soon."

It was easy for the man to marry the first princess of Western Chu and pick a flower from Western Chu and bring it back to Dayan.

Just as Wen Jiugang wanted to wake him up, he swept the people around him, and wanted to save him some face outside, so he stubbornly endured it and gave a low "um".

Xie Heng raised his hand to brush away the fallen leaves on her shoulder, then turned around and walked into the hall with his clothes.

Wen Jiu stood in place and looked at his back. His eyes were inexplicably reluctant to give up.

The attendant on his side said in a respectful voice, "Your Highness, I'll show you the way. Please."

"No." she took a feather fan from the maid and shook it gently, looking into the hall from time to time.

I don't know if the people inside found that she had been peeking. A moment later, the palace people closed the door and completely blocked her sight.

It's strange.

Now is the good season of spring and March.

After Xie Heng entered, Wen Jiu felt extremely anxious in her heart, and her face was hot. No matter how she took the feather fan, it was useless.

I don't know what the emperor's old fox will say to Xie Heng.

Xie Heng is so shameless that he should not lose.

She thought in a mess and kept pacing in front of the hall.

A group of maids were dizzy by her and didn't dare to say anything.

Murong Yu, who had stayed here after he was wronged, came forward and said, "you're not anxious outside. Please go with the palace to greet the empress."

"Just go first."

Wenjiu didn't stop pacing when he spoke. The pear flowers in front of the court were blown down by the wind and slowly fell on her side. Several pieces fell on the flying cloud sleeves and skirts, and she didn't feel it.

Murong Yu approached and asked her in a low voice, "what did you do with Fengwei out of the city yesterday?"

Wen Jiu suddenly looked up at her: "what do you ask?"

Murong Yu was embarrassed when she saw it. She quickly explained, "I just think you went to do business yesterday. Since it's business, it's understandable to rush into the hall to see my father and Emperor. Isn't it? Elder sister Huang is to help you."

Wen Jiu thought for a while, nodded and said, "it's reasonable."

So the next moment, she ran towards the temple door.

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