The capital city of Western Chu, the national division house.

Yeli's lightness skill is excellent. He takes a young man in gray clothes to walk on the eaves and walls. He still comes and goes like the wind.

After crossing the heavy green tiles, they stopped at the eaves of the highest part of the Guoshi mansion.

The young man in gray sat high and looked down at the blooming flowers. His eyes somehow turned to the corridor of the princess's house.

Night Li looked along his eyes and saw Xie Heng and Wen Jiu who bathed in the afterglow of the sunset. He couldn't help saying in a cold voice, "since you are so reluctant to give up your Miss Wen, what are you running for?"

The young man in gray smiled gently and asked, "Miss Wen really matches her elder brother. ”

"You......" Yeli looked back at him. No matter how angry he was with such a gentle and jade like person.

She stared at the grey boy for a long time, stunned and speechless.

But the young man slowly said, "my eldest brother is a man who looks casual and unrestrained. In fact, he has never done anything against morality. He is really an unparalleled elegant young master in the world."

When Yeli heard this, he couldn't help but "bah" and retorted, "only you dare to say that Xie Heng is a beautiful young master! If the storyteller in the teahouse dares to say such nonsense, he will be sprayed with spittle by the guests."

The young man in gray smiled when he heard the speech, "they don't know how good my eldest brother is."

Yeli suddenly felt something wrong and couldn't help saying, "I said you're a fool. You don't know. Your fiancee has been robbed by your eldest brother. Do you still think your eldest brother is a good man?"

Standing on the eaves, she was dressed in purple and fluttering in the wind. The purple ribbon between her sleeves was flying, which was quite immortal.

It's a pity that you don't speak well.

The young man in grey said, "I haven't married Miss Wen. I've been away for so many years. No matter who she is with, she should be. How can I say that they are bad because the people with her are my eldest brother?"

He asked too openly and seriously.

Yeli was stunned when he asked.

The young man said slowly: "what's more, when the house bought her as goods and forced her to set up the marriage letter, it was wrong. I wanted to let her go, but for the first time in my life, I met a girl who didn't dislike me as a dying man. I had some greed in my heart. Unexpectedly... It hurt her and her eldest brother."

Yeli has never had a heart with anyone before.

Elder martial brother doesn't have so much time to tell her, and others in the Imperial College are more or less afraid of her.

Only the boy would talk to her so much.

So even if Yeli thinks the fool is stupid again, he will try to tolerate it.

But I can't help it this time.

"After all, you still like the warm wine!" Yeli said unhappily, "if I had known I was in bafangcheng, I should have killed her earlier to save such trouble."

Her idea has always been very simple, like to stay, don't like to throw away.

For people, there is only the difference between life and death.

But he's not.

The boy looked at her, sighed faintly and said softly, "it was really for me that you went to Bafang city."

Night from the eyes color slightly changed, concealed for a long time, suddenly said something, more or less embarrassed.

But her face was not obvious at all. She said righteously: "I'm on my way!"

The boy's eyes looked at her like ink and didn't speak for a moment.

Yeli was looked strange by him. Immediately, the conversation changed: "that's why you just told them that you like me is false."

The boy suddenly looked at her with some bad intention, looked away and looked elsewhere.

Three or two steps away from the night, he came to the side of the boy, bowed his head, and came close to him.

The boy lay back involuntarily.

Night left but pressed to come, facing him with four eyes, asked clearly: "don't you say you never deceive people? What's the use of me as a cover ? By the way, what did you just call me? Li Li? "

The boy's body was stiff, and it was difficult to hide the embarrassment in his eyes. It took him a long time to say, "my eldest brother, naturally I can't be regarded as someone else."

When he said this, his voice was weak and not hard at all.

Yeli was a little angry, but suddenly he was amused by his appearance.

She retreated a little, sat on the side of the boy, closed her eyes, felt the wind coming and going on the eaves, and whispered, "fool, if you have some of your brothers, you don't have to stay with me and be trapped in a foreign country."

The young man in grey only smiled, "it's probably a fool's blessing."

If he was also the man full of city government calculations, Yeli would not have saved him.

Therefore, in this world, people are not as good as heaven.

They sat quietly for a long time.

The two people under the corridor of the princess's house also walked slowly into the garden.

The grey boy was silent for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth and called "master."

The night leaves, and the butterfly's flying hand suddenly stops.

This title is what she said casually when she saved him at the beginning, and what she said together is "since I saved you, you will be mine in the future. If you want to call me master, you must obey everything and obey everything."

In recent years, they have been together for a long time, and have not heard such a title from their master for a long time.

She turned her back to the boy, her look slightly changed, but her tone remained as usual as possible. She asked, "what do you call me to do?"

The grey boy pondered for a moment before he said, "can I restore my original appearance for a day? Half a day. It won't take long to come and see me."

"What are you talking about?"

Night from smell speech, suddenly look back to the boy.

The young man in grey paused slightly, and then said in a deliberative way, "can you do it in an hour?"

"Are you going to see her?" Yeli's focus was not here at all. He said angrily, "I know you want to go back to Xie's house. I know you've been thinking about your Miss Wen. What's the hurry? I'll let you go sooner or later."

The hand under her sleeve closed tightly, "when I die, you can go wherever you want. Then you will know that no one knows that you are a puppet who comes back from the dead. If you lie better, others will only think that you meet Xianyuan, you are not old and young all your life. No one will imprison you. This day will not be far away. Xie Qi, you..."

"I won't go."

The youth Wen Sheng interrupted.

The night left suddenly stunned : "What did you say just now?"

Xie Qiwen said, "I won't go. I'll stay here all the time."

Night Li stared at him, speechless for a moment.

Xie Qi said, "I just want to restore my original appearance. It doesn't matter for a day or half a day. Even for an hour, as long as it's enough for me to hand over a letter of withdrawal to Miss Wen."

The young man raised his lips slightly, and his voice was mild. "After these, I'll buy you sugar gourd when I come back, okay?"

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