Not far away, there was a boat riding the wind and waves. Rao was so. The girl in purple at the bow still felt that she was not fast enough. She jumped and pointed her toes over the boat in front. Her body was as light as a swallow and swept straight onto the small bridge on the shore.

When Wen Jiu saw this scene, he couldn't help but poke Xie Heng's heart and motioned him to look at the shore.

At this moment, the boat of the young man in Tsing Yi slowly docked. As soon as he looked up, he saw the girl in purple cloud sleeves sitting at the head of the bridge, playing with a little yellow warbler in his hand, his feet swinging gently, with a silver bell.

Xie Qi stepped onto the bridge and walked to Yeli. He was about to speak with Yeli.

He was robbed by the latter, "where's my sugar gourd?"

Xie Qi was slightly stunned and then said, "I haven't seen anyone selling sugar gourd yet. I'll buy it right away."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time! Do you want me to wait?" Yeli jumped down from the railing and released the struggling little oriole.

As a result, the little Oriole fell on Xie Qi's shoulder in the twinkling of an eye, and his small head rubbed and rubbed in the young man's neck. He looked like he liked it very much. Compared with the way he was struggling to run in Yeli's hand just now, it was very different.

She raised her hand and pinched Xie Qi's face. She was not very happy and said, "say something nice to coax the master to be happy, or I'll make you a very ugly face and make you dare not go out to see people in the future."

Xie Qi still smiled gently and said slowly, "it doesn't matter if I'm ugly. I'm afraid the master won't be able to eat when he sees me later. Isn't it a crime?"

"Hum, you know."

The night left, jumped down the steps and plunged into the long street.

Xie Qi bowed her head, but smiled and followed the girl into the crowd.

The street vendors kept shouting, but night left as if they hadn't seen it at all. They walked straight through. After walking more than half the street, they saw the old man selling sugar gourd, stopped, stretched out his hand, took a bunch from the top, and turned to look at Xie Qi.

The meaning is clear: you give money.

Xie Qi took out his sleeve and took out a silver note. He didn't have time to speak.

Yeli suddenly reached out and took the silver ticket away. He threw it away and looked at it, "a thousand Liang, almost. It's hard to buy a thousand gold. I'm happy. Don't look for it."

As she spoke, she threw a thousand liang of silver tickets to the old man in front of her, then carried the whole haystack filled with sugar gourd and left.

"This......" Xie Qi didn't react for a moment.

"Thank you, young master. Thank you, miss..." the old man selling candied haws never saw such a silver giver. His hand shaking with the silver ticket kept bowing and thanking. He almost knelt down to the fifth young master.

"Old man, don't be polite." Xie Qi quickly reached out to help him and hurried to catch up with the sugar gourd carrying the whole haystack, leaving at night like nothing.

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng followed her all the way. She had never done such a thing. She was obviously inexperienced and almost lost her in the crowded place.

Fortunately, Xie Heng went straight up to the high place and followed the young girls walking in the street. He could not only catch up with them, but also see the situation clearly.

Yeli walked while eating. He stopped at the Bank of willows. He erected the haystack full of sugar gourd into the grass, and then fell into the ground for three minutes.

She sat by the water and gently shook her legs. Her vamp didn't touch the water once, shaking layers of water waves.

Xie Qi hurried to the river bank, and saw the willows on the river bank, the blue water reflected the blue sky, and the water waves were stacked one after another. The girl in purple had just finished eating a sugar gourd, reached out for another, slightly raised her head, while eating the sugar on the Hawthorn and looking at the sky. The lavender ribbon between her sleeves flew with the wind and wanted to fly.

Xie Qi reached out to pick up the willows hanging like a bead curtain, walked gently to her and sat down. Wen asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"Fool." the night left the Hawthorn in his mouth and didn't swallow it, and his speech was a little vague, "I'm angry when I see you, can't I?"

This is very rude and unreasonable.

Xie Qi just smiled and said in a warm voice, "yes."

Yeli couldn't get angry with such a young man. She could only nibble at sugar gourd and ate three or four strings. When she reached out for it again, her hand was suddenly stopped by Xie Qi.

The night leaves to pick eyebrow, face dew fierce color: "do what?"

It's a pity that her lips are bright red when she eats sugar gourd. The whole person has the sweetness of sugar. Instead of being fierce, she looks like a cat with open teeth and claws.

Xie Qi took her hand down and said, "you can't eat any more. Be careful to eat a bad stomach."

"I'm invincible to all poisons. How can I eat bad stomach because of these candied haws! I think you don't want to Miss Wen's silver ticket!" Yeli patted the young man's hand and took another bunch of candied haws for himself. At this moment, he didn't hurry to eat. Youyou said, "1000 Liang, how kind."

Xie Qi lost his smile. "What are you talking about?"

Night Li was so angry that he almost hit him on the head with sugar gourd. "I said you fool. Even if you're stupid, do you still think others are as stupid as you?"

Xie Qi said with a smile, "where does this come from?"

The night left unhappily and said, "some people say that the real good person in this world is that if others treat her well, they will pay it back ten times."

She was very indifferent to such words, but now she was more and more unhappy, "when you thanked the family for one hundred liang of warm wine, now you took her one thousand Liang, just to give her ten times the chance to return it?"

Xie Qi just smiled and didn't answer. He had to open his mouth to say something when he saw Yeli.

He took a candied haw and handed it to the girl. He said with a helpless smile, "I have no money and don't take a silver ticket. How can I buy candied haws for my master?"

The night leaves to smell speech, the full face of displeasure immediately legs clean, murmured: "so... You are all for me?"

Xie Qi didn't answer directly, but slowly said, "I had a good relationship with my sister-in-law. Now I took the silver note she repaid me to repay my master for saving my life. This is good protection and fate."

Yeli felt dizzy and didn't say anything. He even regretted, "how many candied haws can I buy for a thousand liang? No! I have to go and get back..."

She said, getting up and going.

Xie Qi quickly grabbed the man and said helplessly, "since it has been given, there is no reason to come back."

My elder martial brother has never taught me such a truth, but it's hard to say anything when he sees Xie Qi laughing like spring breeze.

She sat back stuffy and handed the string of candied haws in her hand to Xie Qi, "Oh, look, you're thinking of buying me candied haws. This string is for you to eat."

Xie Qi took it with a smile and sat side by side with the girl. She watched the blue water grow in the sky and the mandarin ducks play in the water. She said nothing.

The scenery here is picturesque, and the young girls have excellent looks. Sitting under the willow trees and beside the clear waves and green water, they are not the people in the picture, but better than the beautiful spring.

After passing the painted boat here, the boat slowed down a little, and someone picked the curtain from time to time.

Night away flew the bamboo stick as a concealed weapon and said angrily, "what are you looking at? I haven't seen anyone eating sugar gourd!"

Looking at her clothes from the painting boat, she looked like a person from the National Teachers' house. She didn't dare to say much. They retracted into the cabin and left immediately.

Seeing the warm wine hiding behind the willow tree not far away, he couldn't help raising his hand and touching his neck, "what the fifth childe likes is the night departure of the national division house, this girl..."

She didn't know how to describe it for a moment. It took her a long time to say, "it's very different."

Xie Heng gave a "um" and said in a low voice, "her appearance with Xiao Wu is completely different from the rumor."

Who would have thought that the little witch of the Western Chu who only knew how to kill people also had such a greedy side.

Wen Jiu smiled and said, "yes, it's good."

Youth is like jade and beauty is like flowers.

In the most beautiful age, we can see the beauty of the world, look at each other and smile, but we will win the prosperity of the world.

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