Wen Jiuwei was stunned. His worries and anxieties were diluted by his smile.

She suddenly couldn't help laughing. She clasped her backhand with Xie Heng's fingers and held it tightly without leaving any gap.

I don't know how many difficulties people will encounter in their life. If everyone wants to retreat and avoid because of fear and worry, who will go up against the current and lift the storm against the wind?

Warm wine raised his eyes and said softly and firmly, "I'm not afraid of you."

"That's good." Xie Heng said with a smile, "it's huiluan Bay not far from here. Madam can sit here for a while and have a rest. Go back for her husband."

He gently rubbed the palm of the warm wine, and then motioned the people to withdraw with his eyes.

Wen Jiu held his hand and asked in a low voice that only two people could hear, "what can't you say in front of me?"

"Those murderers see blood..." Xie Heng's eyes are seven points spoiled and three points helpless. He raises his other hand and caresses the corner of ah Jiu's eye. In a low voice, "you can't sleep when you see too much. Be good and stay in the cabin. When you wake up, we'll cross back to Luan Bay and really embark on the way home."

Wen Jiuchang's eyelashes trembled and immediately said, "I can sleep now. Only you are here. I can sleep when I see anything."

Xie Wanjin, Qin Mo and others turned their heads and looked out of the window.

It's rare for your majesty to coax people once. It's just that warm wine is different from those charming women who listen to everything. It's really difficult for your majesty.

Xie Heng chuckled. With his hands clasped with ah Jiu's fingers, he hugged people in his arms, "ah Jiu..."

Warm wine closed his eyes, nestled in his arms and quietly hugged him for a moment.

"I'll love you like this," Xie Heng whispered helplessly.

While talking, his amber eyes narrowed slightly, his hand gently stroking the corner of her eyes suddenly moved down, and cut into the neck of warm wine like a knife.

Originally, I closed my eyes and hugged him, but the warm wine was there At this moment, he suddenly raised his hand and stopped Xie Heng's hand knife that was about to fall behind her neck.

"This is what you said about heartache?" Wen Jiu slowly opened his eyes, stood up straight, raised his eyes to Xie Heng's line of sight, and said word by word: "Xie Dongfeng, have I been out of my mind for too long, and even you think I'm easy to cheat?"

Xie Heng was speechless for a moment: "...."

A few steps away, Xie Wanjin, Qin Mo and a group of green guards turned around as if they didn't see anything.

The fourth childe's eyelids jumped and his mind was bad.

Wen Jiu stood in place, raised Xie Hengshang's knife like hand, his heart trembled, but his tone was still barely maintaining the original. He asked him in a quiet voice, "you still cling to each other at the last moment, and you're going to knock me out at the next moment? Your majesty, tell me where you're going to get me? You said you didn't pay attention to Luan Bay this time. What are you doing so quickly?"

"Ah Jiu, you..."

Over the past 20 years or so, Xie Heng's mind that he can't tell people is rarely seen clearly by the people in front of him. He can't even cover it up.

He lowered his eyes and whispered, "I don't think about anything else. I just want you to avoid it for the time being. When I get back to Luan Bay and settle down, I'll send someone to pick you up."

It's simple and easy to say.

Wen Jiudu laughed angrily and shook off Xie Heng's hand. "If it's so good to go back to Luan Bay, what can I avoid?"

Xie Heng was speechless for a moment.

Ah Jiu doesn't remember anything. It's best to coax him in those days.

At that time, she always wanted to restore her memory earlier. Now It recovered, but it was overwhelming.

The others in the cabin tried to think that they didn't exist and didn't dare to say a word. Even the four CHILDES who had always said looked back at them several times, and silently took the initiative to face the wall as a mute.

"Can only you put me in danger, regardless of life and death? Coaxing me with your mouth, but thinking about how to send me away and avoid danger? What's there to avoid!" Wen Jiu glared at Xie Heng and said clearly: "if you have any mistakes in huiluan Bay, I will never live alone!"

She's probably really been your Highness for a long time, and her temper has become bad and big.

If it had been in the past, Wen Jiu would never have said such words with Xie Heng angrily.

Xie Heng was shocked. He quickly hugged ah Jiu in his arms and coaxed him with a good voice: "what madam said is that madam is right. It's for her husband's fault... Madam calms down and doesn't dare for her husband anymore."

Wenjiu was still angry. When he said this, he was wronged somehow. The water in apricot eyes was shining, and he endured it so that he didn't shed tears on the spot.

"I'm wrong, I'm really wrong." Rao is Xie Heng. Don't get used to his face. He doesn't know what to do at this moment.

In the past, I used to spit out lotus flowers, but now I can only admit my mistake to ah Jiu.

Warm wine didn't annoy him much, but at first glance, his mood was out of control.

By now, it has gradually eased back.

I just don't know how to end.

Xie Wanjin, who was on one side, was worried for him. He hurried forward and interrupted: "ah Jiu, no, sister-in-law, don't be angry. Once the elder brother meets you, it's hard to use your brain. No matter what, he's also for you, isn't it?"

The fourth childe whispered to her, "you see, he just wanted to stun you and send you away first. It must be a temporary intention. He hasn't thought it over yet! In other words, the eldest brother cares about you most before he wants to send you to a safe place. You see, he didn't want to send me away..."

"Xie Wanjin!"

The more Xie Heng listened, the more something went wrong. He couldn't help interrupting with a deep voice.

"Well, well, I won't say it. Don't get angry, elder brother, and don't get angry with your sister-in-law." Xie Wanjin took out the folding fan pinned around his waist and shook it gently. "At this time, it's better to stay in one place. I don't know what's going on in the capital of Western Chu."

Wen Jiu took a deep breath and tried his best to put aside the chaotic thoughts just now. His voice was slightly hoarse and said, "the fourth brother said it well. If civil strife has occurred in the capital, it may not be safe elsewhere."

"HMM." Xie Heng nodded quickly and whispered to ah Jiu, "it's just me."

Xie Wanjin silently unfolded his fan and half his face. After a while, he said, "I'll go back to the capital of Western Chu to explore the situation."

"Do you want to go back?" Xie Heng frowned. He wondered if his fourth brother had a fever.

Xie Wanjin received a hundred folding fans, but it was a rare serious look. "I always feel something wrong in this situation today. Rong Sheng wasted so much thought before he brought ah Jiu to the Western Chu. Why did ah Jiu marry his eldest brother today? He didn't even show his face?"

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng fell into meditation at the same time.

This is really strange.

Wen Jiu had been thinking about what Rong Sheng was doing.

"And..." Xie Wanjin gently shook his fan. "I'm afraid of death, injury and blood. I don't want to go back to Luan Bay. I want to go back to the capital to have a look. If I'm lucky, I can contain all forces in the capital and settle it over there."

Xie Heng was just about to say something.

Xie Wanjin said first, "elder brother, I'm not discussing with you now. Since I said this, I'll do it."

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