"Why are you crying?" the man in the cave suddenly opened his mouth and said in a cool tone: "you've been fighting for so many years. Is that all you can do?"

"Elder martial brother!" when Yeli heard this sound, he immediately jumped up from the ground, fell on the cave and asked happily, "elder martial brother, are you okay? You finally spoke to me. I thought..."

Just halfway through this, Rong Sheng interrupted unhappily, "this seat is not dead. Why are you crying?"

Yeli quickly raised his sleeve to wipe away the tears on his face and whispered, "I didn't cry. I just miss my senior brother, especially."

The man in the cave was silent.

Yeli waited for a long time, but before he spoke again, he asked in a low voice, "elder martial brother? Elder martial brother, can you hear me?"

Rongsheng was silent for a moment and asked her, "where did you say the fool went?"

"Go and die." Yeli sucked his nose, and his grievance could not be hidden in front of his senior brother. "I won't let him go. He has to go, so I can't stop him."

She looked down at the sleeve full of the fool's blood, and her tears couldn't stop.

Rong Sheng's tone was not good and said, "what are you still doing here? Don't catch up!"

"Elder martial brother is healing in isolation." Yeli's voice is low, but his tone is very firm. "I want to protect the Dharma for elder martial brother here."

Rong Sheng took a deep breath. "Have you been with that fool for a long time and become a fool? You used Shuangsheng Gu on him. If he died, how could you live?"

"But I'm leaving. Who will protect the Dharma for elder martial brother? Who can elder martial brother trust?" Yeli clenched her teeth and said, "if I don't go, the fool will do whatever he likes. Anyway, I'll guard elder martial brother."

The man in the cave was silent for a long time.

Dark clouds surged in the sky, leaves fell by the rockery, and the wind blew The ground was covered with residual red.

Rongsheng suddenly said in a cold voice, "what will you do for so many years besides causing trouble for us? Protect the Dharma for us? Don't put gold on your face, get out!"

Yeli was stunned and said in a low voice, "elder martial brother... Did I do something wrong again? Don't annoy me. What's wrong with you and me? Can I correct it?"

She was anxious to break in. She was blocked outside by the wall stone of the cave and couldn't enter. She had to grope and say anxiously: "elder martial brother, you talk... If you leave you, I won't have a home... Where do you want me to go?"

Rong Sheng's voice became more and more calm and cold, "follow the fool and go wherever he goes!"

"Senior brother..."

"If you stay here, you will only drag us down." Rong Sheng's tone is indifferent. "You have dragged us down for so many years. Now there is chaos in the capital. You stay here and refuse to go. Do you want to kill us?"

"I don't want to hurt senior brother, I......"

Yeli has always been about what elder martial brother says and what she does. She seldom knows her own ideas. It is all about Xie Qi , Now he was suddenly driven away by Rong Sheng. He was completely confused and didn't know what to do.

Rong Sheng opened his mouth again and said, "leave the night. Roll as far as you can. Don't stay here and lead people to kill me!"

This sentence of Yeli is completely understood. Elder martial brother is afraid he can't recover for a while. There are too many enemies in the national division house. There are more people who want to kill him than those who want to save him in the capital of Western Chu. D she not only can't help him, but also hurt him.

Yeli retreated several steps, "I, I know, senior brother. I'll go right away. You're good at healing. I won't hurt you. I'll go right away..."

As she spoke, she swept over the heavy threshold with great speed.

When we got to the garden, Yeli couldn't help stopping and looked back at the rockery.

Just then, the secret door of the mechanism in the corner suddenly opened, and the dusty Xie Wanjin suddenly appeared. Seeing that it was her, he hurried forward and asked, "leave at night, where's my little five?"

"I don't know," said night Li Leng

Her eyes stayed on the rockery for a moment, and she planned to fly up with Xie Wanjin's skirt.

"What are you doing?" Xie Wanjin quickly grabbed the flowers and vines on the side. "I tell you, men and women don't give and receive. You want to marry me like this."

Before the sound fell, the night left and released him.

Xie Wanjin threw away the rattan and hurried to the rockery he had just seen at night.

"Xie Wanjin! What are you doing?" Yeli wanted to reach out and pull him, but he didn't even touch his clothes.

She stood there for a moment, thinking that Xie Wanjin could not find her elder martial brother when he passed by. She should be fine.

What's more, elder martial brother is different from others

Night left shook his head and immediately flew up to Fengyin River to pursue Xie Qi.

Not far away.

Xie Wanjin hurried to the rockery, looked for it one by one, and shouted in a low voice, "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, you come out, should be the fourth brother!"

"The fourth brother doesn't have to go back to Dayan with you. I just want to see if you are safe."

It's not the first time for him to come to the forbidden area of the national division house. He is more familiar than others.

After looking for a circle, he didn't even see a personal shadow. Xie Wanjin began to press the mechanism on the stone wall. With the mechanism pressed, the rockery followed the original track for several times. A moment later, a stone gate rose at the stone cave on the far right.

The fire in the cave moved slightly. Xie Wanjin walked in front of the stone gate and looked inside, but he didn't see anything.

He thought that if Rong Sheng intended to hide Xiao Wu, he should be hiding here.

But I don't know if there are any deadly secret devices in the cave. Why is there a fire in the daytime?

Xie Wanjin raised his hand with his left hand, gently rubbed the black iron buckle on his right wrist, and whispered, "can I hit a ghost in the daytime?"

He walked in boldly.

Somehow, the middle point of the cave was full of candles, and it was still cold.

He walked down the steps and walked in the cave for a while. Suddenly, he smelled the blood smell. Somehow, the candles in front were extinguished.

Xie Wanjin stopped for a moment, looked around, and suddenly saw a man sitting on the lotus platform in a black cloak, with such a big brim covering his whole face.

People are also silent. They don't know whether they are dead or alive.

"Little five?"

Xie Wanjin quickly came forward, lifted the man's cloak and hat, and stretched out his hand to explore his nose.

But at the moment when the brim of his hat fell, he suddenly saw the man in front of him with white hair like snow, and half a silver mask on his face reflected a slight candle.

"Rong Sheng! How is it you?" Xie Wanjin's eyebrows jumped and hurriedly stepped back. As soon as his feet moved back, Rong Sheng tied them with silver wire and dragged them back to him.

Rongsheng looked up and his pupils were purple, like bright stars in the dark night.

Beauty is extremely beautiful.

Unfortunately, if you are not careful, you will die.

Xie Wanjin said angrily, "what are you doing with me? I'm not here to kill you."

Rongsheng squinted at him. His lips were as white as paper. Even half of his handsome face without a mask was bloodless.

Looks... Like a dying man.

When Xie Wanjin thought of this, he suddenly felt cold behind his back.

He hurriedly remembered that Rong Sheng seemed to have been beaten like this by him. The beam was really big.

The fourth childe tried to save himself. He hurriedly said, "I just wanted to find Xiao Wu. I really didn't think about what to do to you. Let's discuss. You can let me go. I'll find a way to help you get what you want?"

Rong Sheng stared at Xie Wanjin's white neck for a long time. Suddenly, his thin lips opened: "I want your life!"

While talking, he pulled Xie Wanjin over and bit his wrist

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