"Little, little brother-in-law?" Wen Wen didn't react. Where did the man come from? He was hit by a "little brother-in-law", and the whole person was stunned.

In a moment, dozens of green guards came out from the dark. First, those quick eyed and quick handed came forward to capture Meng Chengyun and two other accomplices.

Meng Chengyun looked at the lost time. Before being taken by the green guards, he threw the bamboo pot into the coffin a few steps away with all his strength.

The bamboo cover and the jar body spread out in mid air, and the scarlet poisonous insects fluttered to Murong yuan's body and fell into it.

Wen Wen suddenly woke up and grabbed it without thinking.

"You can't touch it with your hands." Xie Heng, who was behind him, quickly stopped him, pulled down the white yarn on his side, threw it away, and swept out the poisonous insects that were about to fall on Murong yuan's forehead. Unfortunately, they fell into the fire pot and burned to ashes in an instant.

Xie Heng relaxed his hand, and the white yarn in his palm fell to the ground lightly, falling to Wen Wen's feet with the wind.

The boy looked down at the ground and didn't speak for a moment.

Meng Chengyun behind him was crushed all hope. His eyes were red with anger. He got up and punched on the ground, and the back of his hand was bloody.

The green guards who captured him frowned and immediately increased their strength?, He pressed Meng Chengyun to the ground.

Wen Wen looked back at Meng Chengyun. He was disgusted and turned to Xie Heng.

Xie Heng walked slowly to the futon and reached out to help warm wine up.

Then Wen Wen saw Ah Jiu, who had been "unconscious" before, standing up and reaching out to brush the dust off his body.

She turned slowly and said to Wen Wen, "I already said that you and Meng Chengyun are not the same people. Now they are credible?"

Wen Wen calmed down for a long time. Even if he blacked his face, "you pretend to be unconscious and deceive me? Warm wine, you..."

"I cheated Meng Chengyun!" Wen Jiu interrupted him, and said to him with an expression of "I'm an honest man": "in fact, I didn't know you were so worried about me..."

Wen Wen was speechless and turned around to go through the window.

As a result, as soon as he got to the window, he was blocked by Xie Qi in green.

The fifth childe nodded slightly at him and said in a warm tone: "young childe Wen is here. Why hurry to go?"

Wen Wen resents the Xie family for taking away all the attention of elder sister, but he is not satisfied with the fifth childe. At present, the atmosphere is more and more embarrassing. He paused and just wanted to find another way out.

I heard the night standing on Xie Qi's side leave the mouth and say, "if you have to go, I'll break your leg."

Xie Qi looked back at her and said helplessly, "leave!"

"I'm kidding." Yeli grabbed a purple butterfly flying with him and said casually, "and if he doesn't go, I don't have to hit him."

Wen Wen heard the speech and immediately: "..."

The little witch said so, didn't she think she was quite reasonable?

Just at this time, Xie Yu opened the white curtain in the corner and came out. Yawning, he said, "have you all taken it? This enchanting incense is a little on top. I almost fainted."

He said, went to Wen Wen's side, stretched out his hand and grabbed the young man's shoulder. He looked like two brothers are kissing and hot. He said, "do you want to get some for you to taste? The fourth brother doesn't joke with you. If you go out of this door today and make my sister-in-law unhappy, I'll give you a haunting fragrance that you can't smell all your life."

The fourth childe is a threat.

Wen Wen's face turned black and scolded in his heart: are these Xie people?

The boy was neither walking nor not walking for a while. He simply stood still.

Wen Jiu looked at him for a moment?, Xindao, the younger brother is getting more and more awkward, but fortunately, he can't go now. Let's stay like this first.

She thought like this, looked back at Meng Chengyun, who was pressed on the ground by the green guards, and said in a low tone: "Lord Meng, what crime should I commit for trying to disturb the remains of the former Emperor and disturb the court for my own selfish desires?"

"Minister is guilty." Meng Chengyun recognized it very simply now.

And the next moment.

He then said, "the sin of a natural minister is very small compared with the sin of a female monarch."

Everyone was annoyed at the speech.

Meng Chengyun ate the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard!

At this time, I'm tired of saying such things.

Xie Wanjin was the first one who couldn't bear it. He strode forward with a three-point smile and said, "as the old saying goes, it's good to say that people are going to die. Don't block others' hearts here. Now that things have come to this point, you'll be more relaxed and directly say how you want to die! We might as well have done it earlier, and you might as well have reincarnated earlier and have the best of both worlds. How good it is?"

Meng Chengyun ignored him and stared at the warm wine. His eyes became more and more red.

After a while, he said to Wen Jiu, "are these people of the Xie family really so good? Do you really think Xie Heng is here for you? He is for the West Chu! There is no need to fight, there is no need for death or injury, just coax, and the West Chu will get it. Such a good thing only needs to take some risks. Who doesn't want to?"

Meng Chengyun looked at the warm wine and tried to make his voice sound milder: "Xie Heng is the Lord of Dayan. After he got the Western Chu, no one in the world dared to compete with him. At that time, he will have countless beauties in three palaces and six courtyards, but you don't even have a supporter! Isn't it good to stay in the Western Chu? What can't you get? Why do you have to give this great country to others?"

Wen Jiu looked at him condescending, and his eyes were like ink thinking about the past.

In her previous life, she always guessed what Meng Chengyun wanted. He was busy every day thinking about what.

But Meng Chengyun was always gentle and polite in front of her. Even if he wanted her to give money and help when climbing up, he could say it with high sounding. In fact, he never told her the truth. Of course, it may also be that warm wine was too easy to cheat at that time. A few words can throw thousands of gold for it. There is no need to confide in her.

It's rare that Meng Chengyun was so embarrassed. When he spoke so thoroughly, Wen Jiu patiently listened to all his words, and then said seriously: "I want to thank Heng."

Xie Heng on his side reached out to hold the warm wine and gently rubbed it, with a little smile in his eyes.

Wen Jiu asked Meng Chengyun calmly, "I want Xie Heng. If Xie Heng wants western Chu, I have what my sweetheart wants. Shouldn't I be so happy?"

After hearing this, Meng Chengyun was even more angry, "you are simply obsessed!"

Wen Jiudu laughed angrily at his words. "You're not obsessed if you abandon Da Yan to fight for power and power and work for the Western Chu instead? Meng Chengyun, do you remember where you were born and where you were good at? Don't you think it's ridiculous that you keep talking about how to do for the Western Chu?"

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