The crowd nodded and said with a smile, "please help me, young lady!"

Your majesty said, before you arrive at Dijing City, you will always call Wenjiu young lady and childe Xie.

Although people felt that this was not good at first, they found it better and better. It was the tacit understanding between their husband and wife or the self deceptive dream of flowers. Along the way, there were only childe Xie who loved his wife as his life, not his decisive majesty Yan Huang and the long-lived female monarch of Western Chu.

Speaking of this, it's not good to warm wine, so I looked back at Xie Heng and was about to speak to him.

Xie Heng took the lead. Danfeng's eyes were slightly picky and his tone was flying. "Everyone ate leopard courage and didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of me, so he turned to my young lady to grind hard!"

"Childe Mingjian! How dare we!" everyone shouted.

One has the final say, "what is the matter on the way?"

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "come here, you come here!"

The crowd looked down Xie Heng's line of sight and fell on the talking Li Fang.

As soon as Li Fang pulled out the corner of his mouth, he didn't dare to move, and his voice suddenly became smaller, "I don't want people to tell the truth..."

Xie Heng strode toward Li Fang, raised his hand and patted the shoulders of the youth, and could not help laughing. "Yes, it is true that Mrs. little has the final say."

Li Fang was so frightened that he sweated down. He suddenly heard this and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the speech, and they bowed to warm wine one after another, "please open your mouth, young lady!"

"Go, go, go." Wen Jiu looked at Xie Heng, three helpless, seven funny, waved and let everyone go out.

A group of young ministers went out to go shopping happily.

There was a sudden calm here, leaving only warm wine and Xie Heng standing opposite each other.

In the twilight, the eaves lights flickered slightly, and a layer of warm light shrouded them.

Wen Jiu looked at him and couldn't help bending his eyebrows. "Thank you, young master. Why don't you go?"

"I'm waiting for young lady to come and lead me." Xie Heng smiled in his eyes and stretched out a white jade like hand to her.

Wenjiu came forward, took his hand, led people to wear flowers and passed outside the door. His voice was full of laughter, "let's go."

As soon as the waitresses and boys not far away were about to keep up, they were stopped by several happily, "go later. Don't follow too closely."

Warm wine is very rare to stay alone with Xie Heng. Although he doesn't say anything, tonight there is a smile on the corners of his eyebrows and eyes, which is what the little maids have never seen before.

The crowd looked at the pair of Bi people, clasped their fingers, walked into the numerous shadows of lanterns and followed them from a distance.

Warm wine led Xie Heng out of the garden. The sky was completely dark unknowingly. As soon as she looked up, she saw lights all over the long street, laughter and flowers floating in the wind.

There were handsome young childe playing horse parade, which attracted countless young girls to stop and look at each other. Their faces looked like red clouds. They whispered in the same handkerchief.

The streets are full of young girls, wearing all kinds of strange masks and carrying all kinds of lanterns, talking and laughing in the street. Some teenagers with ghost masks walk, cold and turning back to frighten the girls who are walking with them. Looking at the frightened little girl, they laugh. After a moment, the boy was chased and beaten by the little girl, so he can only run around the street, Shouted loudly, "who made you so timid?"

"Stop fighting, stop fighting! The lanterns are about to fall apart by you. It's really broken. I won't repair it for you!"

"Hey, hey... Can't I scare you back? Stop fighting. So many people are watching. Save some strength to go home and fight again!"

Wen Jiu looked at this scene and couldn't help laughing. She didn't look back at Xie Heng until the young girls ran away.

Xie Heng had been looking at her. In an instant, they looked at each other, as if everything around them had become slow.

Xie Heng thin lips light hook, smiled and asked: "what? Young lady also wants to chase me in the street?"

"What do you think?" Wen Jiu pinched Xie Heng's palm. "Do I seem to hit you in the street?"

Xie Heng shook his head and then said, "but how can I look at it? You just saw the little girl chasing the boy. Your eyes are full of envy?"

Wen Jiu smiled, led him into the long street and said, "I was just thinking that if Changping County didn't have that sudden disaster, I could watch the lanterns with you when I was 15."

Time is fleeting.

In a twinkling of an eye, it has been circulating for years.

Some things are not a pity at all, but when I suddenly think of them, I feel that there is a trace of expectation. If only it could be better that year.

Xie Heng stopped and looked at her seriously for a long time.

When the wine was warm for a long time, he couldn't help asking him, "what are you doing looking at me like this? Is there anything on my face?"

Xie Heng said very seriously, "I've seen young lady for a long time. I really think you're no different from when you were 15."

Warm wine slightly picked her eyes and said with a smile, "really?"

"If you must say something different..." Xie Heng thought for a moment like distress, and then looked at her. For a moment, he was full of laughter, and slowly said, "that's better than when he was fifteen."

Wen Jiu couldn't help holding out his hand and pinching his face. There was a smile between his eyebrows and eyes, "what a glib young master Xie!"

Xie Heng didn't hide either. She was so happy that she even put her face forward and said with a smile, "I didn't lie to you. Think about it for yourself. When you first came to Xie's house at the age of 15, you were thin. How can you have amazing beauty now? When you asked her husband to leave, you were worried that you were robbed."

Warm wine was still a little hurt. Suddenly, when I heard this, I couldn't help laughing, "yes, I didn't see childe Xie at that time!"

Xie Heng smelled the speech and smiled with a low eyebrow. "I'm a little embarrassed by Mrs. Shao's praise."

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

Are you sorry to laugh so happy?

Why didn't I see it at all? You're sorry?!

She was thinking like this. Xie Heng glanced at the side and didn't know what he saw. He suddenly leaned over to her ear and whispered, "you just said that if you could watch the lantern with me when you were 15, wouldn't you?"

"Well." Wen Jiu was a little confused, so he answered, and his eyes looked at him like ink, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Xie Heng said in his usual tone. He suddenly squatted down a little, stretched out his hand and pulled the warm wine on her back. He said with a smile: "let's try what it would be like to go shopping with me when you are five years old!"

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