After the family had a reunion dinner, old lady Xie took warm wine and enjoyed the flowers and the moon with her grandchildren in the back garden.

My grandparents were in good spirits at every happy event. They didn't feel sleepy at night. After talking with warm wine for a long time, they watched little six and seven laughing in front of them. The fourth childe joked and became more and more happy.

Xie Qi Wensheng said to his grandmother that there was a vast world outside, and Xie Heng continued one or two sentences from time to time. Even the expressionless Xie Yu in the ordinary day also warmed up a lot.

Old lady Xie smiled and listened. She wanted to stay with her children and grandchildren for a while, but she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes.

Wen Jiurou advised, "it's late at night. Grandma should have a rest first and save her words for tomorrow."

Old lady Xie took her hand and murmured, "ah Jiu... You're all back. Grandma is happy, grandma is happy!"

Wen Jiurou said, "I know, grandma should be careful no matter how happy she is, isn't she?"

Mrs. Xie nodded.

Warm wine helped the old lady up and told the maid beside her, "help the old lady back to rest and serve carefully."

The waitresses helped Mr. Xie to leave. Mrs. Xie was also clear-minded. She immediately dragged Xie Wanjin over, waved her hand to show that the waitresses were all gone, and shouted "Xiao Liu Xiao Qi, you still have morning classes tomorrow. Go back to bed quickly."

The two young also wanted to talk to their sister-in-law and brothers, and were reluctant to leave.

Xie said, "if you get up late in the morning class tomorrow, copy the article a hundred times more."

Xie Xiaoliu couldn't stand at once. He even said, "I'm sleepy!"

"I'm sleepy too." Xie Xiaoqi stretched out his hand and pulled Xie Xiaoliu away, "sister-in-law, eldest brother, three brothers, four brothers and five brothers, see you tomorrow!"

Xie Qi said in a warm voice, "see you tomorrow."

Before the sound fell, the night left, pulled him aside and whispered, "I want to live with you."

Xie Qi paused, "this..."

Before he said a word, the little girl dragged him away.

Seeing this, Wen Wen turned around and walked away. He didn't forget to say, "it's really tiring after driving so long. It's time to sleep."

For a moment, only Wenjiu, Xie Heng and Xie Yu were left in the big back garden.

The garden is full of flowers and brocade, and the sky is full of stars.

Warm wine, the breeze around me is gentle, and I see that their clothes are elegant and their cloud sleeves are floating?, He couldn't help smiling and said, "then I'll go to bed, too. You two continue to enjoy the moon?"

She turned and left.

"Ah Jiu." Xie Heng called her softly and said with a smile, "remember to leave the door for me."

Warm wine smell speech, inexplicably feel a little embarrassed, she just wanted to speak.

Xie Xuan said expressionless, "what door do you want to leave? Elder brother, do you still want to sleep tonight?"

"What do you mean?" Xie Heng raised his eyebrows. "I went home and didn't even sleep?"

Xie Yu said in a cool tone: "Your Majesty has gone back for nearly two months, and the backlog of folding has piled up into a mountain, waiting for your royal pen to review, this sleeping word..."

The third childe sneered, "I'm afraid I won't be with you tonight."

Xie Heng was speechless: "...."

He looked back at the warm wine.

Wen Jiulian hurriedly said, "then you can go with chief Fu tonight. I'll go back to my room and sleep first."

"Ah Jiu!" Xie Heng looked at her wearing flowers and didn't answer again. He had no choice but to raise his hand and pat Xie Xuan on the shoulder. "I didn't say that you should handle all the affairs on your behalf. Just approve the folds."

There was still no expression on Xie Xuan's face. "I've approved it all, but the eldest brother must have a look in person."

Xie Heng looked at his third childe. He couldn't help it. He had to hold Xie Yu's shoulder and go out, "OK, OK, what the chief auxiliary adult said is what he said."

Wen Jiu stood behind the arch and watched the two brothers step on the moon. Their backs seemed to overlap with those of a few years ago.

Teenagers have grown up and can turn over clouds and rain and be alone.

It seems that nothing has changed, just like before.

Wen Jiu stood in the shadow of mottled trees, some thinking in a trance.

On both sides of the garden path, there were little maids looking for lanterns. On one side, there were those who were full of gold and jade, and on the other side, they were happy and round.

Almost at the same time, the two groups of people came to Wenjiu and shouted, "young lady!"

He shouted, "Your Highness."

The voices of all the little maids overlapped together. The warm wine sounded quite a bit like the beauty of the Hougong. I don't know who to spoil tonight. I can only smile and share the humanity: "it's getting late. Let's go and have a rest. I went back to my own house and don't need your service."

"How can we do that?" they said happily

Jin'er, the leader of the hall, said with red eyes, "now that there are more lovely little maids around, do you think we are vulgar and useless?"

Yulu and Xiangman Hongtang followed jin'er and said, "madam, I'm afraid you've forgotten us long ago."

When Wen Jiu heard the speech, he couldn't help smiling, raised his hand and gently knocked on the forehead of several little maids, saying: "what do you say one by one? Still little maids? I thought I wasn't in the imperial capital, so I didn't know that you have unlimited scenery now, did you? Shopkeeper Jin, tell me how much silver you have passed in your hands over the years, but you still have thousands of money in your eyes?"

Jin'er immediately burst into tears and smiled, "no matter how much silver I handle, I'll keep it for the young lady. I didn't steal a copper coin."

The remaining three answered.

Since Wenjiu disappeared, jin'er took over the wine. He and the fourth childe were in charge of each family's account books. The other three maids were not idle. The restaurant shop and Zhuangzi helped manage it. They had never fallen into the hands of others. After honing for several years, they were rare powerful figures in the imperial capital.

The temperament has changed greatly, and the appearance is more and more beautiful.

Wenjiu said with a smile, "you don't have to swallow it privately, and you can't do without your benefits."

The four people in the hall responded in unison: "the young lady's safe return is the greatest benefit to us."

"I haven't seen you for years, but your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter." Wen Jiu said, suddenly thinking of something, "in other words, are you all old enough to change your marriage?"

When she asked, no one said anything.

Even the joy that had been anxious to insert a word completely disappeared.

Wenjiu walked forward without delay. His sleeves danced against the night wind. He pretended not to understand: "why don't you speak?"

Yulu whispered, "are those people in the Western Chu blind? They would say that our young lady is stupid... They are stupid!"

Red hall clenched his teeth and said, "it's clear that it will block our words more than before!"

"Who said that our young lady changed after she went to the West Chu?" jin'er whispered behind Wen Jiu: "our shopkeeper Wen just went to the West Chu to do a big deal! Who else can do this profitable business for thousands of years?"

Warm wine, smile but don't speak.

Fortunately, the business is done.

Fortunately... I'm home.

My hometown and friends like to meet again. There are many setbacks, but good things take time.

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