The word "peace of mind" is really something that is extremely unclear.

Zhao Jingyi used to be much loved. She wanted wind and rain. She didn't need any god Buddha, so she has been favored by most people in the world. She didn't feel how good she was that day.

Now I have taken off my beautiful clothes and live in this temple where the Sanskrit sound curls up and the days are quite bitter. On the contrary, my mood has become much calmer.

Moreover, Wanhua temple has a long reputation. Every day, scholars come here to write poems and paintings. There are also swordsmen with dusty faces who abandon their three foot cold awn and want to escape.

Zhao Jingyi looked at these people coming from the huatuan brocade family and sought a moment of peace here. Then she turned and went to the crowded place. After listening to many cups of wine, she seized the rivers and mountains and walked around the world with a sword. On the contrary, she felt that it was much more interesting than sitting in the palace and listening to the Taifu's lecture.

Even the martial arts of sword moves have been instructed by experts from different schools.

Here, few people know that she is the eldest princess of golden branches and jade leaves. They only think she is a very beautiful little girl.

She often meets the young man in white. There are many places in the Scripture that she can't understand. When she asks the man, she can tell her clearly.

Zhao Jingyi thought that she could not waste her breath, so she brought him some pastries and vegetarian food from time to time.

Those who come and go become acquaintances.

Both of them are teenagers. One grew up in a dangerous place when he was a child, and the other is naturally exquisite in mind and far more intelligent than his peers.

The young girls who had been separated from the world of mortals became people in front of each other, and became friends for the first time.

In those years, the Dayan court was overturned, and there were frequent wars. The incompetence of the court will lead to successive defeats, thousands of miles of beacon smoke, and thousands of bones piled up into a mountain.

Teenagers left Beijing, trekking thousands of miles to spend their lives and die in a foreign land.

After living in Wanhua temple for a year, Zhao Jingyi's first visit to the palace was to persuade her father and emperor not to be cronyist and use capable ministers. Before she finished speaking, Zhao Yi drank back with a black face.

In her anger, the little princess walked around the world with her sword. She quietly burned the food and grass of the enemy camp in the night, and took the head of the enemy general from thousands of troops and horses.

They both go their own way and are alone.

Smile and leave from the prosperous place, and meet quietly in the blood sea of corpse mountain.

A long, long time later.

Zhao Jingyi still remembers that day very clearly. The young man in white stood in front of the bones piled up in the mountains, his hands folded, his eyes closed gently, and there was no expression on his face, but he read the past life Sutra so calmly and gently.

The blood gathered on the ground into a small river, and the broken flags scattered at the boy's feet. The wind was filled with the smell of rust.

How miserable the world is, but if someone can meet you unexpectedly and travel all the way, you can see some light even in the boundless darkness.

Zhao Jingyi said with warm wine that the memories that had not been mentioned for many years appeared very clearly in her long dream, as if she had come back from her youth.

The eldest princess said in a slightly hoarse voice, "so many old grudges, love and hate, absurd and willful, those who thought they would never die and never forget, faded away year by year."

With a faint smile, she said slowly: "what I remember is the three or two words of gossip when I was young, the two steamed buns when I was hungry, a lantern illuminating the road ahead in the dark, and the pear flowers in full bloom on the nameless path I have traveled with... The scenes of life and death, crying and laughing become less important."

Zhao Jingyi's tone was very light, but Wen Jiu was hurt. She didn't know how to answer for the moment.

The two are close friends, but they didn't grow up together. Wenjiu only heard one or two words from the people around her about many things about the eldest princess, and few of the rumors all over the world are true.

At the moment, listening to Zhao Jingyi skip those ten years of sadness and talk about some young warmth, Wenjiu actually feels that the tip of her nose is a little sour.

She suddenly took Zhao Jingyi's hand and said in a warm voice, "the heart is so big. Just put down what you want to remember, and forget all the bad things."

"I've forgotten those bad things." Zhao Jingyi, who was half awake and half drunk, said many things from left to right. She was suddenly caught awake by warm wine. She shouted to her and said slowly: "in fact, as long as people live, they can always see some light."

Wen Jiu smiled and replied, "yes? As long as people live, they are better than those buried in the earth."

Zhao Jingyi couldn't help looking up at her when she heard the speech. She couldn't help laughing and said, "I said, empress, you talk to your majesty like this on weekdays?"

"Almost." Wen Jiu thought, "he talks more than I do."

So Xie Heng always said that she was laughing.

I don't think there's anything wrong with talking like this.

Zhao Jingyi shook her head. "It's amazing to be spoiled. Just say what you want and do what you want. It's much more true than when you and I first met."

At that time, warm wine always habitually smiled and complimented first. Even if it was not polite, it was very pleasant to hear.

Now, the more I live, the more I look like a spoiled girl.

She looked at the warm wine for a while and muttered, "so, very good."

Wen Jiu pondered over Zhao Jingyi's words for a moment, and suddenly felt something bad. She was a little uneasy and came up to the big Princess and asked in a low voice, "you just told me so much. Why didn't you mention Wuqiu? What's the matter now?"

Although she has a bad memory, she has not forgotten that Zhao Jingyi was seriously injured and taken away by Ying Wuqiu. Now the eldest princess is fine. How can she come here alone?

"Him." Zhao Jingyi suddenly took back her hand held by warm wine, sat upright, looked up at the bright moon, and her eyes were far away.

In a soft voice, she asked, "if there is an afterlife, I will certainly stay away from him and never be close to him."

Wen Jiu heard this, Zhao Jingyi looked like this in front of her, and her heart suddenly clicked.

She pondered over the meaning of the eldest princess's words and said in her heart: the princess has even spoken out the afterlife. Master Wuqiu will not have an accident, right?

"Princess..." Wen Jiu propped himself on the stone table and slowly got up. He held it for a long time. As soon as he wanted to comfort Zhao Jingyi, he heard a noise not far away.

"Master! There's no one here. Just wait a moment and wait for the slave to report to the master first..."

The waiters were out of breath and chased a man to this side, disturbing the quiet wind and moon.

Wen Jiu looked back and saw that between the moonlight and the fire, the gentle white monk came here quickly. Who is it?

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