Dragon and Phoenix teahouse.

Xie Wanjin went to the door and looked at the name of the teahouse. She had a headache. Ah Niang really wanted him to marry a wife. She was going crazy.

The fourth childe walked up the stairs with heavy footsteps. He saw mammy Zhang standing in front of the door, smiling and walking up. He asked in a low voice, "whose young lady did you drink tea with today?"

"The daughter of Wu Shilang's family in the Ministry of rites." mammy Zhang watched the fourth childe grow up, knew his temper, stretched out her hand to straighten his skirt, and gently advised: "madam, it's also for your good to hurry you to get married. You can't say it to your face even if you don't like other girls, you know?"

"I know." Xie Wanjin answered with a smile and stepped into Yajian here.

Suddenly, the faint fragrance of tea came to my face.

The fourth childe raised his eyebrows slightly, walked up to Mrs. Xie, saluted and said with a smile, "ah Niang is so elegant today. Where did you recognize a sister for me? It looks like you have a mother daughter relationship. It seems that you look a little alike."

Mrs. Xie glanced at him, waved and said, "nonsense, sister and sister, come and meet Miss Wu quickly.

Xie Wanjin felt helpless.

Since Mrs. Xie spent the summer in the palace for two or three months, she saw Wenjiu and Xie Heng a pair of beautiful people every day, and looked more and more at the debauchery of her son.

And the old grandmother has kept this in mind since she heard him say that four generations live together. At present, the Xie family only has a young lady, ah Jiu, who is still the queen of Dayan. She is not in good health. She doesn't know how long it will take to raise her to have children.

Xie Zhen is so cold and cool. Although he looks very good, few girls dare to come up to him. Even Grandma and Mrs. Xie dare not urge him to get married.

So the fourth childe became the sweet cake in the eyes of young women in the imperial capital.

His mother-in-law, Mrs. Xie San, who used to focus on money, now even the silver is put back. She has a headache and heartache. She hurts everywhere. No doctor's magic medicine works. She must see him get married.

Xie Wanjin has seen more than half of the age-old boudoirs in the imperial capital. There are those who are beautiful and talented. Most of them still look very gentle and dignified, and there are some small jasper charming and lovely.

Today, Miss Wu is obviously one of them. It's no wonder that a Niang wants to drink tea with others.

Xie Wanjin nodded slightly and said hello.

"I've seen the marquis." Miss Wu got up to salute. She looked at him timidly, and her cheeks turned crimson somehow.

Xie Wanjin: "

Suddenly, I felt bad: this momentum is a little wrong. I'd better hurry to find the first step.

"Well, I have something urgent to do, so I won't disturb Aung and Miss Wu..."

He hasn't finished yet.

Mrs. Xie got up and interrupted him, "I happen to be going out for a while. What do you want to do? I'll do it for you."

Xie Wanjin almost couldn't maintain the smile on his face and insisted, "how can I work hard on my mother."

"Don't be tired." Mrs. Xie didn't give him a chance to run away at all. She said directly, "you can sit here and drink tea and talk with Miss Wu. Ah Niang is not tired at all."

Xie Wanjin said helplessly, "ah Niang."

"Don't talk nonsense, sit down." Mrs. Xie, with a kind smile on her face, lowered her voice and said to her son, "if you dare to go today, I'll break your leg."

Xie Wanjin was speechless: "...."

What a mother!

After threatening Xie Wanjin, Mrs. Xie turned to Miss Wu and smiled kindly, saying that she was anxious to go out to do business and would come back after finishing it.

Miss Wu politely sent her to the door again.

They look like a kind mother and filial daughter.

Xie Wanjin thought: I don't know. I thought she was the biological mother and daughter.

Mrs. Xie went out of the door, took two steps, went straight into the elegant room next door, removed an ancient painting on the wall, and secretly stared at their progress through a small hole in the top.

Xie Wanjin wanted to know with his toes. The aunt who was anxious to go out to do business was staring at him now.

It was impossible for him to leave at once. He leisurely sat down and took a sip of the tea made by the maid.

Miss Wu came back in a gentle way, sat down opposite him, handed a brocade handkerchief and asked softly, "where did the Lord come from and why did he sweat so much?"

"The spring breeze building opposite."

Xie Wanjin said that he had just come out of the brothel, which was very natural.

Miss Wu on the opposite side was obviously stunned, and the faces of the two little maids on the side changed.

The fourth childe has a panoramic view of the changes of several people. He is a little funny.

What he said was very clear: I am a dissolute dandy, not your lover.

After a while, Miss Wu calmed down, looked a little unnatural and said, "Lord Hou thinks I'm ugly and ugly, so..."

"That's not true."

Xie Wanjin interrupted her leisurely.

When Miss Wu heard this, her face immediately changed from worry to joy, but the joy only lasted for a moment.

Xie Wanjin said slowly, "it's not so ugly. It's ordinary at most."

He said it very naturally, and even comforted him with a "kind heart." they all said that beauty is in the eyes of lovers. As long as Miss Wu waits for the person who loves you, that person will naturally feel that you look like an immortal. There is no need to belittle yourself. "

Miss Wu was speechless at once. She endured it for a while before she continued to ask, "Lord Hou has already had a lover?"


Xie Wanjin was stunned by her question and didn't react for a while.

These girls don't know what they are thinking all day. If they don't like you, they always like others.

The fourth childe raised his hand and touched his chin. He suddenly felt that it was good to follow this.

So he pretended to be deep, sighed sadly, and said slowly, "since Miss Wu has seen it, I won't hide it. To tell you the truth... I have a lover who wants to work together for a lifetime."

Miss Wu showed a "sure enough" expression and couldn't help asking, "that girl must be very beautiful?"

Xie Wanjin nodded and said implicitly, "it's seven or eight points better than Miss Wu. It's nothing."

Miss Wu squeezed the brocade handkerchief in her hand, took a deep breath, and then asked, "since the Marquis has already had a lover, why don't you make it clear to your mother?"

She probably wanted to curse, but due to her tutoring etiquette, she could only stifle it. At most, she could only ask Xie Wanjin: why do you have to play with others when you are full?


When the fourth childe heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and his handsome face became more and more disappointed.

He opened his mouth and explained, "it's a long story. My beloved was born in a humble family and had no father or mother. I deeply felt that he didn't deserve me. He didn't dare to see my parents and wouldn't let me mention her at home. This matter dragged on again and again. My aunt... Alas."

Xie Wanjin just sighed, as if your childe was trapped by love and in a dilemma.

"It sounds really pathetic." Miss Wu obviously doesn't read the love story book on weekdays and sympathizes with the lovers who are torn apart by the door.

She obviously forgot that she came to see Xie Wanjin, and even racked her brains to help him out. "I think your mother is very amiable and should not care very much about family status. The Marquis might as well tell the truth with your mother and think about it in the long run?"

Xie Wanjin stretched out his hand to help his forehead. He was very distressed and said, "Miss Wu doesn't know..."

As soon as he began to say this, he saw Rong Sheng in a beautiful dress coming in from the corner of his eyes and went straight to him.

The fourth childe was surprised and immediately stood up, "you, why are you here?"

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