The fourth childe had a thousand calculations. He didn't expect his aunt to say such a sentence.

He almost blackened his eyes and fell directly to the ground.

But Rong Sheng is still standing on the side. If he really faints, I'm afraid a Niang and they won't let them go.

Xie Wanjin could only hold on and smiled at the second lady of Xie and said, "ah Niang, isn't this very good?"

"What's wrong with this? There are so many wing rooms in the house..." Mrs. Xie said and couldn't help thinking: it's not good to live in a separate yard with you.

The fourth childe took a breath and said, "he's shy when he smiles..."

One side of Rong Sheng's eyes moved slightly, and his face was as usual.

Mrs. Xie and others looked at him one after another. After looking at him for a while, they were stunned that they didn't see half "shy".

Xie Wanjin cleared his throat and planned to make a strong argument. Suddenly, he heard Rong Sheng on his side. His voice changed slightly and said, "really... A little."

Everyone looked different when they heard the speech.

But now that he has opened this mouth, Mrs. Xie naturally has no reason to force him to stay, so she has to ask the fourth childe, "take a smile and go back to another hospital first. Remember to come back to the house often when you have time. You should also take the good day into account."

Xie Wanjin had a word of suffering in his heart, so he could only nod his head.

Old lady Xie said a few more words to let him treat Miss Rong well and often take people home.

The fourth childe took Rong Sheng and responded one by one.

When Mrs. Xie wanted to speak again, Xie Wanjin dared not listen again.

He was afraid that he couldn't make it tonight, so he hurriedly said: "it's really dark. If you don't go back, you can't see the way. Aung, all the children you want to say know. I'll leave first today. I'll reply and listen to your teachings in the future. Will you succeed?"

That's what he said.

Mrs. Xie naturally didn't want to keep him anymore. She waved her hand and said helplessly, "go back, go back..."

She just spoke and didn't finish.

Xie Wanjin took Rong Sheng and nodded slightly to the crowd. Without saying a word, he left the table.

The pace is as fast as it needs to be.

The wealth and dignity of carrying the lamp almost had to rush to catch up with the fourth childe.

Mrs. Xie sat in the distance and looked at their distant backs. She couldn't help sighing: "this son really forgot his mother when he had a daughter-in-law. He didn't want to listen to me if I said a few more words."

Xie Yucheng whispered, "madam, you can't say more."

It's more than 200 sentences.

All the young people on the side couldn't help laughing. Little six and seven laughed directly.

Mrs. Xie couldn't help staring at Xie Yucheng and whispered, "you count the most clearly!"

Xie Yucheng smiled and didn't answer back.

"Well, well," Mrs. Xie said with a smile, "I didn't know who begged God and worshipped Buddha all day before. He wanted a daughter-in-law. It was not easy to expect Wanjin to bring people back, and he was worried that he would forget his mother."

"Yes, I begged God to worship the Buddha. I'm happy, right..." Mrs. Xie couldn't tell the taste in her heart.

After a pause, she continued, "that's what it is."

Old lady Xie patted her hand. She looked like I knew everything. She said kindly, "wait Just hold your fat grandson. "

Mrs. Xie thought for a while and couldn't help smiling and said, "what mother said is."

The two elders are already looking forward to four generations together.

Wen Jiu, Xie Heng and the third childe, as well as several well-known young people such as Yeli and Xie Qi, look more and more subtle.

Wen Wen couldn't help it. He got up and said, "it's getting late. I won't disturb you. I'll leave first."

Wen Jiu smelled his words and said, "it's time for us to go back to the palace. ”

Old lady Xie felt reluctant when she heard the speech.

Although the whole family is in the imperial capital, they have been busy since they came back from the summer vacation in the palace. It is rare to get together so well.

It is because it is rare that the old lady doesn't feel tired from chatting in the daytime to dawn. It is inevitable that the audience will be reluctant to leave.

But the old grandmother was very sensible. She couldn't really open her mouth to keep these busy people. The mixed emotions in her eyes flashed by. She slowly got up and said, "it's time to go back. Look at my happiness, I forgot the time."

"I'll come back to see my grandmother when I'm free another day." Xie Heng said with a smile, "but there's still an early morning tomorrow. If I get up late, those officials will spit for several days."

Xie Xuan's face changed slightly and he couldn't help looking at his eldest brother.

This is a good conversation with my grandmother at home. Why is it strange?

The third childe remained calm and said in his usual tone, "I'll go back to the house to chat with my grandmother another day."

Even the busiest chief assistant spoke.

Old man Xie couldn't help laughing and said, "go. Grandma knows you're all filial. Go."

They said a few words with each other and dispersed.

Small six and small seven went back to their yard, and Xie Qi left the same night and went back to his residence.

Wen Wen was originally going out with Wen Jiu, Xie Heng and Xie Yu. But at a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw the expressionless face of Lord Shoufu and hurriedly said, "I have an appointment with someone. Let's go first."

The boy speaks fast and walks very fast.

Wen Wen left before he had time to tell him.

For a time, she was left walking with Xie Heng and Xie Yu, and the palace maid behind followed far away.

At night, in front of Xie's house The lights are still bright.

The long street is noisy and bustling.

Wenjiu stretched his waist and reacted later. Shoufu seemed a little unhappy.

She looked up and asked Xie Heng, "what happened to him? ”

According to the past experience, Xie Heng is the only one who can make the chief assistant write a few big words of unhappiness on his face.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye and said with a smile, "I've just been with you. How have I ever treated him?"

Wen Jiu didn't believe it. He turned and looked at Xie Yu.

The third childe stood where he was, the lights flickered slightly behind him, and the jade man like Zhilan Yushu frowned slightly and said, "I didn't spit."

After warming the wine, I didn't understand, "what flying?"

Xie Heng on her side suddenly smiled.

The sound of laughter is clear and can be heard at night.

Xie Yu was even more annoyed when he heard it. He reiterated with a expressionless face: "I don't quarrel and never spit."

Lord Shoufu has always been elegant and calm. Naturally, it is impossible to spit on his Majesty's face, and he has never quarreled with others like a street shrew in the palace of government.

Naturally, no one dares to quarrel with him, don't they?

Moreover, Xie Yu always directly pressed his Majesty's face-to-face advice. There's no need to quarrel?

These warm wines are naturally known, but Xie Yu said it solemnly, which is inexplicably funny.

Xie Heng was more direct than her, smiled and said, "no one said you again. Who doesn't know that our chief assistant is the most upright and polite person?"

Xie Xuan's face was light and silent.

Warm wine smiled with curved eyebrows and whispered to Xie Heng, "you can praise him more and say something nice."

She had pressed her voice very low. Somehow, Xie Xuan heard her.

As soon as the chief assistant looked stiff, he turned and left.

Xie Heng said with a smile, "ah Yu! I haven't finished yet. What are you doing when you walk so fast?"

Xie Yu didn't look back.

Xie Heng looked back at the warm wine, spread it, and said helplessly, "you see, I'm not angry with him this time?"

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing. He took his hand and walked forward A few steps.

The moonlight and the lights in front of the door fell on them.

The steps are slow, but the back is pulled long.

Xie Heng helped ah Jiu into the carriage. The left and right maids quickly put down the curtain, and the wheels inched towards the direction of returning to the palace.

A group of maidens followed back in the carriage behind.

This place In the carriage, only two people sat next to each other.

Outside, the long street is noisy and people come and go.

The wind blows through the curtain of the car, warm wine takes a look outside, and you can see the prosperity of the city.

Xie Heng whispered in her ear, "don't you want to go back?"

"No." Wen Jiu smiled, "just want to see what will happen when they go back?"

Once upon a time, it took a lot of effort for the concubines to go out of the palace, but those rules were basically useless for warming wine.

Xie Heng will take her out of the palace whenever he is free.

Whether you go back to Xie's house or out of town, you can always walk several times a month, regardless of her.

Wen Jiu thought it was OK. On the contrary, Xie Heng always felt that she had been wronged.

She just looked out.

His majesty thought that she yearned for a free world, and there must be a little more guilt in her heart.

Wenjiu was naturally unwilling to let him do this often, so he smiled and led his words to Xie Wanjin, "Rong Sheng has a strange temper. Once upon a time, I didn't know why those people in Xichu were unhappy , It's different for our fourth childe... "

Her heart is really strange.

Xie Heng held her hand and said, "previously, a wired person sent a letter saying that Rong Sheng was missing. In the twinkling of an eye, he came to Dijing and became Miss Rong, mixing with Wanjin."

He said, slightly hooking his lips, "I thought I had planned earlier, but I didn't expect that Rong Sheng could pretend to be Wanjin's sweetheart."

Who can believe it if it is not seen with his own eyes?

Wen Jiu admired the fourth childe's courage and couldn't help saying, "if the third aunt knows about this, I'm afraid he will suffer."

"I'm afraid the third aunt will break his leg." Xie Heng didn't need to think bad, and knew that the fourth childe would suffer.

Wen Jiu didn't dare to think about what it was like to really make trouble. He whispered to Xie Heng, "then you'd better remind him earlier and tell the truth to the third aunt at an appropriate time, so that it won't end when you can."

Look at Mrs. Xie's eagerness today. I'm afraid I'll make wedding clothes in a few days. I'll fix a wedding on a good day.

Xie Heng bowed his head, kissed her gently on the lips and said with a smile, "your mother has orders, how dare you not follow."

Warm wine, with a slightly hot complexion, buried his head in his arms and pretended to be calm in a low voice: "I'm sleepy. I'll squint for a while."

Xie Heng smiled in his eyes, raised his hand and rolled a wisp of green silk around his fingertips.

They didn't say anything, but they both thought:

What is the relationship between Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng now?

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