After the door opened, the night wind suddenly came.

The lights in the house flickered slightly, and the curtain weft beside the couch floated slightly.

Half of Rong Sheng's body shape is hidden in the curtain weft, and the ink hair at his waist is blown by the wind.

Xie Wanjin was so surprised that he lay down on his couch and held the waist chain with beads and jade with Rongsheng.

How subtle the scene is.

Night from Leng for a long time, also did not react, what did these two people do in the end.

Then came Xie Qi. Seeing this scene, she quickly looked down at the ground, "excuse me..."

As the young man said, he didn't forget to put his hand over Yeli's eyes, took her and turned around and left.

"No... Xiao Wu!" Xie Wanjin suddenly reacted, quickly turned over and stayed, chased them and said in a hurry: "listen to me..."

Xie Qi obviously doesn't want to hear.

But I can't stand the night and won't go.

The little girl pulled the young man's hand down, looked back at Xie Wanjin and said angrily, "I knew you were upset and kind to my senior brother!"

Xie Wanjin was scolded by her. She was shocked and forgot how to refute.

"Look, I won't waste you today!" Yeli rushed to the fourth childe in front of him and raised his hand to pull out the soft sword around his waist.

Xie Wanjin reacted very quickly and hurriedly avoided, "Yeli! You have something to say. Why do you draw your sword whenever you want?"

The girl is a real knife and a real gun. When she came up, she cut. The fourth childe didn't dare to talk more nonsense in front of her. He quickly shouted to Rong Sheng, "take care of her!"

Rongsheng calmly turned to God and shouted, "leave the night."

"Senior brother!" Yeli really couldn't understand.

Her senior brother has disguised himself as a woman twice for so many years.

The first time was to avenge the Shifu. This time... She thought the elder martial brother came for Xie's family, but she was told it was because of Xie Si.

The little girl couldn't understand it until she saw the scene just now. She immediately decided that Xie Wanjin was tired of living.

She couldn't help scolding: "Xie Sihao is shameless. He's just greedy for money and lust on weekdays. He dares to make an idea on you!"

"Night away!" Xie Wanjin had to interrupt her, "if you talk nonsense again, I will..."

"What are you doing?" the night couldn't hold down the fire pressure in his stomach. He drew his sword and pointed at Xie Wanjin. "How many moves can you take with me with that hidden weapon on your body?"

"Rong Sheng!"

Xie Wanjin reached out to hold Xie Qi while shouting for Rongsheng's help.

Two pronged approach. Save your life first.

Rong Sheng raised his eyes and looked at the night. He said in his usual tone, "don't talk nonsense."

"I didn't talk nonsense..." Yeli was angry and wronged. He couldn't disobey the elder martial brother's meaning and was unwilling to let Xie Si go.

She turned around and gave Xie Wanjin a slap. She beat the fourth childe back a few steps, stumbled over the threshold, and knocked on the ground with her head down.

Seeing this, Xie Qi hurried over and stretched out his hand to pull him, "fourth brother, how are you?"

"I, I hurt!" Xie Wanjin stood by the door, his face a little bad, "how many times will I be beaten this day?"

The fourth childe is suffering.

Rongsheng hasn't finished beating, and Yeli comes again.

Minger and his eldest brother are waiting there. The third brother doesn't know how to repair him. It's too expensive to tell this lie.

"Hum, you deserve it." Yeli said, then came over, raised his hand and slammed the door.

Xie Wanjin almost caught his hand holding the door. He even closed his hand back to his sleeve and stepped back a few steps.

Yeli watched him eat and shrivel again and again. He was a little relieved. He turned to Rongsheng and asked, "elder martial brother, you haven't heard from him for a while. Why did you suddenly come to Xie Si? With him..."

She originally wanted to say, "why do you stay with Xie Si?" but her senior brother was totally different from the man outside the door. Naturally, she had to stop saying this and just asked him, "you didn't tell me when you came to Dijing!"

Rongsheng smiled, "tell you what to do?"

Yeli was blocked by his word and continued for a long time: "then you can't stay with Xie Wanjin. Who doesn't know that he is greedy for money and lust, and is the most clever to please girls, and he also hurt his senior brother seriously... Anyway, I just don't like him."

"Yes." Rongsheng took it easy, "you don't like him, but you like his brother, so you never take it seriously every time you shout."

Yeli was broken by him on the spot. He couldn't help but raise the volume and shout, "senior brother!"

"OK." Rongsheng looked at Yeli, more and more like the happy and simple girl of ordinary people. He felt a little in his heart and couldn't help raising his hand and touching her head.

He suddenly turned and asked Yeli, "are you happy in Dijing?"

"Happy." Yeli looked up at him, with Guanghua in his eyes. "Xie Qi is happy, I'm happy."

Rongsheng suddenly smiled when he heard the speech, "that's all you can do."

Yeli thought about it and said, "the sugar gourd in Dijing is much better than that in Xichu."

"Really?" Rongsheng looked at the little girl and couldn't help but be interested. "I have to try it, too."

Yeli hurriedly said, "I'll bring it to senior brother tomorrow."

She also wanted Haosheng to boast about other food in the imperial capital. Suddenly she heard Rongsheng say, "don't come tomorrow."

"Why?" Yeli didn't understand. He quickly added, "I came out quietly. Those people in Xie mansion don't know."

Rong Sheng said, "there's no reason. If you want to be with Xie Qi, you forget all those things before and are happy in the future."

Yeli suddenly asked, "does that elder martial brother feel very happy with Xie Si?"

Rongsheng glanced at the door, smiled and said, "yes."

"But..." Yeli raised his hand and touched his head. He couldn't tell why. He only asked him: "what kind of person is Xie Si in the eyes of senior brother?"

Rongsheng thought for a moment and said slowly, "he is a very interesting person."

Yeli couldn't understand. He opened his eyes and looked at him.

Rong Sheng unconsciously raised his lips and said, "I used to look at this world and always hated all kinds of dangers. People's hearts are very poisonous. Xie Si has also seen thousands of people and faces, but he is completely different from me. He seems to... Want everything and don't care about anything. He plays in the world and laughs at the world of mortals all day. I think it's good to live a few days like this."

Yeli saw some envy in his eyes.

This was the first time she found that her senior brother would envy others. That person was Xie Si!

Extremely incredible, but somehow, she felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong.

She thought for a while before continuing to talk with Rong Sheng about these things after coming to the imperial capital. After a long separation and reunion, it seemed that there were always endless words.

And outside.

The fourth childe watched the door of his own house close. He was stunned for a while and said helplessly, "this is my house... What's the matter with you staying inside and locking me out?"

When he finished, he suddenly found that Xie Qi's eyes had been falling on himself. He couldn't help but say strangely, "Xiao Wu, what are you doing looking at me like this?"

Xie Qi paused and said subtly, "why should the fourth brother stay in the same room with Rong Sheng this evening?"

"It's not what you think. Rongsheng and I......" Xie Wangang wanted to speak, and suddenly found that there was no way to explain it.

How would he tell Xiao Wu: I didn't mean to drag Rong Sheng into his room.

Just now, Rong Sheng was actually beating me?

It seems a little strange anyway.

The fourth childe hasn't figured out a suitable speech yet.

Xie Qi has been very considerate and said, "this is the private affair of the fourth brother. It's inconvenient to say. Just take it as if I didn't ask."

"It's not inconvenient..." Xie Wanjin said, "he's going to beat me."

When he said the second half of the sentence, the volume dropped inexplicably.

Xie Qi didn't hear clearly, and it was hard to ask again. She could only act as if she heard and didn't care, "Hmm".

"What do you mean?" Xie Wanjin was in a mess. He couldn't help but help his forehead and said, "he was beating me just now? Xiao Wu... Do you think he should beat me?"

"No." Xie Qi smelled the speech and his face became more and more delicate. "Fourth brother, what did you... Do?"

"I didn't do anything."

Xie Wanjin said, walked aside and sat directly on the steps.

He was very tired and said, "I just don't want to take a wife casually. I want to let a Niang stop. Really... How did it become like this?"

Xie Qi walked over and sat beside him. He said seriously, "fourth brother, you don't want to get a wife, just talk to your third aunt. What you say is better than cheating people, don't you?"

The young man's tone is gentle, like the spring breeze.

Xie Wanjin's heart hung for a day, which gradually eased down.

He grabbed Xie Qi's shoulder with one hand and said helplessly: "Xiao Wu, I also want to say it directly, but my aunt... She doesn't want to listen. It's useless for me to say it many times."

Xie Qi didn't say anything.

No matter what the elders do, he doesn't talk much about being a junior.

Xie Wanjin knew Xiao Wu's character and didn't say this with him. He just sighed for several times and fell on the boy, "the fourth brother is so bitter!"

Xie Qi was still thinking about how to comfort his fourth brother. When he shouted such a sentence, he couldn't help laughing.

The fourth brother seems spoiled and unwilling to bear anything. In fact... He can carry it even if the sky falls.

It just depends on whether he wants it or not.

Xie Wanjin leaned against Xiao Wu. As soon as he felt a little slower, the door behind him opened.

Night Li came over, reached out and pushed Xie Wanjin to the side and threw him a sentence, "you're ridiculous all day. Don't harm my senior brother!"

When she finished, she took Xie Qi away.

Leaving Xie Wanjin sitting in place, he mumbled with an inexplicable face: "what's the matter with you little girl day by day?"

The night was quiet, and Yeli and Xie Qi went away in the twinkling of an eye.

The fourth childe touched his chin and looked back into the room.

Just at this time, Rong Sheng stepped out in the moonlight and stood two steps away.

Xie Wanjin suddenly stood up and asked nervously, "do you want to beat me again?"

The fourth childe did not wait for Rongsheng to speak, but continued: "one yard to one yard. I can't blame me for that just now. Yeli slapped me for nothing."

He has a great intention of starting to settle accounts on the spot.

Rong Sheng only gave him one word: "get out."

Four childe smell speech, if receive amnesty, quickly turn round "roll" into the house, shut the door.

He leaned against the door and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

I finally got through this terrible day.

It's just that a Niang still has a headache.

And the eldest brother and the third brother. I don't know how to teach him a lesson.

Xie Si murmured: don't I just want to be natural and unrestrained for a few more years?

Why is it so difficult!

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