Xie Wanjin drove all the way down the aisle until dusk came and stopped by the maple leaf forest. He looked back from time to time, but he didn't wait until Yeli came up. He couldn't help sighing.

The fourth childe jumped out of the carriage and tied the horse to the old tree. He asked Rong Sheng, "won't Ye Li go like this?"

Rongsheng opened his eyes and looked around, but he didn't answer his words.

The mountains are covered with red leaves. When the wind blows, the leaves fall like rain. There is a small stream, gurgling and sparkling.

In the distance, the sun sets in the west mountain. Looking from a distance, there seems to be cooking smoke rising at the foot of the mountain.

I have to say that Mr. Xie found a place with excellent scenery to rest.

After tying the horse, Xie Wanjin raised his hand to brush the dust on his robe, walked to Rong Sheng and asked, "at least it's your little martial sister, so you don't worry at all?"

Such a tall and handsome young master pestles Rong Sheng in front of him, which makes him think it's hard to see.

The boy put his hand on the carriage, got up slowly, looked down at Xie Wanjin, "I don't know who took the popularity just now?"

When the fourth childe heard the speech, he couldn't help being a little shorter. He brazenly said, "heaven and earth conscience, I don't mean to be angry with her. It's clear that Ye Li has a great temper..."

As he spoke, he suddenly saw Rongsheng's slightly raised lips.

The boy looked at Xie Wanjin with a smile.

Leng is to see the fourth childe as uninteresting, and then go on.

"Come on, come on, it's all my fault, right?" Xie Wanjin reached out to help Rongsheng down and said slowly: "let's hurry slowly and wait for her..."

When the fourth childe said this, he suddenly remembered something and asked Rong Sheng, "won't she be angry for a long time?"

The young man said in his usual tone, "maybe."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

Well, people who are senior brothers can be as stable as Mount Tai.

He is despised by the little girl every day. What's the hurry?

Whether she went to heaven or to the earth, anyway, few people took a taxi to leave for the night.

The fourth childe thought like this, but he was not in a hurry. He loosened Rong Sheng's hand, got on the carriage and carried out some pots and pans.

He couldn't finish it himself, so he shouted to Rong Sheng, "brother Rong, give me a hand!"

Rongsheng looked back at him, a little strange, "didn't you take dry food? What are you doing with this?"

"You can't just swallow the water if you have dry food." Xie Wanjin picked up a pile of things and handed them to Rong Sheng. "The stream is very clear, and the fish in it must be very delicious."

The fourth childe said, his eyes brightened. "It's fun to go everywhere. I stay in the house all day. I stretch out my clothes and open my mouth. Even if the table is full of delicacies, I can't compare with making some delicious food by myself."

Rongsheng reached out and took over all the pots and pans. Some didn't believe him, "can you do it?"


Xie Wanjin's voice was unusually loud.

For fear that Rong Sheng didn't believe it, he immediately said, "just sit and wait for food later. Look at me."

Rongsheng didn't say anything more.

At most one of Xie Si's ten sentences can be believed.

The more sure he is, the more empty he is.

"Just put these in front. It's convenient to get water." Xie Wanjin said and went ahead first.

He didn't think it was wrong to let the national master do these chores at all. Instead, he took it for granted that it was too much.

Rongsheng couldn't help picking his eyebrows when he heard the speech.

When he walked past, Xie Wanjin had already moved a few big stones from the side, built a simple stove, and picked up some firewood to put aside.

The action is very neat. It's not like being spoiled and unable to do anything at all.

"Brother Rong, just put the pot on it." Xie Wanjin couldn't help smiling at the young man when he saw that he had been looking at himself. "Don't be so surprised. I'm not the first time to go far."

Previously, when he learned to do business, he went out for many years.

Others see you as bright and handsome. How can others think of you when you encounter something on the road and suffer from cold, hunger, wind and snow.

The fourth childe is a man who reports good news but not bad news. He forgets things quickly, so that others think he has never suffered hardship or sin.

Rong Sheng put the pot on, put the other things aside, slowly got up and said, "I just want to know, how do you catch fish?"

"Of course it's catching in the water." Xie Wanjin replied with a smile. "Wait, the fish will come right away."

Rongsheng smiled, found a big stone on the side and sat down.

As Xie Wanjin spoke, he took off his outer shirt and suddenly took out a fire fold from his sleeve. He turned back and asked Rong Sheng, "Rong Sheng, can you make a fire?"

The boy nodded slightly.

"That's good," said the fourth childe, and immediately threw the fire fold in his hand to Rong Sheng. The stars in his smiling peach eyes were shining, "you make the fire first!"

Rongsheng raised his hand and caught the fire fold and slightly raised his eyebrow.

The next moment, he saw Xie Wanjin take off his clothes and plunge into the stream.

With a pop, the water splashed everywhere, rippling and scattering in circles.

But the man plunged into the water and disappeared for a time.

Rong Sheng was slightly stunned, then got up and looked at Xie Wanjin. He just plunged into the water.

After a while, no one came up.

The boy couldn't help coming forward to check.

But when he came to the stream, Xie Wanjin suddenly came out of the water, with water all over his body and a stream fish weighing about two kilograms in his hands.

Rongsheng was splashed by him.

The boy was stunned for a moment.

Xie Wanjin was also stunned. Then he couldn't help laughing and said, "didn't you sit there and wait? What did you do suddenly?"

Rongsheng looked at him condescending and didn't speak for a moment.

"Well, well, can't I do it without asking?" Xie Wanjin, with great insight, set up steps for brother Rong, smiled and threw the fish ashore. "There are still a lot of fish in the stream. I've come down, so I'll catch two more."

With that, he plunged into the water again.

Rong Sheng stood where he was and watched him catch fish with his bare hands in the water. He couldn't help feeling that Xie Si would do a lot.

The boy looked at him for a long time, determined that the man was excellent in water, and then went back to make a fire.

The weather is getting darker and darker.

Xie Wanjin caught four fish and shivered when he landed. He quickly put his dry clothes on his clothes, carried the fish to the fire, warmed the fire, and took out the dagger again and again to scrape the fish scales.

At the beginning of autumn, the water was a little too cold. I was busy catching fish in the water just now. I didn't feel very cool until I got ashore.

He sneezed several times while he was busy killing fish.

Rongsheng glanced at him and said nothing, but silently made the fire stronger.

Xie Wanjin was warmed by the fire, and the pear vortex on his smiling lips was shallow, "brother Rong, we are blessed tonight. The fish is very fat."


Rong Sheng answered with a voice that was neither salty nor light.

The fourth childe didn't bother to lift his hands on weekdays, but he handled the fish very quickly tonight. He removed the internal organs and cut several knives horizontally and vertically. Two of them were forked with branches and baked on the fire. Two of them were put into the pot and boiled fish soup.

There are salt and seasonings in those bottles and cans. He puts some of them one by one, and soon the forest will be full of fragrance.

Xie Wanjin raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat on his forehead. As soon as he was about to speak to Rong Sheng, he heard someone stepping on the leaves in the forest and making rustling footsteps

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