Xie Qi smelled that Yanjun's face was slightly red, and his eyes suddenly became a little subtle. "In fact, I didn't leave as brother Ji thought?"

"What do I think?" Ji Ling was a little confused and couldn't help raising her eyes and asked him.

It was dusk outside the window and there was no light in the house. They stood and sat, looked at each other, and some were speechless.

Xie Qidun said after a moment: "Li Li always thinks I like others."

Ji Ling thought for a moment, "there's a misunderstanding, isn't there?"

Xie Qi nodded and shook his head again.

"It's not a misunderstanding." Ji Ling looked at his look and guessed and asked, "is that the childe has old love? Well, the childe girl cares very much about the childe's old love? It's just that the childe is not authentic. I can't see that the childe still steps on two boats..."

Xie Qi heard the speech and hurriedly said, "it's just young and ignorant. I don't know how to like and love for a moment. It can't be regarded as old love."

"Since there is no old love, it's that the childe didn't make it clear with the eunuch girl." Ji Ling nodded and said positively: "it's not difficult to say it. It's not simple to say it. It's just that there is a gap in the heart. It's better to make it clear earlier, so as not to keep in mind that it's bad for each other. The childe said yes or no?"


Xie Qi nodded slightly, knowing that what the scholar said was extremely reasonable.

Ji Ling said that he would get up and guide him. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood up, he pulled the wound and couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

Seeing this, Xie Qi hurriedly came forward and helped him back to his bed. He said in a warm voice, "brother Ji is seriously injured. You'd better recover first. It's not too late to wait for you."

"That's too late." Ji Ling was going to lie down. Wen Yan sat up with Xie Qi's arm and said with a straight face: "I'll just lie down by myself. Young master, go out and talk to miss engong. She hasn't eaten all day. She should be hungry. I don't know when plum will come back when she goes out to get medicine. I'm hurt again. Young master, go out and eat with her and have a stroll..."


Xie Qi answered with a warm voice. After helping him lie down, he got up and walked out.

"Childe, wait..." Ji Ling called him again, with some tangled words. Finally, he simply said directly: "childe, remember to scold me in front of miss engong. It's best to be angry at the mention of me. In this way... Miss engong will be happy."

Xie Qi felt puzzled and said, "why is this?"

"This..." Ji Ling is always said to be a nerd in his daily life, but he is also very flexible when he stays in his writing book. He can write all kinds of gratitude, resentment, love and hatred, joy, sadness and sorrow.

But young master Xie looks so smart that he looks like a rotten wood in this emotional matter?

It's no wonder that miss engong annoyed him.

Ji Ling thought like this and turned over unconsciously. As a result, he accidentally pressed the wound. For a time, he showed his teeth in pain and squeezed out a sentence for a long time. "Childe, just do as I say. I don't deceive you. It must be useful."

Xie Qi felt a little guilty when he saw that he was in such pain and didn't forget his leaving with the night. Even if he should, he told him to have a good rest, so he went out of the house.

There is no one in the yard, and I don't know where I went.

Ji's house is not big, and it looks like it is in disrepair for a long time. The yard is full of weeds and no one takes care of it. It seems that it is particularly simple and old here.

Ji Ling also has a little boy called plum around him. It's too late to take care of him at ordinary times. Naturally, he doesn't have time to do other chores.

But the scholar seemed to care about the poverty of his family at all, and he didn't have the mind to apply for a job as an official. Most of his books were happy.

In this rich Beiyang City, guarding the ancestral old house, there is a little boy who runs errands and studies ink. He doesn't have much silver in his hand, which is just enough. Maybe there are a few friends with similar interests.

In this way, there is no pleasure.

Xie Qi thought slowly. The corners of her mouth raised slightly. She walked through the courtyard and stood in front of a broken wall. As soon as she looked up, she saw the girl in purple sitting at the top of the wall.

Yeli didn't look at him. He raised his hand and threw it down with the leaves.

He looks like an innocent little girl.

Xie Qi looked up at her, smiled and said, "leave, come down."

"You call me down and I'll come down?" Yeli picked a handful of leaves and sprinkled them on his face. His little face was angry. "Who are you?"


Xie Qi just said a word, she interrupted, "don't say it's my family!"

Night Li suddenly broke a branch and held it in his hand, pointing to Xie Qi like holding a sword. "I didn't say you in front of the Imperial Guard's door before, because I still want to save you some face. Xie Qi, your surname is Xie, my surname is night, and there is no blood relationship. What kind of family are you?"

Xie Qi stood in place and let her point at it like this. She was not angry at all. She smiled with a good temper and said, "well, what the master says is what."

"You... Stop calling me master!"

Yeli was confused by his master's cry.

I don't know if it was her illusion. I separated from Xie Qi for a few days and stopped the medicine. He seemed to grow taller.

At first sight, he looks like a young man. Now he is wearing a green dress with a slow belt. He is already an elegant young man with extraordinary bearing.

It may also be that the appearance of the Xie family is more unique. They are so conspicuous and attractive, as if they were born to harm people.

Even if she had often stayed with Xie Qi before, she had seen him clearly from beginning to end. At the moment, she couldn't bear to see a smile in his eyes.

Xie Qi smelled the speech, nodded slightly, and said in a warm voice, "OK."

Night left looked at him condescending, waved the branch in his hand, and whispered, "since you are so obedient, what do you want me to do?"

Xie Qi looked up at her, raised his hand and gently pointed to his heart, "it wants to come to you."

When night fell around, only the stars in his eyes flowed, clear and bright, as if he could look into people's hearts at a glance.

Yeli was seen by him as having some abnormal heartbeat. He snorted coldly, pretended not to care and said, "you learn very fast. If you have the ability, shut up and let it..."

She pointed a branch at Xie Qi's heart, "let it say to me that it misses me, and I'll believe you."

Before the sound fell, suddenly a regiment leaped from the eaves not far away and rushed straight towards the night.

She jumped, leaned forward, and fell all over the wall.

Seeing this, Xie Qi quickly reached out to catch her and quietly held her in her arms.

Yeli's side face was quietly next to his chest, and his right ear was close to his heart.

The night was quiet.

She heard his heart beat like a drum.

Xie Qi lowered his head slightly and said in a warm voice, "do you hear me?"

"My heart is saying that he misses you very much."

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